Black & BlueMeet

February2,3 & 4,2018

ENTRY DEADLINE:Monday, January 22,2018


99OkotoksDrive,Okotoks, Alberta

Facility:25 meter,6 Lanepool, semi-electronictiming.

TimedFinals. Singleendedmeet.

Warmup/Cooldown (4lane - 25meter) poolavailablethroughoutthe meet.



Age Groups:Girls:8& Under, 9, 10,11- 12,13- 14,15Over

Boys: 9Under, 10, 11,12- 13,14- 15,16Over

Session2and4– Girls:11Over, Boys:12 & Over

Session3and5– Girls:10UnderBoys:11 & Under

Rules:All Swimming Canada rules will be followed in this competition. The Swim Alberta Scratch Rule will be in effect for this competition.

Meet Format:Thisisashortcoursecompetition.


 Alleventswillbeseniorseeded, by gender.

 Events willrunslowestto fastest, except 400, 800 and 1500 Freewhich will be fastest to slowest.

EntryFees:Individual:$10.00perevent Deck Entries: $20.00perevent

*PleasemakechequespayabletoFoothillsStingrays Swim Club (FSSC) and mustbesubmittedwithentriespriortomeet.

Entries:Entrieslimitedtothefirst300swimmers. Pleasee-mailASAPwith yourintentiontoattend.

Swimmersarelimitedtoamaximumofseven(7)individualswims(no more than 3perday).

  • 10 & Under Girls and 11 & Under Boys will be limited to Saturday and Sunday events only
  • The 1500 Free will be limited to 3 heats and the 800 Free will be limited to 4 heats.
  • Swimmers entered in Friday afternoon session, must have a person to time on deck.

Entriesmustbe sentin aHy-TekfileviatheSwimCanada website.

Positive Check in:Positive check-in will be in effect for the 400 Free. Positive check-in will begin at the start of warm-up on Saturday.For the morning session check-in will close at the end of the 50 Back event(Event #4). For the afternoon session check-in will close at the end of the 50 Backevent (Event #16).

EntryTimes:Entrytimesarerequiredforallentriestofacilitatetimingofthemeetby themeetmanageraswellasadequalifyingcheck. NTentrieswillnotbe accepted.


Alldeckentrieswillbe $20.00 tobepaidattimeofrequest.

Willbepermittedprovided an extraheatisnotcreated.

AllDeckentriesareexhibition swimsandwillnot bescored.

Scratches:Scratchesmust bereceivedbynoon,Monday,January 29th,2018toavoid beingchargedthe Meet EntryFee.

Officials:Visiting Clubs willbeaskedtoprovidevolunteerofficials. Please provide a list of officials and their qualifications with your entries along with thecontact information ofyourClub officialsand/or Officialschairperson. Please also forward official’s information to Kevin Harrison – Officials Director to

Hospitality:Foodandbeverageswillbeavailableforall working officialsandcoaches.

Awards:Events are open. Medalswillbe awardedfor1stto3rdplaceineachindividualevent.Ribbons willbe awardedfor4thto 6thplaceineachindividualevent.


Event Cancellation:MeetManagementreservestherighttoalter,revise,limitenrollment,or otherwisemodifythemeetprogramtoallowformaximumswimsinthetime allotted. Everyeffortwillbemadetoensurethatallentryswimsare completed. Teamswillbe advisedofanychangesastheyoccur.


Coaches:Therewillbenoformalcoachesmeeting.Informationforcoacheswillbe includedincoaches’envelopesalongwith heatsheets,relaycardsand scratch/deckentryforms.Theseenvelopes canbepickedup attheClerk of Course table shortlybeforethe commencementofwarm upsonSaturday. Scratchesshould beenteredon theformssuppliedanddeliveredtotheClerk ofCourseatleast20minutes before competitionisscheduledto start

eachday.Deckentriesmust besubmittedtothe Clerk ofCourse withfees.

EntryDeadline:Completedentriesandcheques(payabletoFoothillsStingraysSwimClub- FSSC)aredue by Monday, January 22,2018. A completeentry packagewillinclude:

Hy-Tek entries

Entryreport fromHy-Tek


NOTE:E-mailofHy-Tekentrieswillbeacceptedasinitialacceptanceinthe meet;howeverthehard copy andentryfeesmustbereceivedtoholdyourplace.

Entries information to:

Rachel Cotnam



Mail:Box356,Okotoks,ABT2S 1A6


HotelAccommodations inOkotoks:

LakeviewInn &SuitesOkotoksCountryInn


Best Western Plus


IMPORTANT:Please, no glass containers of anykind are allowed ondeck.

Black & Blue Swim Meet

Sanction Number: TBD

Friday, February 2, 2018

Session 1

Warmup –2:30 pm–Racing 3:15 pm

Girls # / Event / Boys #
1 / 800 Free / 2
3 / 1500 Free / 4
5 / 200Breast / 6
7 / 200 Fly / 8
9 / 200 Back / 10

** 800 and 1500 will be double laned if required for time

Saturday, February3, 2018

Session 2–Girls: 11Over, Boys: 12 & Over

Warmup –7:30am–Racing8:15am

Girls # / Event / Boys #
11 / 200Free / 122222
13 / 50Back / 14
15 / 100Fly / 16
17 / 50Free / 18
19 / 100Breast / 20
21 / **400Free** / 22

**400Free will be doublelanedif requiredfortime.

Session 3 –Girls: 10 Under, Boys 11 & Under

Warmup –1:00 pm –Racing1:45 pm

Girls# / Event / Boys#
23 / 200Free / 24
25 / 50Back / 26
27 / 100 Fly / 28
29 / 50Free / 30
31 / 100Breast / 32
33 / **400Free** / 34

**400Free will be doublelanedif requiredfortime.

IMPORTANT:Please, no glass containers of anykind are allowed ondeck.

Black & Blue Swim Meet

Sanction Number: TBD


Session 4 –Girls: 11 Over, Boys: 12 & Over

Warmup –7:30am–Racing8:15am

Girls# / Event / Boys#
35 / 200 IM / 36
37 / 50 FlyFree / 38
39 / 100 Free / 40
41 / 100Back / 42
43 / 50 Breast / 44
45 / 100 IM / 46

Session 5 –Girls: 10 & Under, Boys 11 & Under

Warmup –1:00 pm –Racing1:45 pm

Girls# / Event / Boys#
47 / 200 IM / 48
49 / 50 Fly / 50
51 / 100Free / 52
53 / 100Back / 54
55 / 50 Breast / 56
57 / 100 IM / 58