Town of Shallotte

Planning Board Meeting

August 14, 2012

6:30 PM

The Shallotte Planning Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting on August10, 2012 at the Shallotte Town Hall Meeting Chambers with Chairman Gene Vasile presiding.

Members Present:Justin Whiteside, Ted Narazinski, Evelyn Madison, Gene VasileandElwood Cheers;

Members Absent: Dennis Winters, Derek Danford and alternate Tim Gore

Staff Present: Allen Serkin and Debra White

Aldermen Liaison:Jimmy Bellamy

1.Call to Order

Gene Vasile called the meeting to order.

2.Agenda Amendments: None

3.Public Comments:None

4.Approval of Minutes

Evelyn Madison motioned to approve the July 10, 2012 minutes as read; seconded byEvelyn Madison. The motion passed 5yes 0 no.

5.(Planning and Zoning # 12-0029) Ocean City Chevrolet Conditional Use Permit & Plan Amendment - Gary Younts, president of Baden Investments d.b.a. Ocean City Chevrolet, request conditional use and site plan amendment to construct a 7,394 SF addition to the existing 12,169 SF auto dealership located at 2366 Ocean Highway West (1820008503).

a)Recommend approval of the site plan amendment andconditional use permit.

Action Taken:

Justin Whiteside motioned that the Shallotte Planning Board approve the Condition Use Standards. Motion seconded by Evelyn Madison. The motion passed 5 yes no.

Justin Whiteside recommended approval to the Board of Aldermen for the Conditional Use Permit. Motion seconded byEvelyn Madison. The motion passed 5 yes 0 no.

6.(Planning and ZoningUDO Review) Article 21– Sign Regulations, Continued reevaluation of the Sign Regulations in UDO Article 21, focusing on the Central Business District, Commercial Waterfront, and Office & Institutional districts.

The Planning Board discussed combining Central Business, Commercial Waterfront and Office & Institutional and requested that staff create a draft agenda to present at the next Planning Board meeting.No action was taken.

7.(Planning and Zoning) Discussion Items

A staff report providing a summary of major activities and general information from the Board of Aldermen in the past month was presented to the Planning Board.


Justin Whitesidemade a motion to adjourn, seconded byTed Narazinski. The motion passed 5yes 0 no.

Respectfully Submitted,


Debra White,

Planning BoardClerk