Qualification or Competency

/ Certificate III in Box Preparation BXZ 245
This Assessment plan is to be completed with the assessor.
Your assessor will discuss the following areas with you. They should be ticked off once you are confident that you have understood the information and procedures regarding this assessment.
ü Purpose and outcomes of the assessment process
ü Relevant units of competency
ü Appeals process
ü Confidentiality and security of information
ü Special needs/Additional information

Candidate’s Name


Jacob Karlov

/ Phone No. / 9229 5299

Assessor’s Name

/ Stephanie Mills / Phone No. / 9333 0011

Employer Contact Details

/ nFinity Marketing / Phone No. / 9333 0000

Location of Assessment

/ nFinity Marketing, main storage facility

Assessment Date

/ 11 October 2009 /


/ 11 am

Industry Specialist if required.

/ N/A
Purpose of Assessment:
To establish validation of competency for the candidate against the standards in the units detailed within this assessment plan.
Unit/s of Competency:
Element / Performance Criteria to be assessed are:
BXZ245 Packing the box / 1.1 Divide boxes into the correct shipping sizes and quantities
1.2 Arrange boxes in the correct manner for optimum safety
1.3 Package boxes according to OH&S and product safety
1.4 Seal package to manufacturing standards
Conditions of Assessment (Context):
Assessment to be conducted within candidate’s own workplace, and involves tasks with which the candidate is familiar from his role as an employee at nFinity Marketing.
Assessment Instructions to the candidate:
As described during pre-assessment meeting with the candidate on 4 October 2009.
ASSESSMENT TASKS: / Brief Description of Tasks required during the gathering or evidence or during assessment.
The candidate will provide evidence of:
·  demonstrating correct handling of product– considering all OHS
·  preparing site for product distribution
·  correct placement of boxes into containers
·  correct use of all PPE
·  packing boxes correctly
·  sealing containers correctly.
Methods of Assessment (Delete methods not required) / To demonstrate competence in this unit you are required to complete the following assessment tasks: Remove any tasks (ie if assessment is conducted as a whole of workplace duties observation) or add more tasks if required
Portfolio / N/A
Practical Demonstration / ü
Written Assessment / N/A
Questionnaire - Oral or written to assess underpinning knowledge / ü (see question bank)
Observation/Performance Checklists for demonstration practical skills / ü
Supplementary Evidence (Third party & Workplace Documents. When and if applicable) / N/A
Resource requirements for assessment:
For the Assessment of this unit of competency the following resources may be required:
As provided at the candidate’s workplace.
Supplementary Evidence (to be provided by candidate as agreed upon)
Employability Skills
Employability Skills at __(see competency standards)_____ Level have been integrated into the assessments which relate to this unit of competency and this assessment plan
Allowable Adjustments:
Date of assessment:
Assessment will take place at a mutually agreed time between the candidate and the assessor.
DATE: 11 October 2009, 11 am
Assessor/s signature: / Date: 5 October 2009
In signing this form the candidate acknowledges that s/he is ready for assessment and that the assessment process has been fully explained. The assessment information gathered (including candidate name, but no other personal details) will be used by the training organisation for specific record keeping purposes.
Candidate signature confirms understanding and agreement with the assessment process.
Assessment Complaint/Appeal ProcedureCandidates have the right to challenge the assessment decision made by the assessor. The following steps are to be followed if a candidate wishes to exercise this right.
1.  The candidate should first discuss his/her opinions with the assessor. If still not satisfied with the decision the candidate may appeal to his/her Supervisor. He/she must notify the assessor of the intention to appeal.
2.  The Supervisor will notify the Coordinator that an appeal has been lodged.
3.  The Supervisor will collect information from the candidate and assessor and give a decision.
4.  A record of the appeal and any subsequent actions and findings will be made.
Candidate’s signature: / Date: 5 October 2009