CODEBOOK EU-SILC microdata 2011

Please note that

  • Data may be subject to future revision.
  • The questions in this module were only asked of respondents that were between the ages of 25 and 59 inclusive
  • This file is intended to be used in conjunction with the main SILC 2011 data file which contains weights etc. The records of the two files can be linked using the variables Hhld_no, Pers_no.


  • There are 11,005 observations and 18 variables on the dataset. This includes 4,333 households and 11,005 interviewed individuals. Descriptions of each variable follow below.

Variable / Description / Values
Suryear / Survey year / 2011
Hhld_no / ID number of household. Members of the same household will have the same ID number / ID
Pers_no / ID number of person in household / ID
num_children / number of children in the household (under 18 years old) / numeric
num_children_f / Flag for num_children / F=filled
N=question not applicable
num_at_work / Number of persons in the household at work / numeric
num_at_work_f / Flag for num_at_work / F=filled
N= question not applicable
citz_fath / Citizenship of father of respondent / 1=Irish
4= question not applicable
citz_moth / Citizenship of mother of respondent / 1=Irish
4= question not applicable
ed_lev_fath / Highest education level attained by father of the respondent / 1=low level (up to lower secondary level) of education or no education.
2=Medium level (upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education)
3=High level (first or second level of tertiary education)
5=question not applicable
ed_lev_moth / Highest education level attained by mother of the respondent / 1=low level (up to lower secondary level) of education or no education.
2=Medium level (upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary education)
3=High level (first or second level of tertiary education)
5=question not applicable
act_stat_fath / Activity status of father of the respondent / 1=working
3=other (retired, home duties, otherwise inactive)
5=question not applicable
occ_fath / Main occupation of father of the respondent / 0=Armed forces
2= Professionals
3= Technicians and associate professionals
4= Clerical support workers
5= Service and sales workers
6= Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7= Craft and related trades workers
8= Plant and machine operators, and assemblers
9= Elementary occupations
10=not working
12=not applicable
act_stat_moth / Activity status of mother of the respondent / 1=working
3=other (retired, home duties, otherwise inactive)
5=question not applicable
occ_moth / Main occupation of father of the respondent / 0=Armed forces
2= Professionals
3= Technicians and associate professionals
4= Clerical support workers
5= Service and sales workers
6= Skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery workers
7= Craft and related trades workers
8= Plant and machine operators, and assemblers
9= Elementary occupations
10=not working
12=not applicable
hse_fin_sit / Respondents perception of the financial situation of the household / 1=very bad
3=moderately bad
4=moderately good
5= good
6=very good
8=question not applicable
Hse_ends_meet / Respondents perception of the household ability to make ends meet / 1=with great difficulty
2=with difficulty
3=with some difficulty
4=fairly easily
6=very easily
8=question not applicable
tenancy / Tenancy status of the household / 1=owned
3=accommodation provided free
5=not applicable