Spend It Application Form

Spent It grants are awarded in order to support and enhance the activities of the Guild.

The following guidelines apply:

  • Only societies registered with the Liverpool Guild of Students 2016/2017 are invited to apply;
  • Projects are invited up to £4,000;
  • Money will not be given for anything that the Guild can provide for free e.g. room hire, websites;
  • Money will not be given retrospectively;
  • Money must be spent on Guild activity;
  • Money will not be given for recurrent items;
  • Items bought with Spend It money belong to the Guild and must be stored in the Guild;
  • Items bought with Spend It money must be shared, where requested, with other societies;
  • Societies may only have one successful bid per semester;
  • Spend It money must be spent by following deadlines:

Spend It MeetingDeadline for money to be spent

20th October18th February

16th November22nd March

18th February3rd May

22nd March29th July

3rd May 29th July

As a charity, the Liverpool Guild of Students will only fund projects that are being run for the benefit of its members. Furthermore, project grants will not be awarded for the following activities:

  • Affiliations or donations to organisations that do not directly benefit students (e.g. political pressure groups);
  • Purely social events;
  • Food & drink;
  • Expenses for attendance to a political rally/demo for non-student related issues;
  • Donations to other charities;
  • Other projects that contravene the Guild’s mission or values, or its legal obligations.

Please note that if your Spend It application is successful:

  • You must acknowledge Spend It in any relevant publicity and forward this material to your Society Coordinator
  • You are required to submit a report, including any photos, to their Society Coordinator on the impact that the awarded money has had within 6 months of receiving the funds
  • If you are successful in your application, but do not complete the above, your society may not apply to Spend It for the rest of the academic year

Project Proposal

What is the name of your society?

Contact person:


Email Address:

What is your idea for improving the student community?

How will this make a difference?

How many students do you think will benefit from this project?

How will this benefit be evaluated by the society?

Over what time period will the project be run? Please give proposed start and end dates.

If this grant is for a trip/activity for a set amount of people, how much money are you requesting per head?

Have you already applied for a grant this academic year? If so, what for?

What other income will this project require? E.g. society membership money, ticket sales etc.

What resources would you project need? E.g. how much money, equipment etc.? Please provide a full budget breakdown below, in order of priority. This should include as much information as possible and must take account of any delivery costs and VAT you may incur.

No: / Description: / Amount:
Total / £

Two paid representatives from your committee must attend the ‘Spend It’ event on Wednesday22thMarchat 5pm in the Mountford Hall, Liverpool Guild of Students.

One representative should be in attendance for the whole event from 5pm.

A second representative should attend at 5.30pmto present your society’s proposal and answer questions from other attendees. Once the presentations are complete, the second representative may leave.

You must be a paid up member in order to represent your society at Spend It; there will be no exceptions made. Any committee member can represent their society.Your application will not qualify for consideration if your society is not represented at the event.

Who from your group will attend the ‘Spend It’ event at 5pm?

Name of attendee

Email address

Phone number

Who will attend the ‘Spend It’ event to present your bid at 5.30pm?

Name of attendee

Email address

Phone number

Please complete this form and return to Josie Smith, Student Activities Administration Assistant, 12noon on Wednesday15thMarch. Any applications received after this deadline will not be processed.

If you have any queries regarding the completion of this form, please contact your Society Coordinator.

/ Liverpool Guild of StudentsCharity Number: 1137398
160 Mount Pleasant, L3 5TRCompany Number: 07324992
+44 (0) 151 794 6868