Our reference: STEP/2017-18 August 2017
To the Occupier
It has been observed that the condition of the footway on the easterly side of Pennywood Drive has deteriorated and is becoming a maintenance liability. It is therefore proposed that the existing flagstones, which are in a poor condition, are removed and replaced with a flexible material (tarmac). This new surfacing will have; a longer life expectancy, cause less maintenance issues and be less prone to becoming uneven and becoming a trip hazard.
It has also been noted that the properties along Pennywood Drive have limited access to off-road parking, and increasing vehicle ownership is likely to lead to a high demand for the limited number of existing parking spaces, resulting in vehicles parking on the road or on the grass verge. It is therefore also proposed that some sections of the verge areas be replaced with hardstanding to provide additional parking spaces.
The scheme will also seek to improve the aesthetics of the area by; planting more trees, reducing the amount of bollards along Pennywood Drive, and providing delineation/wayfinding features along the route (including the potential for ground level illumination elements to the footway). The finish and colour of the new footway will also be considered, to secure a higher quality appearance compared with traditional tarmac.
Additionally, the pedestrian crossing points along Pennywood Drive will be highlighted to both pedestrians and motorists by decorative surfacing and new signage will be provided to encourage cycle and pedestrian movements between; local residential areas, Whiston Railway Station, Halsnead Community Primary School and the proposed new Halsnead Garden Village development.
Finally, any carriageway defects that exist (potholes and patches) along Pennywood Drive will also be resolved as part of the improvement works.
For your information please find attached a plan showing the proposed scheme as outlined above.
The Council has secured monies from the Liverpool City Region’s Sustainable Transport Enhancements Programme to deliver these improvements and your views on the proposed works are important to the Council, therefore should you have any comments or queries in relation to this scheme then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please send all correspondence to the address provided below for the attention of Andrew Blackburn, Sustainable Transport Officer, Highways, or, email: , or, telephone 0151 433 2231 - by 08/09/2017.
Yours faithfully,
Andrew Blackburn - Sustainable Transport Officer
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