Schedule Style Sheet

All text is black unless otherwise noted.

Hyphenation is off.

Font sizes are absolute, text can be condensed to fit.

When listing websites, use only when there is no www.

or if its it must be used. Underline websites.

Course listings pages

Page size:8.25”x10.625”

Column width:3.5”x7.5”

2 columns per page

Margins:.5” all sides


Ad space:Width is equal to 2 columns and gutter

Height is limited to area within 2 pt. horizontal rules positioned

Above and below

Horizontal rules run the width of the ad space

Ads narrower than full width will be divided by 1 pt. vertical rules

All rules are in second color

Ad content:Use general course information whenever possible, if specific times, CRNs, instructor names, etc. are included proof for accuracy.
Use official course titles or official 4-digit course designators whenever referring to a specific course.

Reverse tab:Vertical tab in second color

Tab is on right facing page and bleeds

Myriad Pro Bold 18 pt., Reverse

Page numbers:Myriad Pro Bold, 11 pt.

College logo:Appears next to page number

Logo will just be the college name. No “San Diego” or “College”

Disclaimer:You must see details online at before enrolling

*Prerequisite, Corequisite enrollment limitations may apply

& Credit/No Credit Only # Credit/No Credit Available

SPRING 2008 •

Myriad Pro 10 pt.


Go Online bug between college logo and disclaimer

First line is in second color and bold. Directs people to the website.

Second and third lines refer to prerequisites.

Fourth line is Myriad Pro Bold, 12/auto

(SUMMER 2008 • college website)

CRN, etc.:CRN Days Time Location Instructor Start/End Date Weeks

Myriad Pro Bold, 8 pt.

condensed 85%

Flush left


Course line:ANTH 102 # • Introduction to Physical Anthropology • 3.0 Units

Myriad Pro Bold 9 pt.

Flush left

Course subject and number in second color

(added after style applied)

Divided by bullets before and after course name

Symbols come after the 4 letter course subject and number

Academic Program:ANTHROPOLOGY continued

Myriad Pro Bold, 14 pt.


Second color 1 pt. rule below, width of column

Must have Program name at top of each column

Continued – Myriad Pro Bold Italic, 12 pt.

No abbreviations, can go to next line

When using dash, must be m-dash, no space before and after

Course Description:Surveys human evolution, variation and adaption.

Myriad Pro Cond Italic, 9 pt.

Flush left

Listings:55012 M 1:00- 4:10pm Mira A223 Omens, J 01-28 to 05-24 16

Myriad Pro, 8 pt.

condensed 85%

Flush left



Separated as in previous schedules

Types of classes – Myriad Pro Bold all caps centered, 9 pt.

Narrative pages

Column width:3.5”x9.35”

2 columns per page

Margins:.5” all sides


Phone Numbers: Use dashes, not parentheses

Times:am/pm, lower case, space between time and am or pm, and no periods

8:00–9:25 am
11:00 am–1:00 pm

Rule:At bottom of page running the width of both columns

First Page

Heading:Myriad Pro Bold 14/auto


Table of Contents:Myriad Pro 10/auto

Leader dots, width of column

Body of Narrative

Narrative heading:Myriad Pro Bold 11/auto

Flush left

All caps

Second color, not associated with colleges

Narrative body:Myriad Pro 10/auto

Flush left

Go Online Bug:

Inserted on right side of paragraph where websites are mentioned.

G:\Shared\IS\Schedule\Single Combo Project\Schedule Style Sheet-revised 62408.docLast printed 6/25/2008 12:53:00 PM

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