

Draft Agenda

Purpose: Consideration

Submitted by: Co-Chairs

/ 6th Senior Disaster Management Officials Forum Vladivostok, Russia
9-10 October 2012

Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG)

6th Senior Disaster Management Officials Forum

09-10 October 2012

Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), pavilion 20,Conference Center

Saperny Peninsula, Ayax Bay, Russkiy Island

Vladivostok, Russian Federation


Tuesday, 9 October 2012

10:00–10:30 / Registration
10:30–10:35 / Opening Remarks, Host Economy
10:35–10:40 / Welcome Remarks, EPWG Co-Chairs
10:40–10:50 / Host economy to brief on the outcomes of 2012 Leaders’ Summit
10:50–11:00 / Overview of EPWG
EPWG Co-Chair
Co-Chairs brief on EPWG activities in 2012 and the work plan for 2013 and report on the directions of EPWG further development
11:00–12:30 / Session 1: Lessons learned from the recent large-scale disaster response and international disaster risk reduction initiatives
Moderated panel followed by Q&A and dialogue
Large-scale disasters keep devastating people’s livelihood and affecting economic development of APEC region. The Session will focus on examining the most appropriate measures that can be applied for strengthening the resilience of member economies to disasters.
The recently-affected member economies will share experience on major challenges and essential goals to be considered to prevent severe impacts of hazards. UN ISDR will highlight the global progress in DRR campaign and actions for post-Hyogo Framework of Action. Further discussions will help to identify efficient approaches for improving disaster risks reduction and emergency preparedness policies in APEC economies.
Moderator: EMERCOM Minister Vladimir Puchkov
l  Russia reports on Development of Crisis Management Centers within the Russian Unified Emergency management System, EMERCOM Minister Vladimir Puchkov
l  Indonesia reports on its policy in the field of disaster mitigation and community resilience,Mr. Dody Ruswandi, Deputy Director Indonesia National Agency for Disaster Management
l  Japan reports on Great East Earthquake and Tsunami and new basic plan for disaster management,Mr. Katsuju Sasaki, Deputy Director-General for Disaster Management of the Cabinet Office
l  New Zealand reports onearthquakes in Christchurch: experience and improvements,Mr.John Hamilton,Director Ministry of Civil Defense & Emergency Management Department of Internal Affairs
l  UNISDR, Mrs.Gulsora Pulatova on behalf of Special Representative to UN Secretary General on Disaster Risk Reduction Margareta Wahlstrom.
12:30–13:00 / Group Photo
13:00–14:30 / Lunch
14:30–16:00 / Session 2: Innovation and Best Practices on DisasterManagementCapacityBuilding in APEC Region
Moderated panel followed by Q&A and dialogue
Session 2 suggests to consider innovations, based on integration of science and technology, as efficient tool for managing disasters. The Session will deliver presentation of the state-of-the-art developments and invite comments on identifying common interests among APEC members.
Moderator:Mr. Timothy Manning, Deputy Administrator Federal Emergency Management Agency
l  Russia reports on Monitoring and Forecasting of Natural Disasters, Dr. Vladislav Bolov, EMERCOM of Russia
l  China
l  Russia reports on an Integrated System of Monitoring, Forecast and Response to Radiation Emergencies,Dr. Sergery Voronov, Nuclear Safety Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
l  Viet Nam reports on Community based on Disaster Risk Management,
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Phuong
l  Russia reports on Innovative Technologies in the Field of Emergency Management, Mr. Sergey Kachanov and Mr. Mikhail Aleshkov, EMERCOM of Russia
16:00–16:30 / Coffee & Tea Break
16:30–16:40 / Transportation
16:40 –17:40 / Field exhibition of fire-fighting and rescue equipment
17:40 –18:00 / Transportation
18:00 –19:30 / Reception on behalf of EMERCOM Minister Vladimir Puchkov

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

09:45 – 10:45 Field Demonstration

10:45–11:30 / Transportation to the venue
participants / Meeting of the Senior Disaster Management Officials Forum
Steering Committee
Participants: Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Russia, USA, Viet Nam
12:00–13:30 / Session 3: Follow-ups and further actions to engage private-public sector in disaster resilience activities
Moderated panel followed by Q&A and dialogue
Private-Public partnership is one of the major pillars supporting EPWG work that receives high priority in APEC agenda. Beside EPWG’s efforts, other APEC fora are jointly contributing to the field to build up the linkage.
Session 3 will discuss feasible actions based on the reports of current outcomes and progress in development of Public-private partnerships aimed at enhancement of disaster resilience in APEC economies.
Moderator: Mr. Wei-Sen Li, Deputy Executive Secretary, National S&T Center for Disaster Reduction
l  US reports on the Public-Private Partnerships Study
l  Chinese Taipei reports on the outcomes of a EPWG-SMEWG joint meeting, “APEC Focal Point Network and Expert Meeting on Improving SME Disaster Resilience”, Mr. Wei-Sen Li, Deputy Executive Secretary, National S&T Center for Disaster Reduction
l  US reports on the proposal for a “Workshop on Global Supply Chain Resilience”
l  Australia reports on developing governments’ capacity to promote and facilitate the effective use of business continuity planning for disaster resiliency
l  Indonesia reports on preparations to chairmanship in 2013, Mr. Dody Ruswandi, Deputy Director Indonesia National Agency for Disaster Management
Session 4: Improving regional emergency preparedness mechanism
Moderated panel followed by Q&A and dialogue
Session 4 suggests discussion on emerging initiatives aimed at closer collaboration among APEC member economies that would enable them to better prepare for emergencies and provide efficient coordination of response actions during large-scale and cross-boundary disasters.
The Session will specifically focus on establishing the network of crisis management centers in the APEC region taking into account GDACS development and Russia’s recent survey.
Moderator: Mr. Rashid Khalikov, Director of UN OCHA (Geneva)
l  UN OCHA reports on GDACS capabilities and tendencies of development
l  Russia reports the results of survey on CMCs in APEC region, Mr.Valery Akimov, EMERCOM of Russia
l  Russia reports on National network of CMC, Mr. Vladimir Stepanov, National Crisis Management Center of EMERCOM of Russia
l  APEC delegates discuss the Recommendations on integration of APEC CMCs into the regional network
Adoption of key decisions and recommendations
Forum closing remarks
13:30–14:00 / Press conference (heads of delegations)
14:00–15:00 / Lunch
15:00–15:30 / Transportation
15:30–17:30 / Cultural program