
Hidden Point HOA

February 19, 2018

Members present: Forrest Pate, Justine Scheriger, Angel Laughter, Jean Moore, Frank Chapman, Candace Campbell (via telephone). Regrets: Duane Clark (report submitted via e-mail)

Vice-President Justine Scherigercalled the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. Justine moved to approve minutes of the January meeting as presented. Second by Forrest Pate, and passed.

Candace Campbell moved to define “short-term-rental” for the Hidden Point HOA By-Laws and Covenants as any term less than six months. Second by Angel Laughter, and passed.

Via email, Treasurer Duane Clark reported (as of 2/12/18) an operating account balance of $53,019.23, and a reserve account balance of $20,036.85. Just over $3,500 is annual dues is outstanding, and late notices will be sent before the end of the month with a $50 late fee assessment. In response to Duane’s inquiry about the Landscaping contract, Forrest reported that he is working on the renewal, and he is asking Puryear for details about treating the islands. Duane is reaching out to the contractor about repairing the tennis court. Justine asked about keeping the area clean after the renovation. Puryear cleans leaves out of the fenced area. Discussion about removing elm trees in the area. Forest will get a bid from Sunshine.

Forrest also noted a discussion with Fred Rogers. If, at some point in the future, the Board decides to remove the tennis courts, the City may consider a request to allow two additional home sites to be defined in that space.

Landscaping: Forrest said the damaged unit on the Ashland Point island may not have been built to current codes. Kirby Electric will examine. First quote for repairs was $1,800. Forrest will discuss with Puryear, since one of their mowers is believed to be responsible for the damage. Also need to address appx. 5 rotten railroad ties in that area. Forrest also noted that 9 landscape lights need to be repaired or replaced. He recommended replacing the fixtures ($16 each + $5 for LED bulb) and cable ($58). Jean Moore moved to authorize up to $350 for Forrest to make these purchases. Second by Angel Laughter and passed. Forrest is getting a quote on flowers for the entrance. Discussion about possible Community Work Day (tba). Mulch set for installation in mid-March.

Architecture: Frank Chapman discussed two residents at odds over yard damage in the process of repairs. He will contact the homeowners responsible for damage and also advise them to clean up debris in their yard. Discussion about permits that may or may not be needed for repairs. Note about securing necessary permits prior to beginning a project to be added to Architectural Review form (Candace to handle).

Welcoming: Angel contacted new owners at 100 Liberty Cove. Visit to Troy Towe postponed due to a death in his family.

New Business:

-Frank asked about possible repairs to lights on Hidden Point island. Forrest will check the breaker.

-Need to power wash wall. Discussion about getting a quote for the wall along Meadowlake and at the entrances. Deferred until March meeting.

-Forrest is getting quotes on adding burberries in front of the laurels at the entrances.

-Jean will contact Leann Tanner about joining the board. Frank will reach out to his neighbor Linda.

Next meeting will be 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 12, at Angel Laughter’s home, 105 Liberty Cove. Justine will host the April 9 meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.