"The Prodigal Son and other Lessons: Themes of Family in The Saint John's Bible."

Friday, November 13th • Pates Hall

6:30 pmPre-lecture social • 7:00 pm Meal • 7:30 pm Guest Speaker •

8:30 pm Post speaker social and desert.

Contact: David McGinty –


Fr. Eric Hollas, OSB, is a Benedictine monk and priest of Saint John's Abbey in Collegeville, MN. He was born in Oklahoma City, and he received his B.A. in history at Princeton University. Following seminary studies at Saint John's, he received the Ph.D. in medieval studies at Yale University. His special interests include the history of Spain in the Middle Ages, the history of monasticism in medieval Europe, and the history of the book. He is a member of the Medieval Academy of America, and he also serves as a chaplain in the Western Association of the Order of Malta, as well as in the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.

In 1980 he became a member of the theology faculty at Saint John's University, and from 1993-2002 he served as the Executive Director of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library. He currently serves as Deputy to the President for Advancement, at Saint John’s University. In addition, he was instrumental in beginning and bringing to completion The Saint John's Bible, which is the first hand-written, illuminated and monumental Bible to be produced by a Benedictine abbey since the 15th century.

Who can attend?

All adult Men…The Men’s Club is a very welcoming bunch of guys and we have great fun practicing our faith together! We look forward to seeing you there!

I’m interested. Now what?

No reservation required. Arrive right at 6:30pm! The food and drink will be available until it’s gone.

Your Role…Make an Invitation!

Invite one man from the parish you know; one man from the parish you don’t know; and one or moremen from outside the parish i.e.: Your Father, Son, Neighbor, Uncle, Cousin, Friend, etc.

How much?

No cost however we will take up a free will offering on the evening of the event to help offset the cost of food, drink and speaker.

What kind of food and drink?

New this year; appetizers, on the heavy side! Included with the appetizers will be a fine variety of hop and barley beverages, soft drinks, and rumor has it there may be a bottle or two of some drink made from grapes.


A Men’s Club Smoking Jacket would be great. Since we don’t have one yet, smoking jacket is optional and attire is casual. See you there!