Teaching and Examination Regulations

(ex article 7.13 en 7.59 WHW)

MasterprogrammesBehavioural Sciences

The Dean of the faculty,
In view of the Articles 9.5, 9.15, paragraph 1, under a, 7.13, paragraph 1 and 2, 9.38, under b, and 9.18, paragraph 1, under a, and 7.59 of the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW), and,
in due consideration of the recommendations of the Board of Studies, as well as the approval by, or advice of, the Faculty Council, pertaining to the specific appendix of the programme in question,[1]
hereby authorizes the Teaching and Examination Regulations of the following educational programmes[2]:
  • Communication Studies (CS)
  • Educational Science and Technology (EST)
  • Leraar Voorbereidend Hoger Onderwijs in Maatschappijleer en Maatschappijwetenschappen (LVHOM)
  • Psychology (MPS)
  • Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society (PSTS)
of the faculty of Behavioural Sciences


Section 1 – General

Article 1.1Applicability3

Article 1.2Terms and definitions3

Section 2 – Admission

Article 2.1Admission to the programme5

Section 3 – Programme content and structure of the programme

Article 3.1Final Attainment Targets of the Programme6

Article 3.2Structure of the Master of Science Programme6

Article 3.3Language6

Article 3.4Exemption from an exam or practical exercise6

Article 3.5Flexible programme7

Article 3.6Content of the programme7

Section 4 - Education and Examination

Article 4.1Frequency, periods, registration and withdrawing registration8

Article 4.2Exam formats and information about the exams8

Article 4.3Oral exams9

Article 4.4Validity of Exams9

Article 4.5Confirmation and publication of the results10

Article 4.6Right of inspection and justification10

Section 5 – Examination

Article 5.1Examinations and issuing of certificates and statements12

Article 5.2Degree12

Article 5.3Certificates12

Section 6 - Student counseling

Article 6.1Study progress14

Article 6.2Student Counseling14

Article 6.3Study plan14

Section 7 - Studying with a disability

Article 7.1Studying with a disability15

Section 8 - Conflicts, adoption and amendments, implementation and appeals and objections

Article 8.1Conflicts with these regulations16

Article 8.2Adoption and amendments16

Article 8.3Transitional arrangements16

Article 8.4Review of the Teaching and Examination Regulations17

Article 8.5Individual complains and objections17

Article 8.6Hardship clause17

Article 8.7Publication17

Article 8.8Date of commencement17

Section 1 – General

Article 1 – Applicability

1.The Teaching and Examination Regulations (OER) apply to all students registered with the applicable program. For the faculty of Behavioural Science this refers to the Master of Science degree programs Communication Studies (CS), Educational Science and Technology (EST), Leraar Voorbereidend Hoger Onderwijs (VHO) in Maatschappijleer en Maatschappijwetenschappen (in Dutch), Psychology (in Dutch) (MPS) and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Society (PSTS).

2.Each program has its own program-specific appendix.

3.For each program, the common elements, the Regulations of the Examination Board and the program-specific appendix together form the Teaching and Examination Regulations for the applicable Master’s program.

4.The common elements as well as the program-specific appendix of the Teaching and Examination Regulations are authorized by the Dean.

5.A program’s Examination Board sets down the Examination Board regulations for the execution of its tasks and powers in accordance with art. 7.12b of the WHW.

6.The jurisdiction of a programs Examination Board extends to all units of study that are part of the students programme.

7.The stipulation in this general section of the Teaching and Examination Regulations, in the program-specific appendix of the Teaching and Examination Regulations and in the rules of the programs Examination Boards also apply to units of study provided by examiners from other programs or institutions.

8.There is a Dutch and an English version of this Teaching and Examination Regulations available. In case of conflicts the Dutch version is definite.

9.Request for specific facilities or exceptions on the articles stated here have to be addressed to the Examination Board.

10.Please read all qualifications such as him, her, he and she as gender neutral.

Article 1.2 – Terms and definitions

The terms used in these regulations should be interpreted as meaning the same as in the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW), insofar as they are defined in that Act.

In this charter, the following terms are understood to mean the following:

3TU:The three Technical Universities of The Netherlands (Delft, Eindhoven and Twente)

Authorised piece of evidenceA piece of evidence that is signed by an examiner to make publication of the examination results in the Student Information System possible or a document containing the results of a student from the SIS (OSIRIS).

Behavioural Sciences (BS)Faculty of Behavioural sciences

BlackboardElectronical learning environment of the University of Twente

Board of Appeal:Board of Appeal for Examinations;

Certificate:Prove of the completion of a specific form of education

Credit:Unit expressing a student’s study load; at the University of Twente, this is done in terms of European Credits (ECTS = European Credit Transfer System), (1 EC is equal to 28 hours of workload, 1 academic year involvers a study load of 60 EC’s);

CS:The Master programme Communication Studies

CvB:Executive Board of the University of Twente;

CW:The bachelorprogramme Communicatiewetenschap

Dean:Head/administrator (see Section 9.12 of the Higher Education and Research Act) of the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences;

ECTSEuropean Credit Transfer System: the study load of one year is 60 European Credit points or 1680 hours (WHW art. 7.4)

EAO:Educational Affairs Office

ELAN:Institute for Teacher education, science and technologycommunication and Education practices

EST:The masterprogramme Education Science and Technology,

Exam:The final test to finish a course in the masterprogramme;

Examination Board:The Examination Board of one or more study programmes of the Faculty, here named as the Master’s programmes (see Section 7.12 of the Higher Education and Research Act);

Examiner:Individual appointed by the Examination Board to administer examinations, in accordance with Section 7.12 of the Higher Education and Research Act;

Faculty:Faculty of Behavioural Sciences (BS);

Faculty Council:Representative advisory board of the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences (see Section 9.37 of the Higher Education and Research Act);

LVHOM:The Master programme VHO Maatschappij en Maatschappij-wetenschappen

Master’s programme:Degree course comprising all units of study leading to the Master’s degree;

MPS:Master programme Psychology

OER:Teaching and Examination Regulations (see Section 7.13 of the Higher Education and Research Act) of a study programme; the Teaching and Examination Regulations form part of this charter;

OSC:Educational service centre of the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, including employees of BOZ;

OSIRIS:The Student Information System of the University of Twente

OWK:The bachelor programme Onderwijskunde

Practical exercise:A practical exercise as stated in article 7.13 lid 2d of the WHW

Programme committee:Advisory committee (see Section 9.18 of the Higher Education and Research Act) for a study programme;

Programme Director:Programmes administrator (see Section 9.17, sub-section 1, of the Higher Education and Research Act) of a study programme;

PSTS:The master programme Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society

PSY:The bachelor programme Psychologie

Student:Individual who is enrolled for education at the University of Twente and/or for review of units of study and final assessment of one of the Master’s programmes of the Faculty;

Student counsellor:Staff member of the UT with the function of mediator between students and the programme (see section 7.34 paragraph d WHW)

Student Information System:The by the Executive Board accepted public application for registration of all relevant information of students and study programme’s, as mentioned in the WHW.

Study advisor:Staff member in the Faculty’s educational service centre responsible for informing, advising, and guiding students with their study progress, planning their studies, and ‘learning to learn’;

Study programme:Cohesive set of units of study (see Section 7.3, subsection 2, of the Higher Education and Research Act); this charter includes descriptions of the Faculty’s Master’s programmes;

Unit of study:Each element of a student’s academic achievement that is reviewed during the final assessment. Each unit of study is assessed by means of an interim examination. A programme’s curriculum is divided into units of study (see Section 7.3 of the Higher Education and Research Act);

UT:University of Twente.

Weekday:one of the day’s from Monday till Friday. With exception off the recognized National Holidays.

WHW:Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek).

Section 2 – Admision

Article 2.1 – Admission to the programme

1.Program specific admission requirements of the concerned programs are specified in each program specific appendix.

2.The programme director, or an admission committee on behalf of the programme director, assesses the admissibility of applicants and issues certificates of admission.

3.All MSc programs are offered in full-time mode. The EST, LVHOM, MPS and PSTS programs are also offered in part-time mode based on a pre-agreed study plan. For this delivery mode this regulation applies consistently.

Section 3 – Program content and structure of the Programme

Article 3.1 – Final Attainment Targets of the Programme

The goals and final attainment targets (Article 7.13 paragraph 2c of the WHW) are described in the specific programme appendices.

Article 3.2 – Structure of the Master of Science Programme

1.The master programme involve no final Master’s examination. Instead each unit of study will be completed with an interim examination. Students must register for the final assessment. The procedural issues in this respect are described in the Master’s graduation guide.

2.The final assessment of the CS, EST and PSY Master’s programmes covers a degree programme involving 60 ECs (1,680 hours). The final assessment of the PSTS Master’s programme covers a degree programme involving 120 ECs (3,360 hours). The final assessment of the LVHOM Master’s programme covers a degree programme involving a range of 60 - 120 ECs (i.e. 1,680 – 3360 hours), and differs per programme-specific track. The exact coverage in terms of European Credits is mentioned in the appendix of the programme-related appendices.

3.The structure of the concerned programs are specified in the specific appendix of each program.

4.On request, the Examination Board may decide to replace one or more obligatory units of study with one or more units of study successfully completed at another university.

Article 3.3 – Language

1.The language of instruction in the master’s programs CS, EST, PSTS is English, except for temporary decisions by the programme director to allow study program parts in Dutch.

2.The language of instruction in the master’s programs LVHOM and MPS is Dutch, except for temporary decisions by the programme director, and unless the master’s programs specific appendix states different.

3.In the educational specific programs, detailed information is presented.

Article 3.4 – Exemptionfrom an exam or practical exercise (Art. 7.13 paragraph 2 r+t of the WHW)

1.The Examination Board can, at a student’s request, grant that student exemption from an exam or practical exercise. If applicable, the Examiner in question will be consulted first.

2.The grounds under which the Examination Board can grant exemption from a specific exam pertain to the level, content and quality of exams or tests previously taken by the student, or knowledge, insight and skills acquired by the student outside of the sphere of university education.

3.Students may also be exempted from assignments or practical exercises by the Examination Board if they can demonstrate that a specific assignment or practical exercise, or the execution of such assignment or exercise, will likely place them before a moral dilemma. In such a case the Examination Board decides whether the practical exercise or assignment can be carried out in another manner to be determined by it.

4.The Examination Board may establish regulations for granting exemptions for units of study. (if applicable see the programme specific appendix)

Article 3.5 –Flexible programme (Article 7.3d of the WHW)

The Examination Board of the programme decides whether a student may follow a flexible programme as described in article 7.3d of the WHW. The Examination Board assesses whether a flexible programme is appropriate and consistent within the domain of the programme and whether the level is sufficient in light of the final attainment targets of the programme.

Article 3.6 – Content of the programme

In the specific programme appendices are per programme specified the activities as described in the Article 7.13 paragraph 2 of the WHW.

Section 4 – Education and Examination

Article 4.1 – Frequency, periods, registrationand withdrawing registration

1.Each year, two separate opportunities are offered for taking a written or oral exam associated with a specific unit of study. Practical exercises can be completed at least once per year.

2.There is in any case at least one opportunity to sit an exam at the end of the period in which the applicable unit of study had been taught.

3.Units of study and their exams can be offered more than once per academic year.

4.A student can only take part in a unit of study if:

a)the student meets the knowledge requirements mentioned in the programme specific appendices: and

b)the student registered obligatory before the start of the unit of study via the SIS/OSIRIS.

5.Registration for the unit of study concludes also registration for al exams and examinations.

For the education who do not applies to the TOM-education a student can register separately for the final examination and the re-do of this examination. This rule only applies if the student did not register for the unit of study.

(For pre-master students who register for an exam but who do not make the exam, this registration will have consequences for the maximum of three attempts they have to achieve an exam.)[3]

6.In contradiction with that determined in paragraph 1 of this article, an opportunity to take an exam for a unit of study that is part of the study programme, but which was not taught during that particular academic year, shall be offered at least once per academic year.

7.In certain cases the Examination Board can deviate from the number of times and the manner in which exams can be taken.

8.At least two weeks before the start of the semester the exam timetable for that semester is published with the dates and times of the exams.

9.An exam can only be moved to another time slot than indicated in the exam timetable with the permission of the programme director. Students will be informed of the change. The programme directormust inform the Examination Board at the first meeting of the board taking place after his decision to move the exam.

10.Should the student fail to register before the close of registration, he will lose the right to take that particular exam.

11.The student can withdraw his exam registration up to 24 hours prior to an examination via SIS/OSIRIS. The student will inform the reason of withdraw also to the study advisor.

12.Should a student fail to appear for an exam for which he registered via the SIS/OSIRIS, and for which he failed to withdraw no later than 24 hours prior to the exam, this is recorded in the SIS/OSIRIS with a NV (= no show)’.

Article 4.2 – Exam formats and information about the exams

1.A unit of study is completed with an exam. An exam can comprise one of the following formats:

a.a written exam

b.any form of written assignments

c.an oral exam

d.a series of examinations

e.the assessment of practical exercises as meant in art. 1

f.a combination of the above.

2.The questions, tasks and assignments of each (interim) examination will not exceed the learning objectives of the unit of study. This also may refer to the content of those units of study which embody obligatory prior knowledge to a specific unit of study. An outline of the learning objectives will be presented before the start or at the first meeting of each unit of study.

3.Before the start of the unit of study or at the first meeting of the teaching period of a unit of study the responsible examiner will publish the following details about the exam:

a.the exam requirements (in any case which material is to be tested)

b.further information concerning the method of examination

c.in case of a series of tests or a combination of exam formats as referred to in par. 1, the weight to be attributed to each of the constituent elements in determining the exam’s final result.

4.The information referred to in par. 3 is in any case published in the electronic learning environment (the Blackboard site) of the unit of study in question.

5.The student has the right to view model exam questions or trial exams or representative past exams including the corresponding model answers and norm criteria for the evaluation.

6.The exam form and methods used to assess each unit of study of the Master’s programme are described in the programme specific appendix.

7.At electronic exams the student is not allowed to use any other computer programme / website / application and/or other resources other than approved by the examiner. It is also not allowed to digital share or spread the exam questions and/or answers if this is possible with the approved programme’s/software. The Programme Director (or an employee on behalf of him/her) has the right to check this (during examination or electronically later on).

8.If a student is caught during the exam with a mobile phone, book, notes and/or other resources that is not explicitly approved by the examiner / proctor, this will be considered as an attempt to fraud. The exam will be immediately taken away and the fact will be reported to the Examination Board. Notification off an academic offence electronically later on will lead to the taking of proper measures, in consultation with the Examination Board.

9.If a course will not be offered in the educational programme next year a student has the possibility to do exam in that course twice in the year following on the last year the course was offered. This possibility is only granted if the student at least took part in one exam of the course.

10.A study programme may embody units of study where participation is only allowed if a student possesses specific obligatory prior knowledge (WHW 7.13 lid 2s). The list of units of study where obligatory prior knowledge plays a role is attached in the programme specific appendix. In case a student does not meet the in the appendix mentioned entry requirements, he is not allowed to attend classes, not allowed to sit for interim examinations, and not allowed to participate in projects or assignments.

In case a student does not meet the entry requirements but he still sat for the interim examination or submitted a paper, the submitted work will not be graded. In case the examiner unintentionally graded this kind of submitted work this will not be accepted as grade (in SIS/OSIRIS).