Chapter 15: The Atmosphere
Section 1:The Air Around You
- State how the atmosphere is important to living things
- Identify the gasses that are present in the atmosphere
Concept Review:
- Why is the atmosphere so important to life on earth? ______
- Living things need three things in order to stay alive that the atmosphere gives, what are they? ______
- What four main gasses (and their percentages) make up 99.9% of the atmosphere? ______
- Why is Nitrogen important to life on earth? ______
- Why is Oxygen important to life on earth? ______
- Why is Carbon Dioxide important to life on earth? ______
- Why is water vapor so important to life on earth? ______
- What are “particles”? How do they get in our atmosphere? ______
Key Terms: 2.atmosphere 3.ozone 4.water vapor
Key Ideas:
- The earth’s atmosphere makes conditions suitable for all life on earth
- Earth’s atmosphere is made up of the molecules nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, as well as other gasses, liquids and solids called particles.
Section 3: Air Pressure
- Identify some of the properties of air
- Name instruments that are used to measure air pressure
- Explain how increasing altitude affects air pressure and density.
Concept Review:
- What is density? ______
- What is volume? ______
- What is pressure? ______
- Why does air exert pressure? ______
- What are the two main types of tools used to measure air pressure? ______
- What units measure the air pressure? ______
- Why does a change in altitude have an effect on air pressure? What is the relationship between air pressure and density on altitude? ______
Key Terms:
1.density 2.pressure 3.air pressure 4.barometer 5.mercury barometer 6.aneroid barometer 7.altitude
Key Ideas:
- Properties of air include mass, density and pressure
- Air pressure is the result of the weight of a column of air pushing down on an area
- Air pressure is measured with mercury and aneroid barometers
- Air pressure decreases as altitude increases, so does density
Section 4: Layers of the Atmosphere
- Describe the characteristics of the main layers of the atmosphere
Concept Review
- How are the layers of the atmosphere classified? ______
- List 3 characteristics of the Troposphere ______
- List three characteristics of the Stratosphere ______
- List two characteristics of the Mesosphere ______
- List two characteristics of the Thermosphere ______
- What are the two sub-layers of the Thermosphere divided into? ______
Key Terms:
1.Troposphere 2.Stratosphere 3.Mesosphere 4.Thermosphere 5.Exosphere 6.Ionosphere 7.Aurora Borealis
Key Ideas:
- The four main layers of the atmosphere are classified according to change in temperature, these layers are the Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, and the Thermosphere
- Rain, snow, and most clouds occur in the Troposphere
- Ozone in the stratosphere absorbs energy from the sun
- Most meteoroids burn up in the Mesosphere producing meteoroid trails
- The Aurora Borealis occurs in the ionosphere
- Communication satellites orbit earth in the exosphere