Assessment program audit tool
For Authority subjects

Legal Studies2013

The purpose of this audit tool is to enable schools to compare the requirements of their assessment program with the minimum assessment requirements of the syllabus, and to subsequently consider possible amendments to their school work program.

Assessment instruments required in Year 12 (including objectives and dimensions assessed) / Conditions required by the syllabus, e.g. word length, time, genre / School assessment instruments(including objectives and dimensions assessed) / Conditions in school work program / Variations
Refer to syllabus verification and post-verification requirements / Refer to the syllabus assessment section / Refer to the school’s approved work program / Refer to the school’s approved work program / How does the school’s assessment program differ from syllabus requirements?
Verification requirements
Minimum of four and maximum of six assessment instruments and relevant student responses.
Each folio must include:
  • evidence of student work from Year 12 only
  • one supervised extended response test (responding
    to an unseen question) assessing all three dimensions
    (see Syllabus section 4.5.3,
    Extended response test)
  • one extended research response or extended response to stimulus assessing all three dimensions
    (see section 4.5.4)
  • one written extended research response (independent inquiry) assessing all three dimensions
    (see section 4.5.4)
/ Syllabus, pp.21–24 / School assessment program
Assessment types — Examination:
This assessment technique is best used to determine student achievement in objectives from the dimensions:
  • Knowing and understanding the law
  • Investigating legal issues
  • Responding to the law.
/ Examinations assess the application of a range of cognition (knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation) to responses completed under supervised conditions.
Types of examinations:
Short response tests typically consist of a number of items that involve students responding to questions.
  • recommended duration of 1.5–2 hours
  • 50–250 words per response.
Extended response tests require students to demonstrate sustained analysis, synthesis and evaluation in their responses.
  • recommended duration of 1.5–2 hours
  • 600–800 words per response

Extended response
This assessment technique is best used to determine student achievement in objectives from the dimensions:
  • Knowing and understanding the law
  • Investigating legal issues
  • Responding to the law.
/ Types of extended response:
Extended research response involves students collecting, selecting, organising and using information that goes beyond the data students have been given and the knowledge they currently possess.
  • Written: 1000–1500 words
  • spoken: 4–5 minutes
  • multimodal: 5–7 minutes.
Independent inquiry is one type of extended research response that must be in the verification folio. It must be written.
Extended response to stimulus involves students applying knowledge and understanding related to
a legal issue or problem. Students respond to a seen question or statement using data, researched information, primary and/or secondary sources.
  • written: 800–1200 words
  • spoken: 4–5 minutes
  • multimodal: 5–7 minutes.

Post-verification requirements
Students are required to complete an assessment response that assesses all three dimensions. / Conditions as above.


Where the school’s assessment plan differs from the minimum syllabus requirements, consider:

  • are these choices the most effective way to gather information about student learning?
  • what is the rationale behind these school decisions?
  • what changes could be made to the school’s work program?

More information

Please email or phone (07) 3864 0375.

Assessment program audit tool
Legal Studies 2013 / Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
November 2014
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