Illustrated Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a

Illustrated Word 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a

College Advisor


“Detailed Teaching Instructions” have been prepared for NGU students to enhance the learning experience. Red, green (for MAC users), and italic text are additional details to the SAM instruction documents designed to “teach” as you work. The italic and red words are the words your instructor would likely speak while demonstrating the skill in a classroom setting.

There is usually more than one way to complete a task. Your instructions will indicate one method; however, you should never be afraid to experience with other shortcuts to accomplish the same task. When in doubt, just google for answers!

PC users will find many additional commands and options from the dialog box launchers that appear in the lower right corner of many ribbon groups. Click the button for a dialog box to reveal additional choices.

MAC users should turn on Ribbon Group Names if you have not already done so. Move the mouse pointer to the top left of the screen. Click Word/Preferences. Click View, check “Show group titles.” Once you turn on group titles, the titles will appear across the bottom of the ribbon and will remain until you turn them off again. The “Detailed Teaching Instructions” will mention group names to make it easier for you to find commands.

MAC users will find many additional commands and options from the Menu Bar that appears across the top of the page when the mouse pointer is moved to that area. Move the mouse pointer to the top left and watch for the menu bar to appear.

The SAM account is designed primarily for PC use; however, your instructor has included details for use with MAC computers. Using a PC type keyboard and mouse will make some steps easier and will allow you to use certain PC keyboard and mouse shortcuts. If you have problems using a MAC for your SAM projects, you should use a PC on campus.


GETTING STARTED (Go to your SAM Account Activity List and select the link for this project, click Start)

  • Open the file IL_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_1.docx, available for download from the SAM website.
  • Save the file as IL_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_2.docx by changing the “1” to a “2”.
  • If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
  • With the file IL_WD16_4a_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer.
  • If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.


  1. You work part-time for Nina Patel, a certified financial planner. She wrote a report for her clients that provides money management guidelines for college students. To begin formatting the report, set the Top and Bottom margins to 0.75" to provide more space for content.

Instructor Explanation: In Word, you can customize or choose predefined margin settings. By default, Word automatically sets a one-inch page margin around each page. You also can set margins for facing pages, allow extra margin space to allow for document binding, and change how margins are measured.

Here’s How:

On the Layout Ribbon, Page Setup Group, click the Margins Button

Click Custom Margins

Change Top and Bottom to .75

Click OK

  1. Insert a page number field using the Accent Bar 2 page number from the Top of Page gallery. Close the Header & Footer Tools.

Instructor Explanation: The header is a section of the document that appears in the top margin, and the footer is a section of the document that appears in the bottom margin. Headers and footers may contain information such as page numbers, dates, and names. Having headers and footers helps to keep long documents organized and make them easier to read. Text entered in the header or footer will appear on every page of the document. Headers and footers can be built from scratch, or you can use one of the predefined built-in headers as this step requires. (MAC users do not have the same predefinedbuilt-in headers as the PC user)

Here’s how:

On the Insert Ribbon, Header & Footer Group, click Page Number, Top of Page, Accent Bar 2 (MAC users click Insert Ribbon, Page Number, Page Number, Position: Top of Page, OK)

In the ribbon area, click Close Header & Footer (MAC users click OK)

  1. To prepare to format a section of the report in two columns, insert a Continuous section break in the following locations in the document:
  2. On page 1, before the heading “Money Management 101”
  3. On page 2, before the “[Works Cited list here]” text

Instructor Explanation: Word allows section breaks to break up a document so you can apply different settings within the sections. In this case, you are preparing to create columns in a section of the document. Then you can create different formatting, like columns, in the section area.

Here’s how:

On the Home Ribbon, Paragraph Group, click the Show/Hide Button to turn on non-printing paragraph and formatting marks

Click just before the M in Money Management 101

On the Layout Ribbon, Page Setup Group, click the Insert Page and Section Breaks Button

Under Section Breaks, click Continuous (You will see a double dotted line indicating the break

On page 2, click just before the “[Works cited list here]” text

On the Layout Ribbon, Page Setup Group, click the Insert Page and Section Breaks Button

Under Section Breaks, click Continuous

  1. Format the section you just created as follows:
  2. On page 1, format the section you created beginning “Money Management 101” and ending “…problems and limitations.” (including the final paragraph mark) into two columns.
  3. Set the Spacing between columns to 0.3".

Instructor Explanation: The section breaks you previously entered will contain the two-column formatting within the section.

Here’s how:

Click just before the M in Money Management on page 1

On the Layout Ribbon, Page Setup Group, click the Columns Button

Select Two Columns

Click the Columns Button again

Click More Columns, and change the spacing to .3

Click OK

  1. On page 1, insert a footnote as follows:
  2. Find the sentence “The following table displays three scenarios.”, then move the insertion point after the period.
  3. Insert a footnote with the following complete sentence:

Each scenario requires a separate savings amount.

Instructor Explanation: The footnote will appear at the bottom of the current page. Just so you’ll know, an endnote appears at the end of the document.

Here’s how:

In the third paragraph, find the sentence “The following table displays three scenarios”

Click to position the insertion point just after the period in the sentence

On the References Ribbon, Footnotes Group, click the Insert Footnote Button

In the footnote area, type: Each scenario requires a separate savings amount.

(Include the period when you type the sentence)

  1. On page 1, format the table after the “Savings Table” heading as follows:
  2. Apply the List Table 3 – Accent 3 style to the table.
  3. Format the table toAutoFit Contents.
  4. Align the “Desired Goal” and “Monthly Amount” columns using the Align Top Center option.

Instructor Explanation: Tables are an element in Word used to present information in columns and rows. You designate the number of columns and rows needed and begin to format the table to look the way you need it.

Here’s how:

Click in the table on page 1

Hover the mouse over the upper left corner selection button and click to select the table

On the Table Design Ribbon, Table Styles Group, click the drop-down arrow in the Styles Gallery

Select List Table 3 – Accent 3

On the Layout Ribbon, Cell Size Group, click the AutoFit Button, select AutoFit contents

Position the mouse pointer over the top of the 2nd column until you see the black down-pointing arrow

Drag to select columns 2 and 3

On the Layout Ribbon, Alignment Group, click Align Top Center

Turn off the non-printing character marks by clicking the Show/Hide button in the Paragraph Group of the Home Ribbon

  1. On page 2, insert a table in the blank paragraph after the “Balanced Budget Table” heading as follows:
  2. Insert a table with two columns and three rows.
  3. Enter the data shown in Table 1 below.

Instructor Explanation: Now that you have seen a table, let’s learn how to insert a table. Use the tab key to move around in the table.

Here’s how:

On page 2, click in the blank row under “Balance Budget Table”

On the Insert Ribbon, Tables Group, click the Table Button

Use the grid to create a table with two columns and three rows

Enter the data shown below (Press the Tab key to move from cell to cell within the table)

Table 1: Balanced Budget Table

  1. You will work with citations and sources to show Nina Patel’s references. First, change the Citations & Bibliography Style to MLA.

Instructor Explanation: Word has tools to help you with many document formatting styles, and if you write a formal paper, you’ll be required to include citations and a bibliography. You will be happy to learn that Word includes tools to help you get the job done and offers many different formats to help you use the style you need.

Here’s how:

On the References Ribbon, citations & Bibliography Group, click the drop-down arrow to the right of Style, select MLA

  1. On page 2, after the “Tracking Cash Expenditures” heading, enter a citation to a new source as follows:
  2. Move the insertion point before the colon in the text “Following are tips from the Financial Planning Association:”.
  3. Insert a citation to a new source using the information shown in Table 2 below.

Instructor Explanation: You willcreate a source and insert a citation for the source.

Here’s how:

Click to position the insertion point just before the colon after “Following are tips from the Financial Planning Association”

On the References Ribbon, Citations & Bibliography Group, click the Insert Citation Button, select Add New Source

Enter the information from the table shown below (MAC users do not have a space for Medium)

Click OK when done (If you close the Add New Source dialogue box before you are done; on the References Ribbon, Citations & Bibliography, click Manage Sources, select the source and click edit)

Table 2: New Source

Type of Source / Journal Article
Author / Reid, Martin
Title / Credit Card Health
Journal Name / Business Today
Year / 2019
Pages / 20-39
Medium / Print
  1. Edit the citation you just entered to use 24 as the page number.

Here’s how:

Right-click in the citation (MAC users Control/Click or tap two fingers in the lower part of the track pad)

Select Edit Citation

In Pages, type: 24

Click OK

  1. Delete the Ferguson, Miles source in the Current List of sources because it is not used in the document.

Here’s how:

On the References Ribbon, citations & Bibliography Group, click Manage Sources (MAC users click Citations)

Select the Ferguson source from the current list and click Delete (MAC users click the – button at the bottom)

Click Close

  1. Move the insertion point directly before the text “[Works Cited list here],” then insert a page break.

Instructor Explanation: A page break will move the text from that point to the next page.

Here’s how:

Click to position the insertion point just before the text “[Works Cited list here]”

On the Layout Ribbon, Page Setup Group, click the Insert Page and Section Breaks Button

Select Page

  1. Insert a bibliography to provide a list of sources as follows:
  2. Select the paragraph “[Works Cited list here].”
  3. Insert a Bibliography using the built-in Works Cited style.

Instructor Explanation: Word will automatically insert a Bibliography based on the sources you have set up for the document. You will notice there were other citations already entered when you opened the document. Those citations will also appear in the Works Cited Bibliography.

Here’s how:

Triple-click to select the paragraph “[Works Cited list here]”

On the References Ribbon, Citations & Bibliography Group, click Bibliography

Click in the Works Cited section

You will want to practice and get comfortable using the Citations and Bibliography tools in Word. You will find them to be a true advantage when writing papers!

Your document should look like the Final Figure on the following pages. Save your changes, close the document, then exit Word. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

Final Steps

Check and compare your completed document to the Final Figure at the end of this document

Save the document to update the changes you have made (If you saved and named the documentproperly from the beginning instructions you can click the Save Button – or – Ctrl/S or MAC users Command/S)

Close the document

From the SAM Project Start panel in the SAM account, browse to select the file
(If necessary, you can reopen the start panel by going back to the SAM Activity List and selecting the project name)

Verify the name of the file is exactly as shown to the left of the browse button

Occasionally the words “Copy of” will appear before the file name. If so, you will need to rename the file and delete “Copy of” from the file name.

Select the file

Submit the project and verify the submission by the three green checkmarks

Close the “Assignment Submitted” panel

In the SAM account, go to the Gradebook, select your section, and locate the submitted project to view the grade

If your score was not 100%, go to Reports

Locate the most recently submittedproject and click to open the grade report

Review the report for errors

In some of your projects, the scoring has been disabled for tasks requiring specific colors or themes. If you do not select the specified choice due to the choice being not available on your system, the report will show that step in red. However, you will notice to the right side that it is scoring 0 of 0 points. In those cases, the choice you made will not count against you.

To make corrections and resubmit:

For addition instruction and training, locate the most recently submitted project under Reports and click the “Study Guide” button to the far right

Review the training for instruction to correct any errors (Use the Remediation column for textbook instruction and the Training column for video training

Make the corrections in the original document and Save the document

Close the document

Resubmit the project

You have three submissions for each project. The highest grade will be recorded in the gradebook. After the due date or after three submissions, the project will no longer be available in the SAM activity list. If you do not submit the project, your grade will be “0” and will appear as soon as the due-date for the project has expired.

Reminder: Once you submit a project for the first time, use the “Study Guide” button in the Reports section for instruction to learn the specific tasks you need to know. Use the links in the “Remediation” column for textbook information, and the links in the “Training” column for video demonstrations. After making the corrections and submitting a second time, if you still have questions, write your instructor and explain your questions. You shouldattempt to make the corrections on your second submission BEFORE contacting your instructor.

Final Figure