The Tús

On-Line System Handbook

Version 2 – October 2011


Introduction 1

Section 1 – Initial Log –in 2

Section 2 Weekly Payment Form 5

Example 1 Fuel Arrears plus CDI 7

Example 2 Regular Repayment 8

Example 3 CDI Awarded plus Arrears 9

Submitting Forms 9

Useful Tips 10

New Starters / Leavers 12

2 / For Technical Support - Please Contact the Tús Helpdesk at 01-5117241 or


The Pobal TÚS online system will enable all implementing bodies to submit information directly to Pobal through the internet. Access will be given to relevant authorised staff to submit weekly payroll and renewal forms. All forms will be pre-populated with existing information from our payroll system.


Ø  Move from email reporting to online reporting -

Ø  Weekly Payroll process on exception basis

Ø  Information/Reporting readily available

Ø  Linking of Pobal online system to payroll system

Ø  User friendly

Ø  Time Efficiencies

Ø  Will facilitate the implementation of the Tús initiative

This handbook is a step by step guide to give users a detailed overview of the Tús online system.

Section 1 – Initial Log -in

·  Go to website or

·  Then click on the Sign In button or the Pobal Online Link from Beneficiary Support.

·  Select Submit Complete Tús / Rural Social Scheme Weekly Payment Form

·  Complete the User Name and Password and click Login

·  Select Submit Complete Tús / Rural Social Scheme Weekly Payment Form

There is a box to remember you next time – if you use a computer that may be shared by others this option should not be used. Once you have entered the details click on the login button. It also offers you the facility to reset your password and for password recovery when you click “reset password”.

By default you are taken to the New TÚS Weekly Payment Forms – these forms are for the current TÚS week and will need to be opened, completed and submitted to Pobal.

To the left of the screen you see a menu:

New Weekly Payments – screen that is on view above – this shows the weekly payment forms that are currently outstanding.

Draft Weekly Payment Forms – these are forms that have been completed by supervisor profile only and awaiting sign off by co-ordinator/administrator who has to submit them to Pobal.

Submitted Weekly Payment Forms – these forms are submitted to Pobal by an administrator/co-ordinator and are unable to be altered. However, if there is a late change, please contact the payroll officer and they will be able to alter it to draft, so amendment may be made by the implementing body and then the new version is submitted to Pobal.

Section 2 – Weekly Payment Forms

To start click on the Employer Name for the project you wish to work on.

The page opens into your weekly payment form. Check the following before commencing to enter the pay this week; Employer Name, Week Ended date and Project Code and Week Number.

To access the Weekly Payment form right click with the mouse on the first participant who is Tony Rural Social Scheme in the ‘Pay This Week’ box after which you can use the arrow key (right and left) situated to the left of the keypad or the Tab key.

The Weekly Payments Forms are prefilled with the standard rate of pay i.e. standard rate of pay inclusive of Fuel allowance in FA season less any regular weekly repayments.

Example 1 Fuel Arrears plus IQA and CDI awarded

A box is ticked and grayed out in the ‘Fuel Allowance’ column if the participant is in receipt of the allowance.

Tony Rural Social Scheme receives personal rate payment plus three half rate CDI’s plus fuel allowance this payment is reflected in the ‘Standard Rate of Pay’ above.

For week 12 he has been awarded an IQA and will also receive the full rate for his children. The fuel allowance arrears is also due as when he commenced he did not receive his fuel allowance at that time and is now due arrears for three weeks.

In the ‘Pay This Week’ enter the total pay due including the fuel arrears and this totals to €502.20. (Made up of existing standard rate pay plus €272.70 plus IQA €124.80 plus three half rate CDI’s plus €60.00 fuel allowance). In the Arrears Fuel enter the total arrears due for fuel €60.00. This is turn shows the adjustments excl. FA Total to be €169.50 which is €124.80 plus €44.70 as described above,

In the comments box open up the Insert Comment box and scroll down until the correct comment is found. Repeat the process in this example as there are two comments required to explain fully the adjustment. As many comments as required may be used.

Example 2 Regular Repayment Commenced

Joe Bloggs commenced repayment of weekly deductions of €50.00 (overpayment of €1,230 assessed against him). He has a regular weekly payment of €352.80 (Personal rate plus IQA plus Fuel) and this week his standard rate of pay is €302.80 so - €50.00 automatically goes into the “Adjustments Excl FA” column.

Example 3 CDI Awarded plus Arrears

Patrick O’Malley CDI awarded this week plus one week arrears for CDI. His normal pay is Personal rate plus IQA. The pay this week will be €392.40 which will mean an adjustment of € 59.60. A comment is inserted “CDI awarded this week plus arrears”

Example 4 Unpaid Sick Leave

Tom Smith Unpaid sick for the week 12 therefore pay this week is nil and adjustment is for the total amount and the 5 days unpaid sick leave comment is chosen.

Submitting Form

It is important to check the total amount and the total number of employees before submitting the form. Once satisfied all is correct then the submit button may be clicked. If you have co-ordinator/administrator access it will go directly to Pobal and be recorded in the Submitted Weekly Payments. If team leader only access then it will go to draft and needs to be submitted by the co-ordinator/administrator.

Useful Tips

The weekly payment form may be checked to ensure it has been submitted by clicking into the ‘Submitted Weekly Payments ‘ tab on the left hand side and the report will follow as above.

If the person completing the form finds that in the middle of completing the new weekly payment form they have to stop in the middle of it to do something else, the form may be saved and it will default to the Draft Weekly Payments Tab.

Useful Tips continued

Once the weekly payment form has been submitted the Pobal Payroll Officer will be able to access it.

If after submitting form, it then transpires an error has been made the relevant co-ordinator must contact the Payroll Officer and request that it be reverted to draft and then the new amendments can be made.

Please note that the weekly Payment Form will not submit if:

(a) No comment inserted if pay this week does not match Standard rate of pay

(b) Negative amount in the pay this week box.

The Submit, Save, Close and Print Preview options are at the bottom and top of the weekly payment form view. It’s similar for all views.

New Starters

Once the participant has been approved to start on the Rural Social Scheme the Payroll Officer will input the Data into the system and the new participant will appear at the bottom of the Weekly Payment Form ready for you to submit the payment details by the Thursday at 10am.


If the leavers Form has been submitted by 12.00 noon on the Thursday of the 2nd last week of their employment then the weekly payment form will not show the participant on the form for the week that they have gone. In the event of late submissions due to unforeseen circumstances the participant will be still on the form and all you will need to do is enter a nil payment.

2 / For Technical Support - Please Contact the Tús Helpdesk at 01-5117241 or