SAFDA Meeting minutes 11/6/14

Attendees: Sammy, Tim, Declan, Ailsa, Hannah, TasmanApologies: Jay, Mike

Most people have submitted these to Sammy, just waiting on the last couple. Sammy to collate these together to present at AGM.

Change of board structure means only president, secretary and treasurer need to be filled. President and Secretary likely to be filled by Tim and Declan. People to chase replacement candidates.

All booked in for 28/6 at coopers ale house. To be run as cocktail event as with previous years. Tim or Sammy to MC depending upon Sammy’s availabilities.

Proposal from Murray Bridge to host the event. Good deal, however facilities need to be looked into to see if they will successfully accommodate the event.
UE interested to run the event, however seek additional volunteers. Flinders members to be encouraged (Rex, Jordan, Doug etc…)
Talk of keeping mixed nats in a similar location, therefore running an excellent tournament is the goal, to try and secure it in SA. West Beach as possible venue (close to airport, caravan park opposite)

Disk order – Ailsa to send designs to Tim to take over the order.
Website Payment options – Ailsa and Jay to continue to investigate (paypal account maybe required)
Disc Golf – Mike to continue working on the process, almost complete
Policies – Ailsa to find and upload all documents to website. Collaborate with other members to locate necessary Documents.

AFDA CONFERENCE RECAP (presented by Tim)

·  Need to find a grants person to write applications for grants available, as other states have done.

·  Track attendance for league in order to pay AFDA ebf’s for actual amount of players not max roster size (Save Money). Tim to talk to Myall (qld league) on how they track attendance.

·  Youth Nats 2015. Concordia kids down at FUSL, they could be entered as SA Youth team next year. Incentives from AFDA to field boys & girls teams.


·  Comments on posts on SAFDA. Tim to investigate

·  Vintage/Winery hat. Sammy/Nik still interested in running.