1aWrite these fractions as decimals to an appropriate degree of accuracy.

i= ______ii= ______(1 mark)

bWrite these decimals as fractions (in their lowest terms).

i0.8= ______ii0.65 = ______(1 mark)

2aFive loaves of bread cost £5.35.

Find the cost of three loaves.

£ ______(1 mark)

bEmma makes shoulder bags for sale. A bag costs her £24 to make. She then adds on 60% profit before selling it.

iWhat is the profit amount?

£ ______(2marks)

ii What is her selling price?

£ ______(1 mark)

cThe cost of heating oil in January was 65% more than the cost in July. Mr Watson spent £300 on oil in July.

What would the price have been in January?

£ ______(3marks)

3There are 18 girls in a class of 25 pupils.

aWhat fraction of the class are girls?

i______(2 marks)

bWhat percentage of the class are girls?

ii______(2 marks)

4Here are six cards.

Event W is ‘choosing any letter’.

Event X is ‘choosing any number’.

Event Y is ‘choosing a vowel’.

Event Z is ‘choosing an even number’.

Answer the questions below:

aWhat does mutually exclusive mean?(1 mark)


bAre events W and Y mutually exclusive?Yes / No(1 mark)

cAre events X and Z mutually exclusive?Yes / No(1 mark)

dAre events W and X mutually exclusive?Yes / No(1 mark)

5A coin is tossed 12 times to land heads (H) or tails (T) with the results occurring in this order:


aMake two comments about these results.


______(1 mark)


______(1 mark)

b‘The next result will be a tail.’

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give your reason.


______(2 marks)

c‘The next result may be a tail.’

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Give your reason.


______(2 marks)

6 You choose one letter at random from the word


Find these probabilities, and write your answers as fractions in their lowest terms.

aP(choosing a letter B)

a______(1 mark)

bP(not choosing a letter B)

b______(1 mark)

7Hea-Woo throws a fair dice.

Find the probability that the number showing is:

aan even number______(1 mark)

ba prime number______(1 mark)

ca number which is both even and prime.______(2 marks)

8The probability P of tomorrow being wet all day is 0.1.

The probability Q of tomorrow being dry all day is 0.3.

aOn this number line from 0 to 1, mark P and Q with two arrows. Label them P and Q.

(2 marks)

bFind the probability of tomorrow being a mixture of wetand dry.

______(2 marks)

9I spin this triangular spinner and this square spinner at the same time.

aComplete this table to show all the possible total scores I can have when adding the scores together.

Triangular / 3
1 / 2 / 3 / 4

(2 marks)

bWhich are the most likely possible total scores?

______(1 mark)

cWhich are the least likely possible total scores?

______(1 mark)

10Would you carry out an experiment, an observation or a questionnaire in order to gather data to investigate

athe number of tosses of a coin before you get a head

a______(1 mark)

bthe number of customers at a corner shop

b______(1 mark)

cthe TV preferences of teenagers

c______(1 mark)

dthe times taken for different toasters to toast a slice of bread?

d______(1 mark)

11This bar chart shows the number of different pets owned by a class of pupils in a school.

aWhich pet is the mode?

______(1 mark)

bWhat is total number of pets owned by pupils in the class?

______(3 marks)

12A doctor sees 11 patients at his surgery.
The times (to the nearest minute) spent with each patient are:

5 7 8 10 5 5 7 9 8 5 8

aWrite these times in order with the smallest first.

______(1 mark)

bFind the median time of the data.

______min(2 marks)

cFind the mean time of the data.


Year 9 Term 1a Foundation Assessment