The specifications, requirements and agreements paragraphs below shallbefilledoutbyindicatingeither "YES" or"NO" for eachandevery section/paragraph.Failureto use this formand/or shall becausefor immediaterejection ofanybid.


The followingchassis, pump, andbody specificationsshall be strictlyadhered to.Exceptionsshall beallowed iftheyareequal toor superiorto that specified(asjudgedby the customer), and providedtheyare listed and fullyexplainedon aseparate pageentitled"EXCEPTIONSTOSPECIFICATIONS".Exceptionlistsshallrefertothespecificationpage number.Each checkin the"NO" columnshallbe listedand fullyexplained.Wherenocheckismade inaparticular paragraph with either"YES" or"NO",itshall beassumedthe bidder istakingexceptionto that paragraph. Ifa paragraphcontainsanempty column,where the bidderneglected tocheck the proper"YES"or"NO" column,it isassumed thebidderis notconformingto the requirements ofthisparagraph.Ifnoexplanationisgiveninthe"EXCEPTIONSTOSPECIFICATIONS"document,thebid issubject to immediate rejection.



the intent ofthepurchaser to receivebids that do notrequire telephonecalls orothercommunicationsto ascertainwhat abidder isintending tosupply.

Upondelivery,the apparatus shallbeinspected againstTHESE specificationsand notthose supplied by thebidder with theirproposal. Deviations shall not be acceptableunlesstheywere noted asexceptionsat thetime of bid and the apparatus shall berejecteduntil saiddeviations are correctedto the satisfaction of the buyer.

Decisions regarding equal toor better than, shallbe the soleresponsibility of therecipientof thebids rather thanthose companiessubmitting bids.Alldeviations,regardlessofsignificancemustbeexplainedinthe"EXCEPTIONSTOSPECIFICATIONS"sectionofthebid.

Whenexceptionsare not takenbut inconsistenciesare noted in the submitted detailedspecifications,thebid maybe subject to rejection.


Inthe event the apparatusfailstomeetthetest requirementsof these specificationsonthe first trials, secondtrialsmaybe madeat the option ofthebidderwithin 30days ofthedateofthefirsttrials.

Such trialsshall be final and conclusive andfailureto comply with these requirementsshallbecause for rejection. Failuretocomply withchanges asrequired toconformtoanyclauseof the specificationswithin 30days afternoticeis giventothebidderof suchchanges,shallbe causefor rejectionof the apparatus.

Permissionto keep or store theapparatus inany building owned or occupiedby theDepartmentduring the specified period, withthepermissionof the bidder,shall notconstitute acceptance. No Exceptions.


Theproposedapparatus as describedin this specification document and all relatedmaterialwith thebid package shallmeet or exceedall applicable sections forthecategoryof apparatus as defined byNFPA1901, unless specifically notedwithin thisspecification or other official documents associatedwith thisbid.

Shouldany area, section or portion of the apparatus not meet theintent and applicablerequirements,aclearly defined listing or explanationof what and why compliance wasnotachieved shallbeprovidedtothepurchaser at the timeofdelivery.


The design of theapparatus shall embodythelatest approvedautomotive engineeringpractices. Experimentaldesignsand methodsshall not be acceptable.

The workmanship shall be of thehighestquality in its respectivefield. Specialconsiderationshallbe givento the followingpoints:accessibility of the various unitsthatrequireperiodic maintenance, ease of operation(including both pumping and driving),and symmetrical proportions.


The complete apparatus,assemblies, subassemblies,component parts,and soon, shallbedesignedand constructed withdue consideration to the nature and distribution of theloadto besustained andto thegeneralcharacter ofthe serviceto which the apparatus istobe subjected whenplaced in service.

All parts of the apparatus shall be strongenough to withstand the general service underfull load.Theapparatusshall be so designed thatthe variousparts are readilyaccessible for lubrication, inspection,adjustment and repair.

Theapparatus shall be designedand constructed, and theequipment somounted, withdueconsiderationto distributionoftheloadbetweenthefront andrear axles,andside tosideloadingthat all specifiedequipment, including a full complement ofspecified groundladders,fullwatertank,looseequipment, andfirefighters;shall becarried withoutoverloading or damagingtheapparatus as per requirements defined in NFPA1901.

The main apparatus bodystructureshall have anapproximatewidth of 100"in order tomaximizetheenclosed compartmentspace oftheapparatus.The100" widemeasurementrepresentsthe main bodystructuremeasuredfromthe bottom,outermostrearcornersofthe apparatusbodystructure.Components affixedorfastenedtotheapparatuswill increasethebody width proportionately.


The National FireProtectionAssociation"StandardforAutomotiveFireApparatus",2016edition,is hereby adopted and madea part ofthese specifications, the same as if it werewrittenout in fulldetail, with theexceptionof the section dealing with "EquipmentRecommended for Various TypesofApparatus".Biddersshall provide the equipmentrequestedherein and the buyer shallsupply the rest before theapparatusis put intoservice.Itistheintentofthepurchaser topurchaseanapparatusthat meets100%oftheminimumstandards defined and outlinedin NFPA1901-2016edition.Thereareto benoexceptionstothis requirement.

Specification, Requirements and Agreements

Yes / No

The apparatus, when fullyequipped and loaded,shall be capable of thefollowingperformance while ondry paved roadsthatare ingood condition:
  • Acceleratingfrom 0 to 35 mph(55km/hr) within25 seconds on a0 percent grade.
  • Attainingaspeed of 50 mph(80km/hr) on 0 percent grade.
  • Maintainingaspeedofatleast20mph(32km/hr)onanygradeuptoandincluding6 percent.
  • Themaximumtopspeedoftheapparatusshallnotexceedthetiremanufacturer'smaximumspeedrating for thetiresinstalled ontheapparatus.

The actual overallheight of the vehicleshallbe approximately118"(9'-10") fromtheground.This measurementshall be takenwith thetiresproperlyinflated with theapparatusin theunloaded condition.Theactualmeasurementshall be takenat thehighestpoint oftheapparatus
The actual overalllength of the vehicleshall not exceed 312" (26'-0").
The actual wheelbaseof the vehicleshall be approximately189" (15'-9").
The actual angleof approachofthe vehicleshall be aminimum of28 degrees.
The actual angleof departure ofthe vehicleshall be aminimum of17 degrees.
The chassisshall be a two (2) door FreightlinerM2 106.
AKussmaul,model#091-9B-1,120 voltAir Compressor shallbeinstalled.The systemshallreceive power fromthe120 voltshorelinereceptacle.The compressorshall haveanAC motor operating asinglecylinder air compressordesigned specifically forinstallationon vehicleswith airbrakes.The pump shallautomatically startto maintaintheairbrakepressure.Aheavy dutypressure switchisadjusted tostart the compressorwhenthe systempressuredropsbelow75PSI andstopsthe compressorwhen95PSI is attained.The startup pressure shall be field adjustable; thepressuredifferentialbetweenstart upand stopping isfixed.The compressorrequires noroutinemaintenance.
There shall be four (4)mudflaps providedby theapparatus manufacturer.The mudflapsshallbe aminimum of3/8" thicktoprevent "sailing."
The chassis12voltnon-V-Muxelectrical system willbeintegrated tothe apparatus body12volt V-Muxmultiplexelectricalsystem.
Thedrivelinework connecting the chassis and pump application shall be completed bytheOEMmanufacturer.
Asingle bundle type coolantto water heat exchanger shall be installedbetween theengineand the radiator by the chassis manufacturer.Theheat exchanger shall bedesigned to prohibit water fromthepump from coming in contact with theengine coolant.This shall allow the use of waterfromthedischarge side of the pump to assistin coolingtheengine.
The front and rearwheels shallhavestainlesssteellug nutcovers.Thefront axles shallbecovered with stainlesssteel baby moonswith a hole to view oil sealwindow.The rear axlesshall becovered withfoam mountedstainlesssteelhigh hats.
Thelug nut covers, baby moons and high hats shall beAmericanmadeRealWheelsbrandmirrorfinish, 304Lgrade, noncorrosivestainlesssteelmeeting D.O.T.certification standards.All stainlesssteel baby moons and high hats shallcarrya lifetime warranty.
There shall be one (1) set of air operated On-Spot brand tire chains, six (6) strand, installed on the rear axle of the chassis. The chains shall be capable of being deployed or stowed by the driver without stopping the apparatus or getting under the apparatus. The chain set shall accommodate an apparatus with a single rear axle.
There shall be fulltreadplate step overlaysinstalledon each side of the chassiscab.
The 2-doorcommercialchassisshall haveGrote,model61E41, white4" roundLEDlightsinstalled beneath theapparatus in areaswhere personnel may be expected toclimbon and off of the apparatus.The lights shall illuminatetheground within30" oftheapparatusto provide visibility ofany obstructionsor hazards.
There shall be a pairof battery jumper studsprovidedon thedriver’sside of theapparatus.The studsshall allowthe vehicle to bejump started in anemergencydue tobattery failure.
Thebattery disconnect switchshall be supplied and installed by the chassismanufacturer.
The front bumper shallbe chassissupplied andinstalled.
There shall be asmallmapconsole installed in the chassiscab.The consoleshall be 6"widex 13"long and9" deep.The consoleshallhold two (2)bindersupto 2-1/2" thick.
The mapconsoleshall be constructed of aluminum and shall have an interior andexterior abraded finish.
The mapconsoleshall be mounted behind the floorconsole.The mapconsoleshall bemountedupright, utilizing a"drop-in"styleso the maps are accessible fromthetop.
There shall be aKussmaulPump-Plus1200, model 091-9-1200, combination aircompressor/batterychargerinstalled.The systemshallreceivepowerfromthe 120 voltshorelinereceptacleandbeconnectedtoairbrakesystem andchassisbatteriestomaintainthe vehicle inaconstantstate ofreadiness.The shorelinereceptacleshall beinstalled near thedriver's door step area.
Apressure switchshallmonitorthe chassisairbrake systempressure and shallenergizethe compressor wheneverthepressuredrops below a predeterminedlevel.
TheAutoCharge 1200 is a high output automatic battery charger. Unique electronicsensingcircuitssense thetrue battery voltage while eliminating the need forexternal sensewires. Chargingis completely automatic.The maximum output of the charger is40amperes. When thebatteryis fully charged, allchargingstops.There is noovercharging andno waterboil off.
The indicator shall be mountedremotely fromthe chargerassembly. Connected by 3wiresto thecharger, the indicator shallcontaina bargraph display.Thedisplay shallindicatethe “state ofcharge”and the generalcondition ofthe battery.Anoldor defectivebatteryshall be displayed as alow reading whichremains low afteran extendedchargingperiod.Alow readingshallalso indicate a dischargedbattery.Preciseindications of batteryconditionappear, independent of the distance between the chargerandthedisplay.
There shall be a treadplate cover install over the chassissuppliedKussmaulbatteryconditioner located behind thedriver's seat in the chassiscab.The covershall be openattheendsand have agrate installedto allow airflow.
AflushmountKussmaul20AmpSuperAuto Eject120 Voltshorelinereceptacle,model
#091-55-20-120 shall be installed on thedriver's sideof the chassiscab by thedriver'sdoor.TheAutoEjectis acompletelysealed automatic powerline disconnectto preventcontaminationof the mechanism by road dirt andensureslong reliable life.There shallbean internalcontact arrangementthat opens andcloses the120voltcircuitto eliminatearcing.Areliable, industrial grade connectorspeciallyselected to functionreliablywiththeAutoEjectshall be provided.
There shall be ahazard warning circuit tied to the circuit for the"opendoor"warninglightinthe chassisto alertthedriverofan unsafecondition for movingtheapparatus.Thelight shall be illuminatedautomatically when theparkingbrake is not fullyengaged andanyofthefollowingconditionsexist:
  • Anyequipmentcompartmentdoorthatisnotclosed(excludingcompartmentswith4ft³(0.1m³)orlessofvolume;orhaveanopeningof144squareinches(92,000squaremm)orless;ordoorsthatdoextendsidewaysbeyondthemirrorsorupabove the topofthe fire apparatus).
  • Any ladder or equipmentrack thatisnot in the stowed position.
  • Anydeviceorcomponentthatispermanentlyattachedtotheapparatusthatisopen,extended,ordeployed in amannerthatislikely to causedamage tothe apparatus thathasbeen specified as being tied to thehazard warning circuit.
There shallbeawarning placard nearthe warninglightthat reads"DO NOTMoveApparatusWhenLightIsOn."
There shall be one (1)Streamlight,model 44451, high intensity rechargeable LED FireVulcan® supplied and installed ontheapparatus.TheVulcanshall featureC4® LEDtechnologywith a 50,000 hour lifetime and shall includetwo (2) bright blue LED taillights,utilizingblinkingand steadymodes.TheVulcanshall be orange in color, includeone(1)Vehicle MountSystem (withquick-releasestrap),andshallbewireddirectlytothe chassis batteries.
The mounting locationshall be clarified at preconstruction.
There shall be aKussmaul,model #091-219, 12V USB dual port installed in the chassiscab.Theoutlet shall be battery direct and haveamaximum of a 5-amp fuseprovidedwith thepower circuit.
The mounting locationshall be clarified at preconstruction.
There shall be one (1) 12-volt accessoryoutletprovided.Theoutlet shallconsist of one
hot and one (1) ground 14-gaugewire runfromthebatteries to the specified location.The outlet shall be battery direct and have aminimum of a 20-amp fuseprovidedwiththepower circuit.
The mounting locationshall be clarified at preconstruction.
There shall beafloormountedconsoleprovidedbetweentheofficer anddriver’s seats.The consoleshall beused for mounting of sirencontrols and departmentsuppliedradioequipment.The consoleshall be covered with BlackLine-X, a thermoplasticpolyurethane coating.
There shall be aswitch panel provided between thefrontbucketseats in the cab.Thepanelshall be large enough toaccommodatetwelve(12)separateswitches.
There shall be one (1) 8" dome light with switch installed in the chassiscab.Thedomelightshall be supplied with red lens toreadily illuminate theinterior without significantlyreducingthenight visioncapabilities of theoccupants.
Thereshall beaWeldonTechnologiesseries 6444Vehicle Data Recorder (VDR) installedin the chassiscabto collect essential informationin order to assistin the trainingandsafety efforts ofthe department.The VDR shallbecapableofrecording100enginehoursworth of minute-by-minute information.The VDR shall be password protected bytheuser in order to preventdata tamperingby unapprovedpersonnel.The collected data shall be easily extracted by astandardmini USB cable.Thedata collected shall includethefollowing:
  • Vehiclespeed(mph)
  • Acceleration(mph/sec)
  • Deceleration (mph/sec)
  • Enginespeed(RPM)
  • Enginethrottleposition (%of fullthrottle)
  • Anti-lock brakingsystem(on/off)
  • Seat occupied status(Occupied:yes/nobyposition)
  • Seat beltstatus(Buckled:yes/nobyposition)
  • Masteroptical warningdeviceswitch (on/off)
  • Time(24 hourclock)
  • Date (year/month/day)

There shall be anindicator module locatedwithin view forthe driveror officerto easilyseewhich seatsare occupied and to insure that seatbelts arebeing utilized.
Agreen signal indicatesthe seatis occupiedand the seatbelt is properlyfastened.Aredsignalindicatesthatthe seat is occupied;however, the seatbelt is not fastened.Whenthe seat is vacant the signalshall not be illuminated.
Each tire shall be equipped with avisualindicator to monitor tirepressure.Thetirepressureindicator will displaythefollowing:
  • Green – tireis properlyinflated,
  • Half green/half red– tireis approximately10% under inflated,
  • Red – tireis 20% or more under inflated.

There shall be one(1) 2-1/2 lb.BC DOTapproved fire extinguisher shippedloose in thecaboftheapparatus.
There shall bearoadsafetykitprovidedwiththeapparatus.The kitshallconsistof three
(1)DOTapproved reflectivetriangles.
The lower rear of the chassiscab wall shallbe covered with an aluminumtreadplateoverlay.The overlay shallstartat the bottom ofthe rear windowand continuedownwardtothe floor.
The apparatus shallbe equipped witha United PlasticFabricating1000 U.S.gallonwatertank. Certificationofthetank capacityshallbe recordedonthe manufacturer'srecordof constructionand shallbe providedtothepurchaser upon delivery of theapparatus.The UPF®watertankshallbeconstructedof1/2"thickPT2E™polypropylenesheetstock.This materialshallbeanon-corrosive stressrelieved thermoplastic,black incolor, and U.V.stabilized for maximumprotection.
The booster tank shall beof aspecificconfigurationand shall be sodesignedto becompletelyindependentof thebody and compartments.Alljoints and seamsshall benitrogenwelded andtestedfor maximumstrength andintegrity.Thetop of theboostertankshallbefittedwithremovableliftingeyesdesignedwitha3to1safetyfactortofacilitateeasy removal.
The transverseswashpartitionsshallbemanufacturedof3/8"PT2E™ polypropylene(naturalin color) andextend fromapproximately 4" off the floor to justunder thecover.The longitudinal swashpartitions shallbeconstructedof 3/8"PT2E polypropylene(naturalin color)and extendto the floor ofthetank throughthe cover toallow for positiveweldingand maximumintegrity.Allpartitionsshall be equipped with vent andair holes topermitmovement of air and water betweencompartments.Thepartitions shall bedesigned to provide maximum waterflow.All swash partitions shallinterlockwith oneanotherandbewelded toeachother aswellas tothe walls ofthe tank.
There shall beone (1)sump in the bottom ofthewater tank.The sumpshall beconstructedof1/2"polypropylene andshallbelocatedinthe leftfront quarterofthe tank.Onalltanksthat requireafront suction,a4"schedule40 polypropylene pipeshall beinstalledthat willincorporate adiptube fromthe front ofthetank tothe sumplocation.
The sumpshall be used as acombinationclean-out and drain.Alltanksshall have ananti-swirl plate located approximately2" above the sump to pre-vent air frombeingentrained in thewater while pumping.
All tank fillcouplingsshallbe backedwith flow deflectors to break up the stream of waterenteringthe tank,andshallbe capableof withstandingsustainedfillratesof upto1,000GPM.
The tank lidshallbeconstructedof1/2" thickPT2E™ polypropylene toincorporate amultithree-piecelockingdesignthatallowsforindividual removaland inspection ifnecessary.Thetanklid shall be recessed3/8" fromthetopof thetank and shall beweldedtoboth sidesand longitudinal partitions for maximumintegrity.Eachoneof thelidsshall have holddowns consisting of 2"polypropylenedowels spacedamaximum of30" apart.Thesedowels shall extend throughthe covers and shall assist in keeping thecoversrigid underfast fillingconditions.Aminimum oftwoliftingdowels shallbe drilledandtapped1/2" x 13" toaccommodatethelifting eyes.
The water tank cradleshall be an integralpart of thebody sub-frame. Pleasereferencethe sub-framesection for complete water tank mounting information.
There shall bea 1-1/2"drain valve provided under the sump of the water tank.The valveshallinclude alockinglevertoprevent accidentaldraining ofthewatertank.
The tank shall have acombinationvent and manualfill tower marked"Water Fill."The filltower shallbeconstructedof 1/2"PT2E™ polypropylene andshall beaminimumdimension of8"x 8"attheouterperimeter.Thetower shallbe locatedintheleftfrontcornerof the tank.The tower shall havea 1/4"thickremovablepolypropylene screenandaPT2E™ polypropylenehinged-type cover.The filltower shall bebluein color.
There shallbe one(1) InnovativeControlsSLPlusTank LevelMonitorSystemprovidedonthe pump operator'scontrol panel.The systemshall include one (1)electronicdisplaymodule(s),astainlesssteel pressuretransducersender unit, and thenecessarywiringwithwater-tight plugterminationsthat do not requiresealing grease.
The master display moduleshallshow thetanklevel using 16 super-bright easy-to-seeLEDs.Tank level indication shall beachievedby theappropriateilluminationof4horizontalrows of LEDs, with 4 LEDs per row. Fullandnear-full levels shall be indicatedwiththeillumination of all4rows ofLEDs, including theillumination of the top row of4greenLEDs.Tanklevelsbetween ½and ¾full shall beindicated withtheilluminationofthe bottom 3rows of LEDs,includingtheillumination of thetop row of 4blue LEDs.Tanklevels between ¼and ½ full shall be indicatedwith theillumination of thebottom2rowsofLEDs, including theilluminationofthetop row of 4amber LEDs.Tank levelsbetween
¼fulland nearempty shall beindicated with the illuminationof the bottom row of4redLEDs only. Tank levelsbetween near empty and empty shall be indicated by flashing thebottomrow of4red LEDs.
The master display shall have a backlit area aboveat thetopwith illuminatedwater iconandabacklitarea atthe bottom withilluminated OEMlogo.
Awide-angle polycarbonatediffusionlens infront of the LEDs shallproduce a 180°viewing angle.Theelectronicdisplay moduleshall be waterproof and shockresistantbeing encapsulatedin a urethane-basedpotting compound.Thepotted displayelectronics shallbe integraltoachrome-platedpanel-mount reflectorthat is securedtothe apparatus panel with 4screws installedfromtheinside of thepanel.
All programming functionsshallbe accessed and performedfromthe frontoftheinstalled master display module with amagnet.Theprogramming shall include manualorself-calibrationforanystyletank.
The installed SLPlus systemshall include two (2)IC SLPlus MonsterLight slavedisplays.There shall be one (1) display mounted onthedriver's side of thepump moduleandone (1)mounted on theofficer's side ofthepump module. Each monster light shallhave64 super-bright LEDs in 4discrete groupingsof 16 LEDs percolor.These coloredLEDgroupings shallmimicthefunctionalityof the masterdisplay.
The tank shall be equipped with aminimum ofa 4" schedule 40 polypropyleneoverflow/air vent pipe.Thepipe shall be installed in the fill towerand extend throughthetankanddumptothe rearof the rear axle.
There shall be one(1) United PlasticFabricating20 U.S.gallon foam cellincorporatedintothewatertank.There shallbe one (1)pressure/vacuum vent installedon thefoamtank.There shallbe one(1) drain hoseconnected tothefoam cell.Thedrainshall havea quarter-turn valve installed inside thepump compartment and it shall drain below theframe rail ofthe chassis.
Class"A" foam shallbeutilized.
The foamtank shall have amanualfilltower.The fill tower shall beconstructed of 1/2"PT3™ polypropylene and shallbeaminimumdimensionof8"x 8"outerperimeter. Eachfoam fill tower shall be constructed of ayellowcoloredmaterial indicatingwhich toweristoreceive eachtypeof foam utilized.The capacityof thetank shall be engraved on thetop of the fill tower lid.The tower shallbe located inthe rightfront cornerof the tankunless otherwise specified.Thetower shall have a 1/4" thickremovable polypropylenescreenand astainlesssteel hinged-typecover. Insidethe filltower,approximately1.5”downfrom thetop, there shallbean anti-foamfill tube thatextendsdownto the bottomofthe tank.Apressure vacuumventshallbe provided inthelidofthe filltower.
There shallbeone(1) InnovativeControlsSLPlusTank LevelMonitorSystemforindicating ClassAfoam levelprovidedonthe pump operator'scontrolpanel.The systemshall includeone (1) electronicdisplay module,astainlesssteel pressuretransducersenderunit, and the necessarywiring withwater-tight plug terminationsthatdo notrequiresealing grease.
The master display moduleshallshow thefoamtanklevel using 16 super-bright easy-to-seeLEDs.Tank level indication shall beachievedby theappropriateilluminationof4horizontalrows of LEDs, with 4 LEDs per row. Fullandnear-full levels shall be indicatedwiththeillumination of all4rows ofLEDs, including theillumination of the top row of4greenLEDs.Tanklevelsbetween ½and ¾full shall beindicated withtheilluminationofthe bottom 3rows of LEDs,includingtheillumination of thetop row of 4blue LEDs.Tanklevels between ¼and ½ full shall be indicatedwith theillumination of thebottom2rowsofLEDs, including theilluminationofthetop row of 4amber LEDs.Tank levelsbetween
¼fulland nearempty shall beindicated with the illuminationof the bottom row of4redLEDs only. Tank levelsbetween near empty and empty shall be indicated by flashing thebottomrow of4red LEDs.