Mrs. Agatone Chapter 17 Index of Images/Assignments


1.  By Wed. Dec. 12th read Gardner’s Art Through the Ages 12th Edition pages 447-457

2.  By Fri. Dec. 14th read Gardner’s Art Through the Ages 12th Edition pages 458-463

3.  By Monday Dec. 17th read Gardner’s Art Through the Ages 12th Edition pages 464-470

4.  By Tues. Dec. 18th read Gardner’s Art Through the Ages 12th Edition pages 471-476

5.  Wednesday Dec. 19th Test on Chapter 17

6.  Wed. Dec. 12th Outlines Due for 2nd Paper

Chapter 17 Index of Images

The Age of Pilgrimages:
Romanesque Art

Figure # / Caption / File
Map / Map of Europe about 1100 /
17-03 / Interior of Saint Philibert, Tournus, France, nave vaults, ca. 1060. /
17-04 / Aerial view (from the southeast) of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France, ca. 1070-1120. /
17-04 Ext. / General view of Basilica from WNW
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-04 Ext. Detail / Closer view of the chevet, from E
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-06 / Interior of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France, ca. 1070-1120.
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-06 Alt View / Interior: general view of the nave, from W
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-07 / Model of the third abbey church ("Cluny III"), Cluny, France, 1088-1130. Musée du Farinier, Cluny, France. /
17-08 / Interior of abbey church of Notre-Dame, Fontenay, France, 1139-1147. /
17-08 Alt View / Interior: Nave arcade and vaults, view SW
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-09 / Interior of Speyer Cathedral, Speyer, Germany, begun 1030; nave vaults, ca. 1082-1106. /
17-10 / Interior of Sant'Ambrogio, Milan, Italy, late eleventh to early twelfth century. /
17-11 / West facade of Saint-Étienne, Caen, France, begun 1067. /
17-12 / Interior of Saint-Étienne, Caen, France, vaulted ca. 1115-1120.
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-12 Alt View / West facade of Saint-Étienne, Caen, France, begun 1067.
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-13 / Interior of Saint-Étienne, Caen, France, vaulted ca. 1115–1120.
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-13 Alt View / Interior view of nave and vaults to the east (ca. 1115-1120)
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-14 / Interior of Durham Cathedral, England, begun ca. 1093. /
17-15 / Plan (bottom) and lateral section (top) of Durham Cathedral, England (after Kenneth John Conant). /
17-17 / Cathedral complex, Pisa, Italy; cathedral begun 1063; baptistery begun 1153; campanile begun 1174. /
17-17 Detail / Detail view of Baptistry
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-18 / Baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence, Italy, dedicated 1059. /
17-19 / Interior of San Miniato al Monte, Florence, Italy, ca. 1062-1090.
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-19 Alt View / General View of the restored sanctuary (1998)
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-20 / Cloister of Saint-Pierre, Moissac, France, ca. 1100-1115. Limestone with marble relief panels, piers approx. 6' high.
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-20 Detail / Cloister: SW corner pillar, view NE
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-20 Detail / Detail, columns of South aisle
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-21 / BERNARDUS GELDUINUS, Christ in Majesty, relief in the ambulatory of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France, ca. 1096. Marble, 4' 2" high. /
17-22 / WILIGELMO, creation and temptation of Adam and Eve, frieze on the west facade, Modena Cathedral, Modena, Italy, ca. 1110. Marble, approx. 3' high. /
17-23 / South portal of Saint-Pierre, Moissac, France, ca. 1115-1135. Marble, approx. 16' 6" wide at base. /
17-23 Detail / Close detail of tympanum on the S portal
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-24 / Lions and Old Testament prophet (Jeremiah or Isaiah?), from the trumeau of the south portal of Saint-Pierre, Moissac, France, ca. 1115-1130. Marble, approx. life-size. /
17-24 Detail / Trumeau of the S portal: the Prophet Jeremiah (Isaiah?)
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-25 / GISLEBERTUS, Last Judgment, west tympanum of Saint-Lazare, Autun, France, ca. 1120-1135. Marble, approx. 21' wide at base. /
17-25 Alt View / General view of Portal with Tympanum
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-26 / Ascension of Christ and Mission of the Apostles, tympanum of the center portal of the narthex of La Madeleine, Vézelay, France, 1120-1132. /
17-26 Detail / closer view of the Tympanum
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-27 / Portal on the west facade of Saint-Trophîme, Arles, France, mid twelfth century. /
17-27 Detail / Christ in Judgment
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-28 / BENEDETTO ANTELAMI, King David, statue in a niche on the west facade of Fidenza Cathedral, Fidenza, Italy, ca. 1180-1190. Marble, approx. life-size. /
17-29 / RAINER OF HUY, Baptism of Christ, baptismal font from Notre-Dame-des-Fonts, Liège, Belgium, 1107-1118. Bronze, 2' 1" high. Saint-Barthélémy, Liège. /
17-30 / Virgin and Child (Morgan Madonna), from the Auvergne, France, second half of twelfth century. Painted wood, 2' 7" high. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1916).
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-30 Alt View / Total from front center
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-31 / Head reliquary of Saint Alexander, from Stavelot Abbey, Belgium, 1145. Silver repoussé (partly gilt), gilt bronze, gems, pearls, and enamel, approx. 1' 5 1/2" high. Musées Royaux, Brussels. /
17-32 / Christ in Majesty, apse fresco from Santa María de Mur, near Lérida, Spain, mid-twelfth century. 22' X 24'. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. /
17-33 / Entombment of Christ, fresco above the nave arcade, Sant'Angelo in Formis, near Capua, Italy, ca. 1085. /
17-34 / Nave of the abbey church, Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe, France. Painted barrel vault, ca. 1100. /
17-34 Detail / Arcade of the apse
photo: © 2005 Saskia Cultural Documentation, Ltd. /
17-35 / The vision of Hildegard of Bingen, detail of a facsimile of a lost folio in the Scivias by Hildegard of Bingen, from Trier or Bingen, Germany, ca. 1050-1079. Formerly in Hessische Landesbibliothek, Wiesbaden. /
17-38 / EADWINE THE SCRIBE(?), Eadwine the scribe at work, folio 283 verso of the Eadwine Psalter, ca. 1160-1170. Ink and tempera on vellum. Trinity College, Cambridge. /
17-40 / Battle of Hastings, detail of the Bayeux Tapestry, from Bayeux Cathedral, Bayeux, France, ca. 1070-1080. Embroidered wool on linen, 1' 8" high (entire length of fabric 229' 8"). Centre Guillaume le Conquérant, Bayeux. /