May 2015


ATTENDEES: Connie Semonite, Allison Chamberlayne, Maggie DeMello, Lisa Stevenson, Roz Riley, Laura Putnam (virtual), Kimberly Oborski (virtual), Sheila Kelly, Kay Burlin, Priscilla Noah, Bette Meuleners

LOCATION: Fairfax Community Center, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

MINUTES APPROVAL: A distribution of the minutes of the April board meeting were redistributed to the board via email on April 29, 2015. Motion to approve the minutes as passed unanimously.

Motion: Maggie Second: Lisa

PRESIDENT: Connie Semonite

•  Special thanks to Allison Chamberlayne and Lisa Stevenson for hosting, and special thanks to “cup’a joe” Maggie!

•  Board birthdays! – Lisa Stevenson (May 3rd) and Allison Chamberlayne (May 2nd). Happy Birthday Ladies!!

•  Knollwood Bakesale – Great job and great success!

•  AEMA Brunch – Largest we’ve had!! It was great fun!

•  Red Hot & Blue – Another success! We raised $100! Red Hot & Blue also said that they’d be happy to host another event!

•  Elected Board – Good to go.

·  Open Positions: Publicity/Historian (Pictures, etc.) Add Facebook? Be a part of social media*

Welfare & Services

·  AARS: Next month (June), have books ready to pass on.

-  reports

-  minutes

-  constitution

-  AEMA Charter

-  Finances

·  Put together reports (timeline) – summarize by month, have suggestions at the end. How can you make it better for the next person?

·  Farewell – Vicky Groninger – Family friendly event. BBQ? Also have Vicky’s invited guests, plus board members.


•  Chief’s Spouse (Renee Bostick) – not present

•  CSM Spouse (Vicky Groninger) – not present

•  Military Programs Spouse (Jackie Caldwell) – not present

VICE-PRESIDENT: Allison Chamberlayne

•  Great Luncheon! Made a great profit, too!

•  Worked with AEMA, Scholarship, Reservations, Treasurer, and President to coordinate the AEMA Scholarship Lunch.

•  Prepared AAR for AEMA Scholarship Lunch

•  Cocktail Party – October 17th? Karen Huff has requested this date, works best for the Bosticks.

•  June Board Meeting at Renee’s set for 11am June 3rd.

·  Need to purchase gift/flowers (can I get an update on where I am budget wise?)

•  I’m open to planning a late May/June event if there is a desire. It should probably be an evening or weekend event.

•  Continuing to update VP Binder with AARs from each event

o  Can I get a Treasurer/AEMA/Reservations AAR from the cocktail party please? I would like to see samples of what was used to check in, what was sent out to donors..If we had to start from scratch tomorrow, I need something to go on!

•  25th Anniversary of Fisher House – is this something we’d like to volunteer with? Volunteers to serve food?

SECRETARY: Maggie DeMello

·  Sent Erica Shaw a sympathy card

·  Getting Secretary binder up to date in order to give it to Lisa Steveson next month J

·  Transition with Lisa to take over as Secretary for 2015-2016

TREASURER: Kathy Moakler, not present, no report emailed

·  Calling for expense reimbursement. Please send me any expenses you have ASAP.

AEMA CHAIRMAN: Holly Scherer, not present, no report

SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN: Erica Shaw, not present, no report


•  Many compliments on the ‘in memorium’ awards – Buxbaum and Swygert loved being a part of the awards

•  Continued to refine AEMA Articles of Charter (AofC) as respondents provided input

•  Coordinated virtual voting opportunities

1) approval of proposed slate of officers for 2015

2) general membership voting for 2015-2016 Slate of Officers

·  Met with AEMA Chair, twice, to finalize and prepare for AEMA Brunch (to act in her absence)

·  Assisted in preparation of “In Memoriam” designations/bio for top 3 AEMA awardees.

·  Acted on behalf of AEMA Chairman at AEMA Brunch to assist VP in set up of display table of awardees and as needed.

·  AEMA Award certificates and programs were mailed Monday, 4 May, to AEMA Chair for distribution with award checks to student who were not present at the Brunch.

·  AEMA (AofC) draft circulated among selected Board members for review and editing (Semonite, Groninger, Shaw, Caldwell). Waiting for all to have opportunity to respond

·  Discussed C&B review and revision with President; plan for Parliamentarian to assemble review group over summer and present revision proposal to board in August.

o  C&B revision, once approved by Board will need approval vote from 2/3 of active membership voting (as C&B reads now)

·  Send AEMA AofC to previous AEMA Chair for her input (Laura Putnam)

·  Finalize AEMA AofC and present to 2014-2015 Board for acceptance

·  Recruit committee for C&B review/revision. Goal is wide representation of membership.

·  Continue to work on archive bins and make available to the appropriate board members(s)

MEMBERSHIP: Jackie Caldwell, not present, report texted

•  Our 2014-2015 membership year will close June 30th

•  Only July 1 our full year membership will resume for 2015-2016 membership year

•  The electronic membership option continues to be the overwhelmingly preferred method of payment.

•  Our trusty snail mail to AESC mailbox will remain membership option

HOSPITALITY: Lynda Flowers

·  June Board Meeting will be held at Renee Bostick’s house, Quarters 7, Ft. McNair, at 11am.

NEWSLETTER: Karen Anderson, not present, no report emailed

WEBMASTER: Laura Putnam

·  Pictures are up on the webpage (homepage)

·  Do we have headshots of the awardees? – Please send!

·  Will update the website with the awardees


·  Thank you Allison for all your help!

·  Wish we got the blue ribbons for Fairfax Residents

·  Will make nametags for new board members and give to someone for the June 3rd Meeting

CIRCULATION: Kara Anderson – not present, report emailed

·  The March Castle Gram was received March 19, 2015 and forwarded to membership on March 21, 2015. Additionally, 10 copies were made and sent as well. Copying costs were $20.99 for this month. I used postage and seals already on hand.

·  The April Castle Gram was received April 30, 2015 and forwarded to membership on April 30, 2015. Additionally, 10 copies were made and sent as well. Copying costs were $22.79 for this month. I used postage and seals already on hand.

·  I assisted getting the AEMA Scholarship Luncheon invitation out to local membership and the board slate out to the entire membership. I assisted in the half-year memberships, we continue to receive by updating our master spreadsheet.

WAYS AND MEANS: Sheila Kelly

·  Get with Kathy about my new budget

·  Issue – Noticed there is a 10% discount for new members. This is not the case! However, feel free to change it up to your liking.

WELFARE/SERVICES: Kimberly Oborski

•  Zero2016 items and giftcards ($130 total!) were dropped off by Allison on April 23rd.

•  Our Red Hot & Blue fundraiser was a success! RH&B donated $100 as a result of our sales throughout the 2-day campaign. Connie picked up the check and snapped a great picture. Will post on Facebook!

PUBLICITY/HISTORIAN: Glenda Hudson, not present, no report emailed

FACEBOOK: Lisa Stevenson



FAIRFAX LIAISON: Joyce Rebh (not present)/Kay Burlin

KNOLLWOOD BAKE SALE: Priscilla Noah – Lovely time at the bakesale! Such a great turnout. Made a profit of $500+!

NOMINATIONS: Bette Meuleners

•  Sent my Castle Gram article to Karen for publishing in the newsletter.

•  Also wrote and sent a message to the entire membership via email with the list of nominees for the AESC’s Elected 2015-2016 officers and asked for ‘nominations from the floor’. I did not receive any ‘floor’ nominations, so sent Roz Riley (Parliamentarian) a message letting her know this. She then sent out a request for members to vote on the elected board.

•  Hope the nominees for the elected board are approved by the time of our May 6, 2015 board meeting – PASSED!

•  I think the Parliamentarian will be the correct one to write an article about the election for the Castle Gram. If not, I’ll be happy to do it.


•  AEMA Charter, C&B


·  JULY All Day Workshop? – 9am – 3pm WEDS in July 1, 8, 15

Discussions: C&B

AEMA Charter

AESC Demographics vs. AEMA Awards

2015-2016 Budget

AESC Chapters

Summer Newsletter?


•  07 August 2015 – Castle Ball

ADJOURNMENT: *Had to leave early, unaware of adjornment*

NEXT MEETING: Date: 3 June 2015 @ 11AM

Hostess: Renee Bostick, Quarters 7

Respectfully submitted,

Maggie DeMello

AESC Secretary 2014-2015

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