Runnymede Civic Centre
Station Road
KT15 2AH
Tel: 01932 838383
P Turrell BSc (Hons), MBA
Chief Executive
When calling please contact:
Mr R Curtis
Direct Line: 01932 425650
Fax: 01932 838384

Date: 29 November 2018

Dear ,

Polling Districts and Polling Places Review

To comply with the Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places (Parliamentary Elections) Regulations 2006, every council in England and Wales must undertake a review of all of the polling districts and polling places in its area by Friday 30 December 2011 with our review formally starting on Friday 1 July 2011.

Because you have expressed an opinion on polling places currently located within the Borough either at the last review or following recent elections we invite you to send us any observations that you may have for the Council to take into consideration.

Although the review is of polling districts and polling places it is accepted that polling stations are inexorably linked to the review and comments are invited re those stations currently used and/or any suggested alternatives ensuring that:

  1. Electors have such reasonable facilities for voting as are practicable in the circumstances, and
  2. As far as is reasonable and practicable, that polling places are accessible to all electors, including those who are disabled, and when designating a polling place, have regard to the accessibility needs of disabled persons.

All current arrangements, including maps of the existing polling district boundaries and locations of polling stations, can be found on the council’s interactive internet map (RIMS Main Site) and the Electoral Services page at the following links.

The Internet site will enable you to closely scrutinise existing boundaries on a scale far more detailed than our printed maps with colour, zoom, panning and search facilities. You will also be able to print off any particular section that you may be interested in to a scale that will suit.

If you do not have access to the internet you may request printed copies of the individual Wards from the Elections Team on 01932 425650.

Unfortunately, these maps do not offer the same amount of detail.

If you choose to contribute and comment on the existing arrangements or wish to propose alternative arrangements you will need to do so in writing by the Wednesday 31 August 2011 to the Council at the following address.

Mr P Turrell BSc (Hons), MBA

Chief Executive

Civic Centre

Station Road


KT15 2AH

Once the process has been concluded the final proposals will be considered by Council on the Thursday20 October 2011with any amendments implemented onto the Register of Electors by the Electoral Registration Officer on Thursday 1 December 2011, the annual publication date.

Please note: Any observations made will form part of the public consultation and will be formally published along with all representations received. Personal data e.g. your name and address will be excluded from the review conclusion made available to the public

Please do not hesitate to contact the Electoral services team if you have any questions

Yours Sincerely,

Robert Curtis

Electoral Services Manager