
Course Description
This is a one-semester required course in Economics. We will discuss both macro- and micro-economic concepts. We will experience the stock market and consider factors important in making business decisions.

Textbooks: Economics - Principles in Action

Materials: Several #2 Pencils, Blue or Black Pen

(Other colors of ink will not be graded..)

Notebook Paper, Highlighters

Spiral notebook (with pockets) or 3-ring binder

Evaluation: Your six weeks grade will be made up of the following

Tests/Projects/Research Papers…………….…60%

Quizzes/JA/Products……… ….……………...30%

Homework / Class work/ other …. …………..10%

*Semester Exam is 15% of total grade

Tutoring Tutoring for this course is provided on Tuesdays and Thurs after school.

Please schedule an appointment in the designated place

Graded Work Once grading is completed, all work will be put in the black trays near my desk

Make-up Work: You will have three days to take care of all make-up work following an absence. (Check your calendar)

Tests will be made up at a scheduled time outside of class. No class time will be used for make-up. Failure to lock in a make-up date to be tested by the third day of your return will result in a grade of zero. You need to sign-up for a date in the designated place in the front of the classroom.. Special circumstances will be dealt with accordingly.

Quizzes will be made up on the first day of your return, unless you had no previous knowledge of its scheduling. If the class schedule permits quizzes may be made up in class at my discretion.

Late projects are strongly discouraged.. If you will be out on the due date of a project have someone bring it in for you. If you are present on the day an assignment is given, no additional time will be allowed. Late projects will loose 1 letter grade for each calendar day that it is not submitted.

ISS assignments are expected to be completed when assigned. This includes tests.

Tests scheduled during an ISS stay must be taken in ISS or you will receive a grade of zero. Always take your textbooks with you to ISS. Remember that your books only provide a fraction of materials covered in class. You are still responsible for obtaining notes, assignments, etc. from one of your classmates.(Study Buddy ______)

Class Behavior: Class rules are based on respect, responsibility, and reason.

1.  Respect yourself, others, and their property.

2.  Be on time and ready to work

3.  Bring required materials to class every day.

4.  Think BEFORE you act.


(Grooming item or items will be trashed)

6.  No cell phones

7.  No food, gum or drinks allowed. (Bottled water is OKAY)

Cheating Policy: See Discipline Management Plan for definition of cheating. Consequences are those outlined by the district. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Discipline Plan: Disruptive behavior (i.e. rudeness, profanity, sleeping in class, excessive talking, noise, etc.) will not be tolerated. Continued disruptive behavior will result in a conduct grade of “N,” progressing to “U ”and a call to parents.

Syllabus: We will cover the following topics during the semester

·  Definition of economics and economic systems

·  Supply, demand, and market-clearing price

·  Business organizations and corporate financing

·  Competition

·  Measuring economic activity

·  Government and the economy

·  Money and banking

·  Labor

·  International trade