Milan Township
16444 Cone Rd
Milan, MI. 48160
Town Hall Meeting
June 19, 2017 Minutes
Members present:
Supervisor Heath, Trustee Dopkowski & Trustee Mancik
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.
The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Supervisor Heath gave an introduction and introduced the Board members present along with the P/C members present. They were: Chairman: John Schauer, Matt Walline, Roxanne Bryant & Pat Porter.
John gave an overview of the medical marijuana industry and what the P/C was looking into. He read from some state and MTA articles to explain the difference in Medical marijuana and the drug. He then opened it up for questions and/or comments.
Resident: Think about the banking, It is aall Cash business. It may be a security issue. John: That is one reason we do not want to allow dispensaries.
Resident: What is the process? If the P/C creates an ordinance does it go to the MCPC next? John:No, but we would probably get their input.
Resident: Is this considered Ag? Is there any in Monroe county now? John: Yes it is ag with extra requirements. There in not any in the county as of now. This whole thing doesn’t take effect until Dec 2017.
Resident: Does it mean that the person that asked for the facility doesn’t have any experience? John: Yes
Resident: I Don’t want it! What is the Tax rate? John: Not sure
Resident: There is a growing center that started in Illinois. They have several problems with issues on both sides. Why does Milan Township want it? I say do nothing and wait.
Resident: Who regulates this? John: The state of Michigan
Resident: How are Townships nationally handling this issue? John: If we choose to pursue this then we will do more research.
Resident: How big is our Commercial and Industrial districts now? John: Explained.
Trustee Mancik: MTA said that most Townships are not going to do anything.
Resident: We rely on MC Sherriff to police our Township. Will there be increased patrolling if this is allowed in the Township? John: That would have to be a requirement or negotiated.
Resident: Is a patient of medical marijuana. He grows his own currently but explained that when he traveled to Las Vegas he was able to buy it from a licensed facility. It is required to be screened and tested before being sold.
Resident: Grass Lake, MI. already has a medical marijuana facility. You should look into that one.
Resident: I’m not against it but wouldn’t want to live close to a facility.
Supervisor Heath gave a brief overview and thanked everyone for their input.
Adjournment: 8:03pm.
Respectfully submitted by: Kevin Heath-Deputy Clerk per/ Barbara Collins-Clerk