2014-2015 T.S.C.A.R. State Contests

Based on National Programs found on www.nscar.org

The contests listed here are the only ones that will be judged at State Conference.

1. National President - best program on the Star-Spangled Banner Flag House

2. National First Vice-President - Best program on the duties and responsibilities of the National First Vice President

3. National Second Vice-President

a. Best Program

b. Most first time attendees to a regional meeting

c. Most new members to National Convention

d. Largest contribution to the Voyager Fund

4. National Chaplain - Best program on a historic American church

5. National Recording Secretary

a. Best minutes

b. Best presentation of military, colonial, or state flags used in US history

6. National Organizing Secretary – Best program

7. National Corresponding Secretary – Best program

8. National Registrar - most new members – no contest entry needed information from Registrar

9. National Treasurer – no contest entry needed information gotten from Treasurer

a. Donations to National President’s Project

b. Donations to State President’s Project

c. Donations to Scholarship Fund

10. National Historian – Best program

11. National Librarian

a. Best program on the Library of Congress

b. Best patriotic and educational reading list

c. Best short story on the star spangled banner

12. National Curator -Best program on the NSCAR museum or The Children’s Room

13. American Heritage

a. Best program

b. Best original patriotic song (12 years and older, 11 years and younger)

14. American History

a. Best program

b. Best narrative on a key figure in the Battle of Baltimore

15. American Indian – Best program

16. CAR/DAR/SAR/S.R. Relations - most participation between your society and the DAR/SAR/SR

17. C.A.R. Magazine and Newsletters - Best society newsletter

18. Conservation – Best program or skit on Smokey Bear

19. Government Studies

a. Best program on US Presidents

b. Most creative Prezi on your favorite President

20. Kids Helping Kids

a. Best meeting/event to support children battling illnesses

b. Most supplies/pop tabs collected for Ronald McDonald House or other charities for kids

21. Membership – Best program on outreach to other genealogical groups

(largest net gain in membership contest is under National Registrar)

26. Mountain Schools

a. Best program on how to support the mountain schools

b. Most financial aid

c. Most material aid

d. Presenting most mountain school pins

27. Patriotic Education

a. Best program

b. Best poem about our flag and its importance

29. Public Relations

a. Best program promoting CAR and the national project to the public

b. Best program on historical newspapers

30. Veterans

a. Best program serving veterans

b. Best program about World War I

31. Liberty Bell – no contest entry needed information from First Vice President

a.  Best article

b.  Best photo

c.  Most photos

d.  Most Submissions/Best Overall Contribution

e.  Best Contribution by Member overall


Outstanding Society – Based on results of above contests