Spring 2002
M, W, F12:00-12:52VAUG 104
R (Recitation) 10:00 – 10:52 RESH 243, 11:00 - 11:52 VAUG 104/VAUG 202
Instructor: Bernhard Kuhn
Office:VL 118Phone:7-1658
Office Hours: M, W 2-3
Course objective
This course is the second part of a second-semester sequence designed to permit the diligent student to acquire a basic knowledge of the Italian language and culture. The focus of this class will be on real-life language use, both spoken and written, and the four skills: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
At the end of ITAL 102 you will have a good foundation on which to continue to build your knowledge of the Italian culture and language. Specifically you should be able to:
- read basic literary texts in Italian,
- participate in basic conversations,
- write short compositions, and
- become familiar with important aspects of the Italian culture.
Textbook and other materials
- PREGO: An Invitation to Italian, by Graziana Lazzarino (5th Edition)
- Workbook
- Dario Fo: Gli imbianchini non hanno ricordi
- A small notebook for the writing assignments (“diario”)
Optional Materials (recommended):
- English Grammar for Students of Italian
- Italian Dictionary (English-Italian, Italian-English)
We plan to cover the next seven chapters of the textbook (Cap. 7 - Cap. 13). Assignments to be completed before coming to class each day are listed below; additional assignments will be announced in class. Each student is expected to prepare the work assigned for each class conscientiously. You should be prepared to be called on at any time.
In addition to mastering the material in the textbook, it is your responsibility to do the workbook and the writing exercises corresponding to the work done in class. It is important to do both in close conjunction with the other assignments prepared for class.
Your workbook and your writing exercises will be corrected regularly (Due-Dates!). Please tear out each chapter, staple or clip the pages together and hand them in. The writing exercises (“scrittura”) should be written in your notebook (“diario”). There will be a box outside my office (118 VL) for your convenience. Late submissions will be penalized; exercises that are not turned in two days later than the day for which they are due will not be accepted. For each “homework” you will receive a “+” (excellent), “” (satisfactory) or “-“ (needs improvement).
One of the four scheduled classes each week will be a “recitation“ class. The main goal of the recitation is furthering your speaking skills and reviewing some of the material covered during the week. You will also make short oral presentations in form of a skit or a presentation on a given topic to the rest of your class.
Three written exams (“esame“) are scheduled throughout the semester and there will be an oral examination at the end of the semester. In addition, short announced and unannounced quizzes may be given.
Grades will be based on the following approximate percentages:
2)oral exam(15 %)
3)class participation + oral performance(15 %)
4)workb./other exerc. (15 %)
5)quiz grades (10 %)
Your class participation will be evaluated throughout the semester based on effort, preparation for class, and the quality and quantity of your participation in class discussions and group activities.
Grading Scale
100 – 9392.9 – 9089.9 – 8786.9 – 8382.9 - 8079.9 - 7776.9 - 7372.9 – 7069.9 – 6059.9 - 0
A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F
Your attendance is important. Come to class regularly, prepared to participate. If your absence is unavoidable, please let me know. I will take into account an excessive number of absences in calculating your final grade (more than three absences are considered excessive and each additional absence will reduce your overall grade by 1/3 of a letter grade!).
Make-up policy
Quizzes may not be made up. If you miss a class on the day of an exam, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor as soon as possible. A medical or other valid excuse will be required for a makeup work.
One last thing...
- Do your homework daily (especially the workbook exercises!). Cramming will not work. It is better to study for a short period of time every single day then to study for a longer session, once or twice a week. The daily repetition of words and phrases will help you remember them better.
- Be open to all sources of communication: body language, drawing, finding other words to express an idea, etc. Don’t be afraid to make guesses and take risks.
- Think of errors as a process of testing hypotheses about the way the language works, not as what you’re doing “wrong.“ NOBODY speaks or writes perfectly all the time and in every context. Errors are normal, but use corrections that are offered to you as a chance to increase your knowledge of the language.
- Read Italian books, newspapers, etc. and watch Italian movies!
- During each class, you will be asked to speak to one or several of your neighbors. You may find that it will be much easier to speak the language if you study with one of your classmates out of the class as well. Write the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of two or three classmates below:
- Please feel free to discuss any aspects of the course with me, after class or during my office hours.
Course Schedule
The following course schedule will be brought up to date regularly. Since modifications are probable, the announcements made in class take precedence over this outline.
TB= TextbookWB= Workbook
Data /In classe
Mercoledì 16-1 / IntroduzioneGiovedì 17-1 / Recitazione / Ripasso Pass.Pross. (5-B, C, 6-B, 7-A)
Venerdì 18-1 / “da” / Cap. 7- C
Lunedì 21-1 / Avverbi + Numeri / Cap. 7- D, E +Parole da ricordare (p. 182)
WB 7-C
Me 23-1 / Il Cinema / Cap. 8- Voc. Prelim (p. 184/5)
Due: WB/Scrittura Cap. 7
G 24-1 / Recitazione / WB: 8- Voc. Prel.V 25-1 / Imperfetto / Cap. 8-A
L 28-1 / Imperfetto/Pass. Pross. / Cap. 8-B
WB: 8-A
Me 30-1 / Trapassato / Cap. 8-C
WB: 8-B
G 31-1 / Recitazione / WB: 8-C
V 1-2 / Quiz #1 + Suffissi / Cap. 8-D+Parole da ricordare (p. 203)
L 4-2 / “Dal medico” + Pronomi tonici /
Cap. 9-Voc. Prel., A
Due: WB/Scrittura 8
Me 6-2 / Ripasso Cap. 7+8 / WB-9- Voc. Prel., AG 7-2 / Recitazione
V 8-2 / Esame #1 (Cap. 7+8)
L 11-2 / Comparativi / Cap. 9-B
Data /
In classe
Me 13-2 /Superlativi
/ Cap. 9-CWB: 9-B
G 14-2 / Recitazione / WB: 10- Voc. Prel.
V 15-2 / Comperativi e Superlativi irregolari /
Cap. 9-D+Parole da ricordare (p. 224)
WB: 9-CL 18-2 /
“Le vacanze”
/ Cap. 10- Voc. Prel.Due: WB/Scrittura 9
Me 20-2 / Futuro semplice / Cap. 10-AG 21-2 / Recitazione
V 22-2 / Quiz #2 + Futuro (usi) / Cap. 10-B
WB: 10-A
L 25-2 / “si” impersonale / Cap. 10-C
WB: 10-B
Me 27-2 / Ripasso / WB: 10-C
G 28-2 / Recitazione / WB: 10-D
V 1-3 /
Esame #2
/Due: WB/Scrittura 10
L 4-3 / Nomi femminili / Cap.10-D+Parole da ricordare (p. 243)Me 6-3 / “I negozi e i mercati” / Cap. 11- Voc. Prel.
G 7-3 / Recitazione / WB: 11- Voc. Prel.
V 8-3 / “ne” / Cap. 11-A
L 18-3 / “ci” / Cap. 11-B
WB: 11-A
Me 20-3 / Pronomi doppi /
Cap. 11-C
WB: 11-BData /
In classe
G 21-3 / Recitazione / WB: 11-CV 22-3 /
Ripasso Pronomi
/ (Ripasso: 4-C, 6-A,B, 7-A, 9-A, 11A,B,C)L 25-3 / Quiz #3 + Imperativo / Cap. 11-D
Me 27-3 / “La casa” / Cap. 12- Voc. Prel.
WB: 11-D
G 28-3 / Recitazione / Parole da ricordare (p. 265)
V 29-3 /
Aggettivi + Pronomi indefiniti
/ Cap. 12-A, BWB: 12- Voc. Prel.
Due: WB/Scrittura 11
L 1-4 / Negativi / Cap. 12-CWB: 12-A, B
Me 3-4 / Imperativo II / Cap.12-D+Parole da ricord.e (p. 285)
WB: 12-C
G 4-4 / Recitazione /
WB: 12-D
V 5-4 / “Il traffico e l’ambiente” + Condizionale Presente I /Cap. 13- Voc. Prel , A
Due: WB/Scrittura 12L 8-4 /
Condizionale Presente II
/ Cap. 13-BWB: 13- Voc. Prel., A
Me 10-4 / Condizionale Passato / Cap. 13-C
WB: 13-B
G 11-4 / Recitazione
V 12-4 / Pronomi Possessivi / Cap. 13-D +Parole da ricordare (p. 306)
WB: 13-C
L 15-4 / Ripasso /
Due: WB/Scrittura 13
Me 17-4 /Esame #3
G 18-4 / RecitazioneV 19-4 / Lettura #1 /
FO, pp. 7-15 + domande p. 45
L 22-4 / Lettura #2 / FO, pp. 15-28 + domande p. 45Me 24-4 / Lettura #3 / FO, pp. 28-44 domande p. 46
G 25-4 /
Data /In classe
V 26-4 /Esame orale
L 29-4 / Lezione specialeBuone vacanze!