PromotingEquality Through the Use of Ethnic Data

Monday 4th November 2013


Venue: O’Connell Suite, Gresham Hotel, O’Connell Street, Dublin

Following on from the national seminar held last May Ethnicity, Human Rights & Data Collectionwhich focussed on why ethnic data is needed; Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, in association with NUIM are organising a further seminar which focuses on ‘Ethnic Data Collection.’



To explain the rationale and benefits for collecting ethnic data and its’ potential role in evidenced based policy making

To discuss the challenges and concerns in undertaking ethnic data collection including addressing data protection issues

To provide information, guidance and share models of good practice on how to implement an ethnic identifier drawing on experience from:

  • EU
  • Scotland
  • Ireland

The seminar will provide an opportunity to reflect on ethnic data collection and how to use it in an Irish context. It will facilitate different sectors to come together and share insights; discuss the challenges posed; and identify ways of collaborating in the undertaking of ethnic data collection using human rights principles to inform policy and practice.

Target Audience:

Policy makers, service providers, NGOs working with minority ethnic groups, Traveller/Roma organisations, to meet and explore issues and challenges in the collection, collation, disaggregation, analysis, monitoring and dissemination of ethnic data.


9.30Registration, Tea/coffee

9.45Welcome and Background to Seminar

Ms. Ronnie Fay, Director, Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre

Session One:

Chair:Ms. Anastasia Crickley, Head of Applied Social Sciences, NUI Maynooth, Irish Representative on UN Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (ICERD)

10:00European Perspective:

Collecting Ethnic Data to Combat Racism and Promote Equality

Claire Fernandez, Policy Officer, European Network Against Racism (ENAR)

10:30Implementing Ethnic Identifiers on Health Systems: Statutory & Community Experiences

Challenges & Learning from Ethnic Data Collection in Scotland

Professor Raj Bhopal, Bruce and John Usher Professor of Public Health, Edinburgh Ethnicity and Health Research Group, University of Edinburgh

11:00Role of NGOs in Promoting Ethnic Data Collection in Ireland

Brigid Quirke, Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre/UCD

11:30Tea/Coffee Break

Session Two:

Chair: Professor Cecily Kelleher, UCD School of Public Health, Physiotherapy & Population Science and Chief Investigator All Ireland Traveller Health Study

12.00Thematic Workshops

13.00Plenary Discussion

13:30Closing Comments

Places are limited - to book a place:

Further information please contact:

Light refreshments will be provided

The seminar is supported by the Department of Equality & Justice.