Final Written Assignment - DUE end of the course.

A Final Written Assignment worth a possible 100 points is required by all students.

Prepare a Case Study Report

Case studies are a long-standing method used in management courses to help students connect the theoretical models and principles learned in a course with their application to real world situations. By examining cases that focus on problems and opportunities facing the firm, you will gain a deeper appreciation of both good and poor management decision-making practice.

You need to prepare a case study report (1200 to 1500 words). Good reports will NOT repeat the facts presented in the case documents. Instead you should focus on analysis of only those facts that relate to the primary problem or opportunity and recommendations about what actions to take.


You should begin with an introductory paragraph that describes the firm in basic terms and the focus of concern. For example, a bricks and mortar Vermont retailer of uniquely designed ski sweaters and other fashions is considering setting up a website to support its current customer base and expand sales to new customers located elsewhere.


Next, a series of paragraphs should follow that analyze the relevant facts presented in the case as well as any other information researched by you that is deemed worthwhile to understanding the recommendations that will follow in the report. References to sources should be included, perhaps as endnotes or as footnotes. Each paragraph should focus on one primary issue such as the limited brand recognition the retailer currently has outside of the small Vermont ski village where it is situated.

Your case study report should include at least three fundamental concerns:

1.Brand recognition and driving traffic to the website

•Does the firm have any brand recognition yet or is it undefined at this time?

•What does our brand name mean to customers and suppliers in the marketplace?

•How will the firm build brand recognition and traffic?

•What will this cost and what methods should be considered?

2. Website Infrastructure and Content

•How will the website structure look and function?

•Will it be user friendly?

•How will the firm populate the website with content and how much, if anything, will it cost to do this?

3.Customer Base to begin with and the potential in the long run

•What customer base is the firm starting off with and how will it market the website to these as well potentially new online customers? You should employ the models and vocabulary developed in the textbook and from other sources, but should not use the case report as an opportunity to show me just how familiar you are with definitions. Leave that for exams.

Alternatives and Recommendations:

The second half of most reports will contain a brief description of one or more alternative courses of action and their rationale. You should expand on the single alternative course that is selected and the specific strategic recommendations that address the issues raised in the analysis section. You can and should develop marketing as well as other strategic action plans to achieve the targeted goals.