St. Gianna minutes November 19, 2016

Prayer to St. John Paul II, the Pope for Life

Financial Report $189.86 Present: Bob, Jennifer, Bettye, Esther, Joe and Phyllis

1.”Criterion” article of Dr. Deisher (Nov. 11, 2016) when she gave her presentation on 10/22/16

2. We had two inserts in bulletin regarding the USCCB’s “Forming Consciences” but our free page in bulletin was not allowed per Fr. Tom-as suppose too many references to abortion being the #1 issue for voters in the Trump/Clinton election.

3. National Night of Prayer- Prayers of Our Lady of Guadalupe for the unborn Dec. 8-9 from 9:00 -1:00 am. --- Spiritual Life Committee -still has questions as Adoration (for first time) is ongoing during that same time-shouldn’t be a problem with Rosaries and Litanies.

Bridget presented info about Marian Priest from Stockbridge, MA, Fr. Mark Barron as possible Divine Mercy Sunday priest for weekend or Day of Reflection. Need to get all that set up asap.

Kroger and Jay C have percentages each quarter given to charitable organizations. I suggested our group but St. Paul is already doing this. Would be a conflict for us to do so.

4. “Portrait of Divine Mercy” to be shown at Calumet Club on Dec. 11, 2016 - 2-5 pm. Free- open to all, donations for Center in Lithuania. May need help with set-up, driving to/from. All parishes in New Albany deanery got bulletin info and signs.

5. Kristina will provide me with lists of adults- special-needs in our parish.- gifts from St. Gianna.

6. Parish Council on Nov. 22, 7 pm wants to know about all our fundraisers for year 2017. We have nearly every month filled with activities for life.

7.Beautiful Baby Banner from So. IN RTL borrowed for cemetery cross display; will purchase from them for reasonable price between $50- $75.

8. New President chosen for St. Gianna Culture of Life-Joe Lynch by unanimous votes. Jennifer nominated him, Esther seconded. We all agreed on Joe as our new President. Joe is a very dedicated man to the sanctity of life. He stands/prays at abortion clinic, especially 40 days for Life, has involvement with St. Vincent de Paul, knows the grass cutters well, Rosary leader, dedicated husband and father and faithful Catholic man. We will begin a new phase for life under the leadership of Joe. Thanks for accepting Presidency!!!!

Prayer of Consecration