Multicultural Health Grants Program 2016-2017


Multilingual Information Projects

Grants available

Up to $5,000 for the development and translation of information materials


up to $10,000 if the resource is either an audio-visual or e-based resource, containing translated health information (subject to 2016-2017 budget allocation).


Applications for multilingual projects are only open to health services of the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District. NGOs funded by the health system are not eligible to apply. In 2016-2017, priority will be given to projects that develop new and innovative approaches for engaging and communicating health messages to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.


The Grants Program aims to encourage the development of innovative approaches to health care for CALD groups within the health system.

Key dates and application process

Applications close / May 6th 2016
Grant applications assessed by committee and successful applicants contacted thereafter / May 23rd 2016
Completion of final English language resource(s) and delivery of resource(s) to MHS / September 30th 2016
Final completion of resource(s) / February 24th 2017

Assessment Criteria

An independent Grants Assessment Committee will review applications against the following criteria:

·  Importance of the topic to be translated/produced against multicultural health and health service priorities.

·  Innovation of the approach(es) in engaging and communicating health message(s) to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.

·  Quality and currency of existing information available on the topic.

·  Sufficient information provided to support the application.

·  Content is generic and suitable for use across SESLHD and other Local Health Districts across NSW. Individual service brochures are not eligible.

·  Evidence of a plan on how the resources are going to be distributed and used.

·  Capacity and commitment to review and update the resource produced as required over the lifetime of the resource.


·  Printing costs will not be funded.

·  Factsheets, general health promotion information and instructional information is favoured and encouraged.

·  Developed factsheets must be on the preferred SESLHD template. Please contact the Multicultural Health Service for a copy of the template. Email: .

·  Applications that are relatively underdeveloped and “concept only” may be encouraged to

re-apply for a grant in a later funding round.

·  MHS may advise on the appropriateness and number of languages chosen.

·  MHS reserves the right to edit text, in consultation with the author, so that information becomes simplified, linguistically appropriate for translation and culturally appropriate for the target community.

·  Translations are processed and paid for directly by the Multicultural Health Service. A funding agreement is therefore not necessary if the project is a translation.

·  Translation process includes translation by National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) accredited translators, checking by NAATI accredited translators, and a final review by bilingual staff or appropriate community members.

·  The MHS reserves the right to cancel and reallocate funding if project deadlines are not adhered to.

·  Under Australian Law you need permission from the copyright owner to make a translation of text that has not been developed by you or your department. You also require the permission of the owner/original author of the information to publish any translations of text on the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service website and any other websites.

·  Copyright protection also extends to images. Please ensure that you have the permission of the copyright owner before including any images in your resource. Contact the Multicultural Health Service if you need assistance in sourcing images for your resource(s).

·  Completed translations will be sent to the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service for inclusion on their website. Resources on this website are available across NSW Health, as well as accessible to the general public via the Internet. Therefore, the content must be generic and appropriate for use across SESLHD and NSW Health.

·  The SESLHD Multicultural Health Service must be acknowledged as the funding source on all resources completed under this program.

·  Supporting references are to be included at the end of applications.

Useful links for producing health information

Clinical Excellence Commission’s Health Literacy Guide: and

Guidelines for the Production of Multilingual Health Resources: and

South Australian Health:

Assistance with your application

Your local Diversity Health Coordinator/contact can assist with your submission. Please allow some time to discuss your ideas. Contact details are as follows:

Prince of Wales Hospital & Community Health Service / Julieanne Hilbers / N/A /
Calvary Health Care Sydney / Marguerite Green / 9553 3535 /
Royal Hospital for Women / Jane Svensson / 9382 6700 /
St George Hospital & Community Health Service / Vivianne Challita-Ajaka / 9113 2419 /
Sutherland Hospital & Community Health Service / Klara Takas / 9113 2419 /
Sydney & Sydney Eye Hospitals / Yael Rottanburg / 9382 7547 /
War Memorial Hospital* / Collette Coughlin / 9369 0258 /
Garrawarra Centre for Aged Care / Vivianne Challita-Ajaka / 9113 2419 /

*Currently does not have a Diversity Health Coordinator but has Diversity Health Champion(s).

For further information about the ‘Multilingual Information Project’ category, contact

Joanne Corcoran, Communications Program Manager on 9382 8675 or email:

Submission details

Please submit your application by email to:

AND post original with signatures by mail to:

Milica Mihajlovic

Multicultural Health Service

301 Forbes St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010

PO Box 1614, Sydney NSW 2001

Any application that is late, illegible or incomplete will not be considered

Applications close May 6th 2016


MULTICULTURAL Health Grants Program 2016-2017

Multilingual Information Projects

Application Form


Resource Title
Applicant’s Name / Position
Service/Department / Unit/Facility
Postal Address
Email / Phone
1. Brief description of, and rationale for the resource
(250 words maximum)
Resource Type: Brochure/fact sheet ☐ DVD ☐ CD ☐ Other ☐
If factsheet, please use preferred MHS template. Contact: for a copy.
Rationale for the resource? Why is it needed?
2. Information about the resource (200 words maximum)
Is the resource presently available in English?
Yes ☐ No☐
If yes, please attach a copy of the completed resource in Microsoft Word format
If no, please provide further information on how this resource is being developed, and indicate when the resource is expected to be completed. Also overview how your local Diversity Health Coordinator/Champion will be involved in the development of the resource.
Was the resource developed or being developed by you or your department?
(100 words maximum)
Yes ☐ No☐
If yes, overview how your local Diversity Health Coordinator/Champion will be involved in the development of the resource.
If no, who developed the resource? Have you obtained permission from the Copyright owner to adapt and translate the material? If the resource contains images, please ensure you also have permission from the copyright owner of included images. Please provide details.
What is the word count of this resource?
Notes: Printing costs of the completed resource are NOT covered by this funding.
The Multicultural Health Service will estimate the cost of translation into nominated languages based on the word count you provide in this application.
Costs will vary over the course of the translation process and are directly linked to the number of words a resource contains.
Translation costs will be paid directly by the Multicultural Health Service.
Have any modifications to the English version been considered to suit the target audience e.g. length and complexity of language used? (50 words maximum)
Yes ☐ No☐
If yes, what modifications have been made?
Is the resource presently available in some languages other than English?
Yes ☐ No☐
If yes, please list the languages that are currently available for this resource.
3. Quality and currency of existing information on this topic
Is information on this topic presently available in Australia in languages other than English*?
(100 words maximum)
Yes ☐ No☐ Don’t Know ☐
If yes, please provide details on how these resources differ from your proposed resource.
*To find out if there is any existing information on this topic, please check with colleagues from other facilities as well as the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service Website: and Victorian Government Health Information website:
Priority is given to projects where there is no current information available on that topic or language.
4. Languages and reason for targeting these groups (100 words maximum)
5. Applicability of the resource across the SESLHD and other Local Health Districts in NSW
(100 words maximum)
Is the resource suitable for use across the SESLHD?
Yes ☐ No☐
Is the resource suitable for use in other Districts across NSW?
Yes ☐ No☐
If no, why is this resource not suitable for broader distribution? (Notes: individual service brochures will not be funded. Preference will be given to resources that are applicable across the District and other Local Health Districts in NSW. The MHS is able to assist you in broadening the applicability of your resource).
6. Distribution of the resource (100 words maximum)
How will the resource be distributed to the target audience? Who will be responsible for this distribution?
7. Evaluation of the resource in English (100 words maximum)
Has this resource been evaluated in English? What were the results?
8. Sustainability (50 words maximum)
How will the resource be maintained and kept current*? Who will be responsible for this?
*Resources on the MHCS website are reviewed every three years to ensure that they remain current. Updates are the responsibility of the department that developed the resource. Updates will not be funded by the Multicultural Health Service, including translations of updated resources.
9. Management Endorsement
Manager’s Name:
Signature :


MULTICULTURAL Health Grants Program 2016-2017

Multilingual Information Projects

Pre-Submission Checklist