GMC Registration
Advisory notes for FY1 doctors
(Manchester & Lancaster Graduates training outside of the North Western Deanery)
Publication Date / May 2013Implementation Date / May 2013
Date to be reviewed / May 2014
North Western Foundation School
GMC Registration
Advisory notes for FY1 trainees
(Manchester & Lancaster Graduates training outside of the North Western Deanery)
· If you are a University of Manchester Medical School graduate or a University of Lancaster Medical School Graduate and you’re currently working with provisional registration you will need to apply for full registration in order to progress from FY1 to FY2.
· In order to apply for GMC registration you will need to log into your MyGMC account on the GMC website ( and follow the relevant instructions on applying for full registration with a license to practise.
· Once you have made an application and paid the registration fee (£185, correct at May 2013) using the online payment facility you will be able to download a copy of the Certificate of Experience (CoE).
The CoE will already be pre-populated with the name of your graduating university, your name and GMC number. All remaining sections of this form must be left blank for completion at the North Western Foundation School, on behalf of Manchester & Lancaster Medical School, by a pre-authorised signatory.
NB: Lancaster Graduates please note that your CoE will be populated with ‘Liverpool’, as you follow the Liverpool curriculum, but responsibility for your sign off lies with the North Western School.
· Once you have downloaded your CoE you should either save this a word document or a PDF file and email it directly to Jacqui Baines at or print this out and post it directly to Jacqui Baines, details at the bottom of these advisory notes. If you’re posting your certificate please remember to enclose a current email address so that an email acknowledgement can be sent on receipt of your CoE.
· Your Trust Medical Education Centre will provide you with full details of the local ARCP process and FY1 sign off process. This will involve the completion of the 5.1 Attainment of Foundation Year 1 Competence Document (5.1 FACD) on the e-portfolio.
· Your 5.1 FACD will be sent by your Trust Medical Education Centre to your hosting Foundation School where the Foundation School Director (FSD) will access your completed e-portfolio to verify that you have been awarded a successful ARCP outcome and that you have indicated your acknowledgment on your portfolio of that outcome. The FSD will then complete the 5.1 FACD to confirm achievement of the FY1 competencies.
· Once your 5.1 FACD has been completed and signed by your hosting Foundation School it will need to be sent to the North Western Foundation School for matching to your CoE. You will need to liaise with your Trust Medical Education Centre and/or the appropriate contact, responsible for coordinating the GMC registration process, at your hosting foundation school for advice on ensuring that your completed 5.1 FACD form is sent to the North West within the relevant timeframes.
· Once the North Western Foundation School have received both your 5.1 FACD and your CoE the North Western FSD or approved authorised signatory will then complete and sign your CoE.
· Your completed CoE will be sent directly to the GMC by the North Western Foundation School on your behalf.
· Once the GMC have received your CoE they will match this with your online application and payment. Only when all parts are complete will you be granted Full registration and a registration certificate will be sent to you through the post.
GMC Registration Timeline
· You will need to liaise with your Trust Medical Education Centre regarding local timelines for the completion of your ARCP and the e-portfolio.
· The North Western Foundation School’s timeline for 2013 for the receipt of the 5.1 FACD and CoE are as follows:
· Friday 5th July – deadline for completed 5.1 FACDs to reach the North Western Foundation School
· Wednesday 10th July – deadline for the receipt of the CoE to the North Western Foundation School
· IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are not fully registered by the beginning of August (i.e. the first day of the first FY2 placement) you will not be able to commence your FY2 placement. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet all deadlines and that you hold the appropriate level of registration for the level of training.
GMC contact details
If you need any further information regarding registration then you can contact the GMC directly using the contact details on their website:
North Western Foundation School contact details for GMC registration
Jacqui Baines
Assistant Foundation School Manager
North Western Deanery
Three Piccadilly Place
London Road
M1 3BN
Phone: 0161 625 7683
May 2013