Programming Assignment #2

COP 2120 - Spring 2006

due: 8 Feb 2006 – START of class


. Give the student more experience in creating and running a program.

. Give the student more experience in creating and linking to an external file.

. Give the student more exposure to different terminology, such as source file,

object file, and external file.

. Provide the student a good jumpstart into the programming effort required for this course. Introduce the student to the Net Express IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

. Student is required to develop his/her own input files and source language statements


Your assignment is Program Assignment #2 on page 132-133 of your text book.

Given an understanding of assignment number one, you are to create a data file (discussed below), write the program, and execute to produce the desired output.

Your input file may be named anything you wish as well as your output file. You will need to construct your input file as was done in programming assignment #1. Your output file will be written to disk instead of paper, but it is to be formatted as described in the textbook so that if I printed the results out, it would be formatted as indicated.

Your deliverable folder (see web page for explanatory link) is to include:

1. Grade Sheet

2. Assignment (this page)

3. System Flow Chart

4. Structure Chart (top of page 31.

You may reproduce in Word, etc. and submit)

4. Source Listing

5. Output file

7. Input file (ancillary documentation).

Be certain to see the formatting requirements: tabs, placement of deliverables in folder, etc.)


This program will be worth 85 points. This is an easy way to extend a very good programming grade. Start early.

(Pseudo-code – normally worth 15 points is not required for this program.)

Be sure to adhere to the data name conventions described elsewhere on my web page! Also, try to include flowerboxes. Indentation, data name naming, programming style, etc. will be judged carefully in your source listing grade.


1. For the input file, you will need to add the statement Organization is Line Sequential, as in

Select Employee-Data (you may choose an appropriate name)

Assign to “C:\COP2120\p2\yournameplease\youselectfilename.dat”

Organization is Line Sequential.

Select Payroll-Listing (you may choose an appropriate name)

Assign to “C:\COP2120\p2\yournameplease\youselectfilename.dat”

Organization is Line Sequential.

You will note the changes in these select statements. Rather than write to the printer, merely assign the output to a file, as I indicated above. I can then compile and execute your program and scan the file as printed output.

2. A folder will not be required for this deliverable. But ALL files must be created and moved to your directory: C:\COP2120\p2\yourname. It is best to initially create these file in this directory from the start. Then you will not have to move them. Please note that to create this directory, you need to be at the Local C drive and NOT in My Documents, etc.

3. When creating your own input files, I still recommend that you use Notepad and Courier font, which is NOT a proportional font. In this manner, all characters occupy the same space and will line up.

4. After moving all files to this subdirectory, you will need to zip the directory and send it to me via the digital drop box. You may zip the files in the directory by right clicking and selecting the individual files in this folder and then select Compress Zip, which will compress these files and produce a zip file in this folder. Then, rename this zip file as This is the one you will send to me via the drop box.

5. As has been said in previous emails, using the digital dropbox feature of Blackboard, Send this zip file to me (not Add).

If you have any questions, please email me or ask in class. Start early! You have plenty of time. Don’t wait.