Lochaber Participatory Budget

September 2016

List of eligible bids with description

(listed in no particular order other than the area in which the bid is covering ie associated school geographical grouping (ASG) or area wide Lochaber bid) –


ASG area / Applicant / Bid Description / Total project cost
£ / Total Bid for £
Ard / Acharacle Senior Citizens Club – contribution towards transport costs / We are an active older adults lunch club operating in Acharacle but serving the wider community. Very few of us can now drive so we rely on hiring transport with a driver to get us out for a few trips a year together. We do fund raise but the cost of transport from where we live is expensive. We would appreciate some financial help towards transport costs to enable us to continue to enjoy getting out a bit, being in the company of each other and making new friends. / £1,350 / £750
Lochaline baby & toddler group – contribution towards play sessions / We plan on holding a number of one off play sessions to include music, messy play, Gaelic and sing/sign. These are areas that our children miss out on due to our rural location. We would like these sessions to be available for children up to 8 years old and hold them on various weekend dates in the winter months. / £1,112 / £1,000
Ardnamurchan High School Young Chef – contribution towards ingredients and travel / We plan to enter 5 young people between 13 and 16 for two organised cookery competitions, one run by Young Chef and one by the Charity Springboard Scotland. We will run at least two practices before each competition event. Depending on success of pupils there are a number of further opportunities to participate locally and in wider Highland, Scottish and National arenas.If successful in securing funds the money will be used for ingredients and travel. / £795 / £715
Ardnamurchan High School ,Transitions project – contribution towards project costs / We are bidding for financial assistance towards a joint residential project for all P7’s in the associated school group area to build confidence for their transition to secondary school and build relationships with their new peers. With an increased roll coming through into S1 next session we feel it is all the more important to work with young people in this way. We believe in providing this key transition residential experience free at the point of delivery if at all possible. If successful with the bid, the money will contribute towards the project costs. / £5,275 / £1,500
Ardnamurchan High School, S6 Leadership – contribution towards leadership training / Many of our seniors are sports leaders and contribute significantly to the wellbeing of younger people. We wish to help build resilience in our young people, by investing in them we develop and sustain resources that support personal and community well-being. (If successful) the money will be spent on a professional leadership training weekend for our young people in S6. This will focus on a variety of challenges with reflection and development on personal strengths and leadership development needs. Personal development planning will follow with review sessions built in to the S6 senior programme. / £1,720 / £720
Acharacle youth club – for purchase of sporting and craft equipment and resources / If successful, funding will be used to purchase appropriate sports equipment to allow football, badminton, volleyball, basketball, rugby, tennis, cricket and 10 pin bowling to be played (as identified by the young people). Sports equipment will be stored where the youth club is based at Shielbridge. During the winter months in particular there is ambition for more craft activities with a number of senior pupils and parents willing to facilitate sessions. We intend to use some money to buy craft equipment as well. / £960 / £960
High Life Highland Active schools Ardnamurchan Peninsula– contribution towards extra curricular activities equipment and professional instruction / This project is about exploring and enjoying the natural surroundings of the Ardnamurchan Peninsula and all it has to offer. The current provision of extra-curricular activity focusses on main stream sports such as Football and Shinty. It is the hope of this project to increase awareness of outdoor activity, providing school children with new activities and inspiring them to try something new which may also ignite new passions for those children not necessarily interested in the mainstream sports. The money will be spent on improving equipment and will go towards funding professional instruction. / £1,575 / £1,375
Morvern Community Council – contribution to pensioners Christmas party / All Morvern over 60’s are invited to a free buffet lunch, traditional Scottish live music and the opportunity to have a dance. Transport is provided for those unable to make their own way. Many of our elderly people live very isolated lives which can have a direct impact on their mental and physical well-being. This annual event has resulted in the launch of monthly lunches. The lunches are organised by different local groups each month and have proved to be incredibly popular. If successful he money will be used to help pay for the pensioners Christmas party. / £1,149 / £600
Feis nan Garbh Chriochan – purchase of music equipment / Feis nan Garbh Chriochan provides a provision of weekly ongoing classes in traditional Scottish and Gaelic music across all the schools in Ardnamurchan. If awarded funding we would purchase 4 new keyboards, 8 sets of headphones (to also supply the keyboards already in Acharacle and Ardgour) and 2 student accordions. (total project costs includes tutors fees etc) / £16,532 / £1,265
High Life Highland – Sunart centre transport / The Sunart centre in Strontian shares the building and resources of Ardnamurchan High School. However, many of the children in the area cannot access these facilities outside of the school day as they live too far away. HLH runs buses from three outlying villages on Tuesday and Thursday evenings to allow children and young people to travel to and from the centre for two hours of activity. Without these buses the facilities would be empty and the children and young people would be severely isolated and disadvantaged. The money would go towards running the buses. (project costs are per annum) / £21,600 / £1,500
High Life Highland – active schools gymnastics equipment / This project is about successful and progressive gymnastics coaching for the children on the Ardnamurchan peninsula. We currently have a well-qualified coach and 3 more coaches starting out on their qualification pathway. With the number of participants growing and the ability of the gymnasts ever improving it is essential that the equipment we have meets the demands required of it. The money will be used to purchase modern equipment that will hugely benefit the primary aged gymnasts who attend the coaching, as well as benefit the coaches who bring the equipment out and put it away every week. / £910 / £760
Ardnamurchan Camanachd –support for transport / If successful, Money will be used towards transport costs to attend junior tournaments and league games. Ardnamurchan youth teams from P1 onwards regularly travel to Fort William and further afield for games. Transport costs are prohibitive for some families, funding will ensure all children who wish to get involved can be included. Ardnamurchan ladies compete in South division 2 and Development League which involves significant travel, funding will provide financial support for use of Ardnamurchan High School mini-bus. / £2,000 / £1,500
Acharacle school support group – support for transport / If successful, Funding will be used to support ongoing fundraising to reduce transport costs to allow Acharacle primary school to participate in a variety of sport and cultural events. Due to the remote location of Acharacle, transport costs for pupils to participate is prohibitive for families. Acharacle School Support group (ASSG) raises £3-4,000 annually through a huge variety of fundraising activities that are supported significantly by the wider community. The loss of HC rural community transport funding in 2016/7 will have a significant impact on the number of events pupils can attend if this participatory budget funding is not secured. / £5,500 / £1,500
Ardgour Memorial Hall – contribution towards project officer / The fabric of the building of Ardgour Memorial hall has been radically improved over the last two years by a climate change grant. We would like to improve the toilets to current public standards, provide a baby changing space and disabled access and facilities. It is our intention to open the toilets to the public with or without comfort funding. The business plan required to apply for community lottery funding is lengthy, complicated and requires a dedicated project officer to research opportunities including sustainable developments. If successful, the money will fund a project officer. / £1,500 / £1,500
Lochaber sensory care – contribution towards worker for Acharacle, Strontian and Lochaline outreach clinics / Our project is to fund a trainee sensory impairment support worker to assist with our outreach work. The post would overall be for 30 hours a month during which the support worker would assist the Lochaber sensory care volunteers with work in the rural parts of Lochaber where our monthly clinics are held. 30 hours a month is enough time to cover all these clinics and only necessary follow up appointments. If successful, the money would be used towards wages and travel costs. (project costs are the total annual costs of running the service ) / £4,300 / £1,500
Mall / Mallaig Primary School Parent Council – Contribution towards pupil skiing lessons for S5-7 Mallaig Primary school pupils / We propose to take the P5-7 pupils (20 in total) form Mallaig Primary school to Nevis Range for a block of 5 skiing lessons. This has not been offered previously due to the high costs for transportation/tuition/hire or equipment. A grant would allow the opportunity to introduce this to parents at reduced cost and provide an invaluable opportunity to promote health and wellbeing, encouraging children to embrace the outdoors within the Lochaber area. It would also provide an opportunity for our pupils to have the same experience as other Lochaber-wide schools who already attend skiing lessons. / £2,600 / £1,200
Mallaig High School – Contribution towards S4-S6 pupil trip to London / The project involves taking S4-S6 pupils to London in June 2017. To visit the sights, go to the theatre and enjoy the chance to experience a big city. The money (if successful) will be used to pay towards the costs of transporting the young people to London (by coach) and ensure that the trip is accessible to all who wish to go. It will supplement our own fund-raising efforts for a very worthwhile and exciting opportunity, one which previous pupils have rated very highly. / £30,000 / £1,500
Active 8 NW Lochaber remote schools transport project – Contribution towards transport costs / North West Lochaber remote schools rural transport project - We are looking to secure funding for transport to sports events and festivals for schools within our catchment area. The schools do not have the funding to pay for the transport to all these events (triathlon, swim gala and sports days, football tournaments, rugby festivals etc) which are held mostly in Fort William or a similar distance. The cost becomes too prohibitive for families. Active 8 is a community group which develops and supports sport and physical activity amongst the school children in the area. / £1,614 / £1,500
Arisaig Primary School parent council–Contribution to Forest school session and touch type training / Arisaig Primary school parent council will use the money to pay for a series of outdoor Forest school sessions for every child at Arisaig Primary school. Working with local company Wildwood Bushcraft pupils will be able to walk from school to a local area of woodland where the sessions will be held. We would also use the money towards a touch typing training course for a member of staff. This will allow staff to provide practical classroom training to pupils on how to touch type and use their keyboard skills in the best possible way. / £1,895 / £1,500
Mallaig High School Pupil Council – for equipment and facility improvements / As a Pupil Council we would like to have resources to act upon recommendations forwarded to us by our peers. Whom we represent. We would like to improve our school environment and school experience by 1. Improving the school toilet facilities, 2. Providing areas for pupils to relax and communicate, 3. Provide positive activities out with class time. By doing this we hope to provide a positive learning environment in which we can feel safe, have opportunities to increase our levels of physical activity and improve our mental health. If successful money would purchase chairs, games, football kit, toilet improvements. / £1,500 / £1,500
Mallaig High School – Snr common room /youth space refurbishment / This is a new venture that will enable pupils and young people in the wider community to upgrade the Mallaig youth facility by creating noticeboards and a young person friendly area where they can relax and chill out in. The money will be used to buy pin board material, soft furnishings, paint and decorate accordingly and the weekend hire of a wet and dry vacuum cleaner to clean the carpets and couches already in place. This is a venture that has been promoted by young people and pupils alike. / £1,200 / £1,200
Mallaig High School, John Muir award group – purchase of equipment / The John Muir award offers young people a chance to look at and take part in a conservation project in almost their own back yard. The monies from this project will purchase outdoor equipment and waterproofs that can be used across the curriculum on other projects (plus £300 for transport). / £3,000 / £1,500
Kin / Kinlochlovin’ – establishment of social enterprise, purchase of photography and printing equipment / The CRe8 project is being run by our new part time sessional worker, a local artist who will work with young people during lunch and after school sessions. The aim is to set up a (social enterprise) business which could financially support Kinlochlovin’ activities. The group is going to start producing postcards and cards using a variety of print methods. If successful in the public vote the money will be used to purchase photography equipment to start up the social enterprise. / £4,580 / £1,500
Secret Garden, Kinlochleven – Resources to make the community garden accessible to all / We are hoping to encourage children to learn about growing fruit, veg and salad plus the importance of wildlife. We hope people with mental health issues, disabilities or retired can meet people, form relationships and learn whilst getting fresh air and exercise. It is a community group with support from the local schools. We hope to work together to create a special space for all to enjoy including visitors to the area. If successful we will use the money to make the area accessible to all – including raised beds, suitable seating etc. / £2,000 / £1,500
High Life Highland – contribution towards the staffing and resources for new ‘socialize’ youth provision Ballachulish / The socialize project aims to bring youth provision to a more rural area of the Highland and make resource more accessible to young people, be young person led, look at and help break down barriers young people face, provide a positive, safe and encouraging environment for young people to use in Ballachulish, Challenge common misconceptions, attitudes and beliefs surrounding young people. Socialize will bridge the gap where there has previously been a lack of youth provision. . If successful money will be used to staff and resource the provision. / £5,216 / £1,500
Kinlochleven Primary School – training and resources for ‘nurture’ group / We have several pupils in our school who would benefit from participating in a nurture group by creating the world of earliest childhood, building in the basic and essential learning experiences normally gained in the first three years of life to enable children to fully meet their potential. This project involves training staff in the key principles of nurture and the running of a nurture group and the purchase of resources to create a homely space in which the children can develop their skills. / £1,015 / £1,015
Kinlochleven Community Council – promotion of walkers welcome scheme inc walking group / Walk Kinlochleven will use the participatory budget to improve local footpath signage, provide new information panels around the village, publish a detailed walking guide highlighting the variety of walking routes in the area, establish an exciting new geocache trail encouraging local participation, and start up a health walk group aimed at older residents. All of this will encourage both local residents, the wider Lochaber community and tourists to get off the West highland Way and explore Kinlochleven beyond the beaten track. It will build on the first walking festival and firmly establish Kinlochleven as a ‘Walkers are welcome’ village. / £2,610 / £1,500
Rainbow baby and toddler group Ballachulish – equipment and hall hire / We live in a rural community with little resources and activities for parents and small children. So any way we can make playgroup a fun, interesting place for them to come is greatly appreciated. We are solely run by volunteers. Thank you for this opportunity. If successful we would like to purchase a play house, water table and accessories and cover some of the rent for the hall. / £650 / £650