Chávez, Rocky J.
Gloria, Todd
Kiley, Kevin
McCarty, Kevin
Thurmond, Tony
Weber, Shirley N.


CHAIR / Chief Consultant
Rick Pratt
Sophia Kwong Kim
Chelsea Kelley
Tanya Lieberman
Debbie Look
Committee Secretary
Francie Rupert
1020 N Street, Room 159
(916) 319-2087
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
1:30 p.m. -- State Capitol, Room 4202
1. / AB 312 / O'Donnell / School finance: special education funding.
2. / AB 1449 / Muratsuchi / Education finance: local control funding formula: special education grant.
3. / AB 203 / O'Donnell / School facilities: design and construction.
4. / AB 254 / Thurmond / Local Educational Agency Pilot for Overall Needs.
5. / AB 576 / Levine / Pupil discipline: suspension and detention.
6. / AB 746 / Gonzalez Fletcher / Public health: potable water: lead testing: schoolsites and campuses.
7. / AB 838 / Levine / Pupil instruction: history-social science curriculum framework: Russian interference with 2016 presidential election.
8. / AB 842 / Gipson / California community schools.
9. / AB 882 / Arambula / Pupil health care services: School Nursing and Pupil Health Care Services Task Force.
10. / AB 950 / Rubio / Charter schools.
11. / AB 1035 / O'Donnell / Pupil assessments: interim assessments: content standard reporting.
12. / AB 1082 / Burke / Transportation electrification: electric vehicle charging infrastructure: schools.
13. / AB 1087 / Irwin / Teacher credentialing: services credential with a specialization in occupational therapy and physical therapy services.
14. / AB 1122 / Limón / Teachers: dual-language immersion programs.
15. / AB 1182 / Low / Housing: Teacher Housing Assistance Pilot Program.
16. / AB 1183 / Gipson / Local control and accountability plans: annual goals: state priorities: measurement of pupil engagement: high school graduation rates.
17. / AB 1220 / Weber / Certificated school employees: permanent status.
18. / AB 1224 / Weber / Charter schools: Chartering Authority Pilot Program.
19. / AB 1227 / Bonta / Human Trafficking Prevention Education and Training Act.
20. / AB 1261 / Berman / Pupil discipline: expulsions: pupil suicide prevention.
21. / AB 1318 / Chiu / School safety: Safe Place to Learn Act.
22. / AB 1321 / Weber / Education finance: fiscal transparency.
23. / AB 1329 / Nazarian / Pupils: demographic data.
24. / AB 1360 / Bonta / Charter schools: pupil admissions, suspensions, and expulsions.
25. / AB 1469 / Grayson / School transportation.
26. / AB 1602 / O'Donnell / Alternative Grade 11 Assessment Pilot Program.
27. / AB 1661 / Limón / School accountability: multiple measures accountability system.
28. / ACR 58 / Chu / Public schools: history education.