Cataloging Committee Meeting
Monday, May 2, 2016 at 11am (PDT)
via GoToMeeting software

Attending: Heather Estrada (BMCC), Valeria Gardner (Ontario Comm.), Molly Hamlin(Planetree), Darlyne Johnson (Ontario Comm.), Anna Lim (Hood River LD), Beth Longwell - Interim Chair(Sage), Joyce McCurdy (Ontario Comm.), Dea Nowell - Recorder(Umatilla Co. SLD), David Sale (Sage), Jenny Simpson (Nyssa), Barbara Telfer(The Dalles/Wasco Co.), Catherine Wick (Pendleton PL), Carmen Wickam (Baker Co. LD).

The meeting was started at 11:02 am by Beth Longwell.

Discussion/Approval April 4, 2016 Cataloging Committee Minutes: Joycemoved to accept the minutes as presented. David seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.

Patron Survey Results:
Beth noted that she had sent a summary of comments received in the survey to the Sage-Lib list. Patron satisfaction was up (4.57 out of 5). She also noted that we will be reviewing comments related to cataloging in more detail in upcoming months.

Manga - should series entries be added?:
Beth noted that this is a continued discussion from last meeting. Laurie did some research and did not find any systems that added series headings since the series info. was already listed in the 245 field. David noted that he had not particular opinion one way or the other; clean-up would need to be done either way. Beth noted that this applies to more than just Manga, as she recently received some examples of western titles where the same thing is done. Beth suggested putting out an email to gather more input, as not sure we have a broad enough representation today, and to make a decision regarding this at a following meeting.

Action: Beth will put out an email to gather more input on this topic.

Create MARC templates:
Beth noted that she is still working on this.

Formalization of Sage cataloging policy/How do we communicate/publish decisions:
Some ideas were tossed out: David suggested the secretary of the Committee be responsible for posting on the blog; it was suggested a summary page somewhere with these kinds of things listed would be helpful. Beth volunteered to go through past minutes and gather pieces to start this.

Action: Beth volunteered to go through past minutes and gather pieces of Sage cataloging policy to start a summary page of these kinds of things.

MP3 CDs:
David noted that 008 Form “s” is not being used for MP3 CDs. He noted that OCLC had done some experimenting in the past on this, but settled on “s” not being used for anything that doesn’t directly need a computer. He will be sending out an email to the Sage-Cat list to correct mis-information that he has been giving at regional trainings.

Fixed field: Audn (Target Audience):
Beth noted that this was brought up for discussion with the Mentor group and she wanted to discuss this with the larger Cataloging Committee group. The discussion regards using more specific fixed field Audn codes than the general ranges. David made a comment regarding the filters in the “Library” drop down box. It was noted that these filters are created from the shelving locations. This coded fixed field relates to the the “Audience” drop down box in the “Advanced Search”.

Some discussion occurred, including comments on catalogers just assigning this code, and also on catalogers not assigning a specific code if an item doesn’t state its target audience. Dea noted that she would be interested to see how other groups handle this and how they came to their conclusion. There was talk about advertising the availability of the filter, which was a direct result of last year’s patron survey. It was determined that we would better advertise the new filters and research other systems handling of the fixed field Audn code.

Action: Beth will advertise the availability of the filters based on the shelving locations that are currently located inthe “Library” drop down.

Action: Research needs to be done on other systems handling of the fixed field Audn coding.

Fixed field: Source:
This item was added to the agenda as a reminder/clarification that the fixed field code for Source is set on original creation of a bib. It was noted that when importing or editing a bib this value is not changed. (A clarification was raised that if you are creating a new record from an existing record that you would then set the Source code as you are essentially creating a bib.)


Dea asked if anyone was interested in doing some research on what other systems are doing in terms of audience coding in the fixed field (008)?

David asked about the cheat sheets he has created and if anyone has reviewed them. Beth mentioned that the mentors are looking at them, however, we could send them out to the larger cataloging community for review. David said no, he wanted the mentors to sign off on them first.

With no other topics for discussion, the meeting was adjourned by Beth at 11:43 am.

p. 1 of 2 [5/2/16 meeting]