The Ohio Gamma Chapter of the
Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity
Passed on February 25th, 2001
Last Modified on: 12/1/2003
Table of Contents
Article I. Names and Objectives 3
Article II. Membership 3
Article III. Executive Committee 5
Article IV. Standards Board 6
Article V. Election of Officers 7
Article VI. Chapter Meetings 8
Article VII. Assessments, Fines and Fees 10
Article VIII. Probation, Suspension and Expulsion 11
Article IX. Scholarship 12
Article X. Amendments 13
Article XI. Chapter Rules 13
Article XII. Policies 14
Article I. Names and Objectives
Section 1
This chapter shall be known as the Ohio State Sigma Epsilon Chapter of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity.
Section 2
Mission Statement: It is the objective of this organization to uphold, develop, and strengthen the character of its members; to teach those principles which are essential to the individual as a member of society; to impress upon its members the true significance of the fraternal relationship; to aid and sustain, as far as possible, the government and discipline of the fraternity; and to promote scholarship.
Section 3
This chapter shall be governed at all times by the provisions of the Grand Chapter Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity.
Article II. Membership
Section 1
Membership in this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of the Grand Chapter Bylaws (Article I, Section 1 to 7 Inclusive).
Section 2
A member of any other chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon attending the Ohio State University shall be permitted to affiliate with this chapter if the said member is in good standing with all other previously attended chapters in accordance with the Grand Chapter Bylaws And Administrative Policies and Procedures, Section E, Number 30.
Section 3
This chapter shall have the authority to initiate a candidate for honorary membership in accordance with the Grand Chapter Bylaws (Article I, Section 2c).
Section 4
Any member from this chapter who graduates from OSU or transfers to another university without a Sigma Phi Epsilon Chapter, shall be regarded as an alumni member of this chapter in accordance with Grand Chapter Bylaws (Article I, Section 2b).
Section 5
Any member of Sigma Phi Epsilon who is enrolled at OSU, or who has been properly affiliated and enrolled at OSU shall be considered a member of this chapter in accordance with the Grand Chapter Bylaws (Article I, Section 2a).
Section 6
Inactive membership will not be permitted by this chapter in accordance with the Grand Chapter Bylaws (Article I, Section 7).
Section 7
No person shall be admitted to this chapter without receiving an invitation to do so. Only the VP of Recruitment or the President shall extend said invitation. The chapter by a two-thirds vote may invest this authority to any member, or group of members duly elected by this chapter for this specific purpose. The VP of Recruitment or the President may delegate this authority.
Section 8
All pre-initiation and initiation activities performed by the chapter shall be of constructive nature in accordance with the Grand Chapter Bylaws (Article I, Section 4). All forms of hazing are strictly prohibited.
Section 9
A member in good standing is a member who is not suspended or liable for suspension from membership for any reason, and maintains a cumulative GPA of 2.2 in accordance with the Grand Chapter Bylaws (Article I, Section 5), and a quarterly GPA of 2.7 or above during the most recent academic quarter enrolled. A member not in good standing for three consecutive quarters will be automatically expelled.
Section 10
Any member expelled or having resigned from this chapter may be reinstated in accordance with the Grand Chapter Bylaws (APP, Section E, #42 and Section B, #11).
Section 11
Any member who does not earn above a 1.99 GPA in any given quarter will be automatically placed in front of the Standards Board. There must be a three-quarters majority for the member to NOT become expelled from the chapter. Members who vote are:
1. Chaplain
2. Senior Marshall
3. Junior Marshall
4. Guide
5. Guard
Article III. Executive Committee
Section 1
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President of Programming, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Membership Development, Vice President of Recruitment, Chaplain, and Vice President of Communications.
Section 2
At the end of his term, each officer shall deliver all chapter books, papers, moneys, or articles related to his office to his successor. Each officer shall render all information to enable his successor to assume full charge of the duties of his office.
Section 3
The Executive Committee shall meet during the week before each chapter meeting or when called by the President.
Section 4
The President shall serve as the chairman of the Executive Committee and shall report to the chapter any actions recommended to be taken by the said committee at each active chapter meeting.
Section 5
It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to plan the year’s activities and establish the general direction and goals for the chapter (subject to chapter approval), which are consistent with the Grand Chapter Bylaws.
Section 6
This committee shall be responsible for the formation and enforcement of House Rules and Policies. A majority vote of all active members in good standing present at the meeting at which the vote is taken, may change any of the said House Rules or Policies formulated by this committee without the approval of said committee.
Section 7
The order of business for the Executive Committee shall be as follows:
a. Roll Call
b. Reading of previous minutes
c. Committee Reports
d. Financial Report
e. Unfinished Business
f. New Business
g. Prep for chapter meeting agenda
h. As may arise (guests, etc.)
i. Notices and Communications
j. Adjournment
Article IV. Standards Board
Section 1
The Standards Board shall consist of the Chaplain, Senior Marshall, Junior Marshall, Guide and Guard.
Section 2
At the end of their term, the board shall deliver all meeting, hearing, attendance and other records to the next Chaplain.
Section 3
The Standards Board shall meet during the week before each chapter meeting or when called by the Chaplain.
Section 4
The Chaplain shall serve as the chairman of the Standards Board and shall report to the chapter any actions recommended to be taken by the said committee at each active chapter meeting.
Section 5
The Standards Board shall serve to discipline disobedient members, review and levy fines, hear all grievances, and render disciplinary decisions. The Standards Board shall also be responsible for establishing attendance policies and levying fines for all chapter activities, meetings, and all other activities enforced by a fine. Their actions shall be binding unless overruled by a two-thirds vote of the membership in good standing.
Section 6
The Standards Board shall be responsible for reviewing the formation and enforcement of House Rules and Policies.
Section 7
It shall be the duty of the Standards Board to post through out the house a list of members (active or new member) who are on probation of any kind. (i.e. financial, grades, or social probation) This list should consist of what people on probation are not allowed to do.
Article V. Election of Officers
Section 1
To be eligible to hold an elected position, a member must be in good standing and must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9 on a 4.0 scale.
Section 2
The elected officers include the President, Five Vice Presidents, and the Chaplain.
Section 3
The officers shall be elected annually by secret ballot not later than the eighth week of spring quarter.
Section 4
The officers shall be installed prior to summer break to facilitate a transition period. The installation of the officers shall be according to the manner and form prescribed in the ritual.
Section 5
The chapter shall have the power, by majority vote, to declare void the election of an officer who, without cause, fails to present himself for installation (APP Section E #4).
Section 6
In order for any executive board member to hold an elected position, the brother must live in the chapter facility for his entire term, except in the case of extenuating circumstances as deemed appropriate by the chapter with a two-thirds vote of quorum following his nomination.
Section 7
Nominations for Standards Board offices shall be taken immediately following the election of the Executive Committee. The election for Standards Board offices will occur the following week. Positions on the board are to be selected by the incoming board members according to the total votes received for each new officer.
Article VI. Chapter Meetings
Section 1
a. A regular meeting of this chapter shall be held each Monday night during the school year.
b. All formal meetings shall be opened and closed using the form prescribed in the Ritual.
c. This chapter shall have formal meetings, with the use of ritualistic paraphernalia, as prescribed by Fraternity Ritual on the following occasions:
1. First regular meeting of each quarter.
2. First regular meeting of each month.
3. Rites of Passage.
4. Installation of officers.
5. Last regular meeting of each quarter.
6. At the option of the President.
7. At the request of a representative of the Grand Chapter.
d. Formal meetings may be postponed by the Executive Committee.
e. A special meeting may be called by the President or by a two- thirds vote of the members of the chapter.
f. The Creed of Sigma Phi Epsilon is to be recited at the first chapter meeting of each month
g. The Oath of Obligation is to be recited at the third chapter meeting of each month for those eligible to hear it.
Section 2
The President shall have the authority to suspend from the meeting any member for conduct unbecoming of a Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Section 3
Attendance at meetings is mandatory unless the Standards Board is notified of a satisfactory excuse at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting (deemed satisfactory by the Chaplain in accordance with the Standards Board policies). Shall a member miss two chapter meetings in a given quarter unexcused, he shall be warned by the standards board. Upon the next unexcused absence from a chapter meeting, he shall be required to pay 105% of the following quarter’s dues and his voting privileges will be revoked for the current quarter (excluding officer elections). Should the member attend all meetings for the rest of that quarter after his fine is imposed, he will be waived of the 5% added dues the following quarter.
Section 4
During the chapter meetings, motions may be made from the floor if the motion is submitted in writing to the Chair. Said motion may not be considered until the last item of New Business on the agenda.
Section 5
Members dress to formal and ritual meetings of the chapter shall include collared shirts, tie, slacks, dress shoes and pin.
Section 6
Members dress to non-formal meetings shall include collared shirts, and Khaki’s or slacks.
Section 7
The order of business of chapter meetings shall be as follows:
- Roll Call
- Reading of Minutes from Preceding Meeting
- Vice President of Finance Report
- Vice President of Programming Report
- Vice President of Recruitment Report
- Vice President of Member Development Report
- Vice President of Communications Report
- Standards Board Report
- Notices and Communications
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Reports of Sickness and Health
- Remarks for the Good of the Fraternity
- Closing
No food, alcoholic beverages, or tobacco shall be permitted during the chapter meeting. No drinks shall be permitted unless granted by the Chair.
Section 8
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority on all parliamentary questions where they do not conflict with these Bylaws or the Grand Chapter Bylaws.
Article VII. Assessments, Fines and Fees
Section 1
The lifetime membership fee of $220 must be paid in full before a new member can be inducted and must be sent to headquarters within twenty-four hours following the Sigma Rite of Passage.
Section 2
All members shall pay equal quarterly fees and assessments, as provided in the budget prepared by the Vice President of Finance and the Alumni and Volunteer Board when approved by a two-thirds vote of the membership. Said charges shall not be changed without the approval of the Alumni and Volunteer Board. These fees shall include those listed in the Grand Chapter Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures. All members not living in the chapter facility will be assessed a parlor fee as set forth in the budget.
Section 3
If the chapter house is not at capacity (30), then the members not living in the house will be assessed equally for the amount of the rent for the unfilled positions. The assessed amount will not exceed the amount stated at the start of the quarter, but may decrease as vacancies are filled. There shall be a cap of $120 per quarter.
Section 4
Any member who has not paid a financial obligation within 30 days from the date imposed shall be suspended (Put on Social Probation) from the chapter. If the bill has not been paid within 60 days, then the member shall be expelled from the chapter. Chapter members in good standing shall have the power to waive any financial suspension or expulsion by a two-thirds vote, in accordance with the Grand Chapter Bylaws.
Section 5
All fines shall be paid to the Vice President of Finance in accordance with Section 4.
Section 6
A fine of $25.00 shall be placed on any active member absent from a mandatory event including Sigma, Phi and Epsilon Rites of Passage without a valid excuse at least 24 hours in advance. Brothers who have not previously participated in a particular Rite of Passage are neither expected nor permitted to attend the Rite. This same fine also applies to any other event deemed mandatory by the Executive Committee (ex. Chapter retreats, diversity events, etc.).
Section 7
Any event deemed mandatory by the Executive Committee must be presented to the chapter at least one month in advance to be considered a mandatory event.