Featherstone Primary & Nursery School Application Form for Voluntary Workers

Surname / Other Names
Permanent Address
(incl. post code)
Home telephone / Photo of volunteer
Mobile Number
Date of Birth
Do you have a current (less than 2 yrs old) DBS check? / Have you ever been the subject of a disciplinary hearing, safeguarding or child protection allegation? If yes, please provide details
Have you ever had (or current pending) any criminal convictions of any sort? If so, please state: / Is there any reason why you may be considered unsuitable to work, interact with or have contact with children?
When can you start? / What is the minimum length of time that you would like to volunteer? / .
What type of voluntary work would you like to do? / Which Year group/age would you like to work with?
What days can you work? / What time can you start and finish?
Are there any medical details/conditions that you feel the school should be aware of? / Next of Kin
(Name + Relationship to you + Telephone Numbers
What other skills, strengths, training, interests, hobbies etc do you have that you could offer the school or that could potentially benefit the children?
Referee 1
Name / Referee 2
Role or Position / Role or Position
Full Address / Full Address
Email Address / Email Address
Telephone Numbers / Telephone Numbers
Fax Number / Fax Number

I agree to read and follow all the guidelines as set out in the The Staff Code of Conduct, The School’s Mission Statement and Values, The Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and any other policy/document that I am asked to read and abide by. I agree to keep all matters relating to my placement confidential and will only share information regarding the placement or any of the children on a strictly need to know basis only. I agree to follow all instructions and carry out all tasks given to me as instructed. I agree to behave and act in a professional manner at all times and will not question or attempt to interfere with or undermine school policy or practice. I will be friendly, courteous, reliable, punctual and maintain a 90%+ attendance rate. I understand that my voluntary placement may be terminated if I do not meet the expectations of the school, fail to fully adhere to the guidance above or fail to follow or carry out any of the school’s policies, procedures or guidelines.

Signed ……………………… Date …………….

Applicant interviewed by ……………………………. Date: ……………………………..

Has the applicant provided a CV?

Is the applicant requesting a voluntary placejment in order to fulfill the requirements of a training course or qualification?

If yes, please ask the applicant to provide the following details

Name of course:

Name & Address of instituiton:

Name of course contact/tutor:

What is the school expected to do? (e.g. mentor/train, lesson observations, attend meetings, write reports or keep written records, etc..)


Is the applicant fully aware of the school’s high expectations regarding conduct, performance and attitude?

Has the applicant read and signed the agreement and is aware that the placement will be immediately terminated if he/she fails to adhere to the agreement?

Is the applicant aware that the school will need to see an original DBS and receive two good references (not personal referees) before the placement can begin?