Instructor’s Name______

English 93 (semester_____) Days/times class meets______

Office______Phone______Office Hours______


Welcome to English 93! English 93 is a course in reading, writing, and critical thinking that prepares you for the demands of English 12 and your subsequent college courses and academic careers. The work in this course will also prepare you for the CUNY ACT Writing Exam, which you will retake upon completion of this course.

Completion of the Course means more than just showing up. Completion of the course, as some of you already know from the contracts you have signed in your previous English courses, means completing the essays (all revisions), journal entries, homework assignments, reading assignments, and any other work I assign. In addition to your assignments from me, there will be a midterm and a final exam that is read and evaluated by an outside reader. The midterm will be returned to you with the reader’s comments and my comments attached. The final exam will receive a “P” or an “F” from the reader. Completing the course also means attending the class and accumulating no more than the allowed number of absences (8 hours – not 8 classes) for English 93. If you have completed the course, you will receive a permission letter to retake the CUNY ACT Writing Exam at the end of this term, whether or not you receive a passing grade in English 93.

Passing the Course means that you have completed all of the work and maintained an average of “C-” or above on your essays, and passed the final exam, which will be read and evaluated by an outside reader. You need not pass the course to receive an ACT Permission Letter. But you must do all of the work and complete the course. However, if you do not pass the course, you will receive a grade of “R” (Repeat), and you must repeat English 93, if you do not pass the Writing ACT. Those who pass the course, but not the Writing ACT will receive a letter grade (A to C-) and move up to English W, a test prep course. Students must pass the CUNY Writing ACT to be admitted to English 12.

Evaluation Rubric: This is flexible (teacher’s discretion) but it must be clear!

Attendance, punctuality, participation: %

Homework, journals, in-class assignments %

Revised Essays %

Midterm %

Final Exams (if passing) %

Required Texts and Materials:

Required Materials:

Attendance Policy and other Expectations/Classroom Policies