To: All Demo Derby Drivers:

The 45th Annual Marion County Fair Demolition Derby will be held on: Saturday, July 29th, 2017 at the Marion County Fairgrounds, Hillsboro, KS. We have increased our pay out to over $8,000 in prize money and trophies!

The Demo Derby will begin at 7:00 p.m. The pits will be open from 1-6 p.m. Inspections will begin at 2:30 p.m. This will be a C.D.D.A. Qualifying Event!

Chad Markley/Markley Demolition, Inc. will again be providing the officiating, inspecting, and announcing of our demo derby. With this announcement, we will be adopting rules/regulations as outlined by MDI (Markley Demolition Inc). To avoid delays on the day of the derby, please read and follow the rules and regulations. Rules will be strictly enforced.

Please find our webpage Under the “Events” tab you will find Demolition Derby. This page will give you a full list of rules, entry forms, and other derby information.

●Derby Super Stock 2-Man Team Rules----PRERAN CARS ARE OK

●2-Man Team Derby Entry Forms

○Entry fees for the 2-Man Team Derby are $250/team by May 1st deadline. If you pay after May 1st your fee will be $350/team.

●Derby Semi- Mod Rules

●Compact Figure 8 Rules

●Entry Form for Semi Mod; Compact; Figure 8; Junior Figure 8; Lawnmowers)

○Entry fees for these events are $30/event.

○Pit passes are not included for anyone except Junior Figure 8 will receive one pit pass.

○Jr. Fig 8 must have a signed parental form and must be ages 14-16.

○Youth Lawnmower is for ages 12-16 with signed/notarized parental permission contract and entry form.

○All Drivers and Pit Personal must meet for a drivers meeting before the first event.

○Compacts and Figure 8 drivers can run both events but must pay separate entry fees for each event.

●Pit Passes

○Must be 18 years or older unless there is a notarized signed form.

○All Pit Passes will be purchased through the Pit Gate. Bring a completed form$25 and a photo ID (Driver’s License).




●Kids Power Wheels Derby

With the exception of 2-Man Teams, we must have a minimum of 5 cars entered to receive the payouts. Payouts will be decreased if we do not have 5 cars per event.

Gates will close at 6 p.m.

Sponsors will be read by announcers.

Bring all your forms, non-refundable entry fee, ID, and make sure forms are signed when you arrive at the derby.

To pre-enter the derby send your forms and payment to: Marion County Fair; P.O. Box 304 Hillsboro, Kansas 67063

All drivers are encouraged to join us Friday night for the parade. Please let us know if you will be bringing your car to drive in the parade. We will start on North Main street and end on D street in front of the fair grounds.

For Questions regarding building your car or rules contact, Chad Markley 785-479-0996

For Questions regarding the Derby, Parade, Power wheels, Please contact: Joe Alvarez

620-947-3077 or Jena Terrell 620-381-0109