The University of the Third Age

Newsletter No. 73 September/October 2015

“Spring is sprung

The grass is riz

I wonder where the flowers is

The bird is on the wing

But that’s absurd
The wing is on the bird”

I looked this bit of nonsense doggerel up on the internet and found there are various versions as well as various authors quoted. The majority of the votes seem to go to either Ogden Nash or Anonymous, so take your pick. I was actually thrilled to see the first of the returning swallows last Sunday. What brave little birds they are!

The Annual General Meeting has come and gone and, as Winter recedes and Spring arrives, so does our U3A year begin:

Message from the Chair: “I feel honoured to be leading such an efficient and keen Committee this year. So far, so good, except that we do not have a Secretary and in order to run U3A efficiently we need more Committee Members. So this is an earnest appeal to members to volunteer their services.

I am sure this year will be stimulating in all respects, with interesting speakers, both at the monthly General Meetings and the Current Affairs Meetings. Our many courses have proved popular and mostly well attended. I am convinced that attending U3A is what keeps us all relatively young and that is surely what we all aim for. Ann King”

MEMBERSHIP NEWS: Shirley Baxter: (043)7213518:

At present we have 175 paid-up members. 80 subscriptions are outstanding. Please pay up as soon as possible. Please be aware that if you are not paid up by the end of October your name is removed from the Membership List.

Welcome to new members: Cyriel De Kayser, Kathy Johannen, Lorraine Long, Annette Ludick, Hetty Harry and Avril Murdoch. We hope you will have a long and happy association with U3A.

It is also very good to welcome back returning members Nola Durno, Annemarie Schreiber and Pat Cross.

Bill and Marion Banister have relocated to Hermanus and Neville Woollgar to Port Alfred. We wish them much happiness in their new homes.

We send our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Gerty Harebottle and Barbara Brown who have passed on to higher service.

Our best wishes go to all our U3A members who are unwell for a complete and speedy return to good health.


Special Birthdays: Helen Bosworth Smith celebrated her 90th birthday on 9 August. Lyn Grenfell celebrated her 80th on 30 August. Congratulations to you both on this special achievement.

October: 1 Shirley Baxter, 3 Annemarie Schreiber, 5 Eno Boeke, 8 Gillian Zwicky, 10 Chris Clarke, 11 Kelvin Shelver, 12 Marina Marchetti, 14 John Pearson, 15 Andrew Makin, 17 Jimmy Calder, 18 Lynette Beal, 19 Jim Tannock, 20 Bruce Whiting, 24 Barbara Gagner, 24 Ingrid Gorham, 25 Mac Hartmann, 26 Penny Tyson.

November: 8 Keith Marshall, Hettie Harry, 11 Jane Potgieter, 14 Norma Norden, 15 Reg James, 16 Barbara Barry, 17 Joey Lloyd, 19 Alison Horsfall, 22 Yvonne Daniels, Louis Laubscher, 27 Clare Fowle, Tricia Weaver.

May you be blessed with good health and happiness.

The good news – your new 2016/7 U3A Committee: Chairperson - Ann King; Vice-Chairperson; Treasurer and Website– John Stoddard; Membership and Snail Mail- Shirley Baxter; Courses – Anne Cooke; Speakers and Front of house- Christmas Lunch Convener – Sandra Sterling; Newsletter and Publicity – Nookie Middleton.

The bad news - Vacant portfolios: Secretary, Ordinary Committee Members. The Constitution provides for two Vice-Chairmen, 3 – 4 members doing Courses plus 3 – 4 ordinary members! As you will note, we are far below that number. You will also note that four of the Committee Members are operating two very full portfolios each – not a good idea. In 2016/7 we will only have three committee members still serving their terms of office. Because there are no new Committee Members this year, there is no one learning how to run the U3A and take over the portfolios of the retiring Committee Members. Unless we can come up with an inspired method of running U3A East London without a committee we will have to consider winding up our wonderful University before or at the next Annual General Meeting. No pressure!!

Our Chairperson, Ann, has requested that if you can give any U3A member who is unable to drive a lift to meetings, please let the Committee know. Your help will be much appreciated.

COURSE NEWS: OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2015: Anne Cooke 084 502 2055, 043 735 2055, :

It is difficult to realize that we are coming to the end of the year. I do hope you have all enjoyed the Courses and Speakers that we have had this year. Sadly we say good bye (hopefully it is ‘au revoir’) to Nancy Teitz and Museum Matters. Nancy, a big thank-you to you from all of us for the hard work and meticulous attention to detail that you put into the course. Jane Balfour is unfortunately unable to continue with French Conversation next year. If anyone out there is prepared to step into her shoes, please let me know before the sign-up date in November. Thank you to Jane for taking over French Conversation this year. Indeed, thank you to all our Course Leaders who put in so much hard work into the Courses they run.

Please don’t forget the sign-up date for 2015/2016 – 12th November. Also remember that when you sign up for a closed Course, it is a firm commitment to attend. The venue that is booked is based on the number signing up and if you do not attend, it can mean a financial loss for U3A. Should you not be attending a specific session of a closed Course, you must give the Course Leader 48 hours notice as Course Leaders prepare material and refreshments.

We need new Courses for next year. So if you are able to help/or lead a Course, please do come forward.

For full details of all the Courses, please consult the Course Schedule.


GENERAL MEETINGS: 09H30: 8 October: Kim von Kets, Author, endurance runner and motivational speaker will be addressing members.

12 November: SIGN-UP DAY. We hope for a big turnout this year. After the sign-up, Anna Stoddard will be giving an informative and amusing talk on Mdme. De Pompadour. To ensnare a man as easily bored as Louis XVth, a mistress required a wide variety of charms. Madame de Pompadour managed not only to attract the king but also to keep him captivated for 20 years through her passion for art, music and architectural projects. This presentation uses slides and musical examples to show how this delectable patroness of the arts promoted herself to position of power and influence in the French Court.

CURRENT AFFAIRS: 10H00: 15 October: John Ross Smith will give a presentation on the History of Turkey.

19 November: Chris Clark will be speaking of some of his experiences during his years as a retail Pharmacist.

Old Tyme Musicals: Dave Donkin: 22 October, for those who missed “South Pacific” we will be having another showing. 26 November: The evergreen “My Fair Lady”.

Armchair Travel: John Stoddard: 5 October, Ann King will be speaking of her travels in Croatia. 2 November, Rose Anley will be taking you on a tour of Russia.

Film Club: Rose Anley: 7 October, “Nicky’s Family”. This is the true story of the “British Schindler”, Sir Nicholas Winton. Our local newspaper “GO” recently gave this film a very good write-up. 4 November: “The Imitation Game”. This film is based on the true story of Alan Turing, who, together with his team, unlocked the German Enigma Code during World War II, thus saving many lives. The Independent bills this as the Best British film of the year.

Museum Matters: Nancy Teitz: So, do Museums matter? 19 October or 3 November there will be a behind-the-scenes tour of the East London Museum. Nancy will confirm this with Course members before the time.

Garden Club: Ann King: 13 October, Peter Miles’ garden at 10 Linaria Place, Vincent Heights. Subject – Clivias. 10 November, To be advised.

Last but certainly not least: The U3A Christmas Lunch: News I know many of you have been anxiously waiting to hear. Sandra Sterling, Convener, has been working hard to arrange our Christmas Lunch. I know many of you said the lunch last year was too expensive for you. So, in order to reduce costs, your Committee decided to hold the lunch on a Sunday which has reduced the price somewhat, a miracle in this day and age when prices seem just to go up and up.

DATE: Sunday 22 November. VENUE: President’s Suite, Buffs Club. TIME: 12h00. PRICE PER PERSON: R95.

Numbers are limited so please book early. I have seen the buffet menu and will be the first in line! Ann King will be selling tickets at the General and Current Affairs meetings. Any queries contact either Sandra Sterling 083 500 6269 or Ann King 083 774 7663.

TAILPIECE: “You know you’re old if they have discontinued your blood type”. Phyllis Diller.

And with that I bid you adieu until next time from the Newsletter Team.