I want to welcome our two newest members to Adirondack Chapter NCRS.

Both Joe Verillo and Mike Miozzi have recently joined the Chapter. They both attended our recent Chapter Judging Meet and we hope to see them this fall at a number of our events. There will be more about the Chapter Meet following in the newsletter.

Mike Wilson and his family hosted our Chapter picnic on July 26th. Chapter members met in Saratoga for a leisurely cruise to the event. Eleven Chapter members, many with their spouses attended. Eight of our Chapter members drove their corvettes on the road tour to the picnic. It was a wonderful event. Mike Wilson and his family did an excellent job, many thanks to them for putting on such an excellent event.

A number of our members took advantage of our vendor spaces at Corvette’s at Carlisle. We set up our tent and Mike Craig and his son Patrick were kind enough to set up a grill and cook for the attendees. Mike Wilson used our site in an effort to find parts for his 1969 which he is restoring. Bill Hans was able to be parked on the grounds with his car in the fun field display. I drove my new charcoal 1990 ZR1 and was asked to place it on display in the GM tent with the new 2009 ZR1s which were on display. I think everyone enjoyed the event.

We had our Chapter Meet on September 19th and 20th at Georges Collision in Cohoes. Jim Whalen worked with the owner to make the building available to us so we could judge undercover. Thank you George, Shane and Jim!! Thirteen Chapter members attended the JudgingSchool the evening of the 19th. Brian Cantele, our Judging Chairman, did an excellent JudgingSchool on a 1966 Chassis which George (the shop owner) let us use for the school. On September 20th we judged 6 cars and had seven corvettes on display. Eighteen Chapter members judged at the event. Four of the six corvettes we judged were owned by Chapter members and all scored Top Flight. The event was a huge success. A special thanks to Sunday and Joe Verillo (Prestige Motorcar) who helped sponsor the event and provided the judges with a shirt commemorating the event.

We have planned a fall cruise to Eagle Mills Cider Mill on October 5th. Bill Schroeder has notified members of the meeting locations. I hope to see many of our Chapter members there.

Lastly we are looking for ideas for chapter events for the rest of the fall and this winter. We have to start thinking about elections of officers and a location for our annual meeting/party, Please volunteer. If you have any ideas, please let either Bill Schroeder or I know since we are starting our planning for the activities calendar.

Best Regards,

John Dergosits

The Chapter is looking for members who are interested in running for the following annually elected Chapter positions: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. Elections for these positions will be held on November 5, 2008 at our General Meeting.

Additionally, we are looking for members who are interested in the following annually appointed Chapter positions: Newsletter Editor, Activities Chairman, Membership Chairman, Judging Chairman, Assistant Judging Chairman and Webmaster. The Chapter Chairman will make these appointments.

Members who have an interest in any of the positions (elected or appointed) should contact by October 29, 2008either Jim Whalen at 518-438-5201 (or via e-mail at ) or Mike Wilson at 518-732-1122.


The numerous tasks required to conduct a successful Judging Meet seem quite precarious as preparations commence. But when the event unfolds as ours did, it sure seems well worth the effort. While many people contributed to the efforts, Chairman John Dergosits and Vice Chairman Jim Whalen get kudos for the extra support.

Many of you were there, but for those that were not, a recap is in order. The event kicked-off with a JudgingSchool on Friday evening, Sept. 19, at George’s Collision ( in Cohoes. George Kendsersky and Shane, his shop manager, cleared out the facility on Friday afternoon in preparation for the event. Additionally, either George or Shane was there for the entire event to “keep the doors open”. At 7PM pizza was served as I gave a presentation on mid-year chassis. Besides housing our event, George Kendsersky provided a restored 1966 chassis. This was a great follow up to the previous JudgingSchool at Mike Wilson’s that covered an un-restored chassis in desperate need of attention. I kept the presentation to just over an hour, as we all needed to return early the next morning.

Saturday morning greeted us with fantastic weather. Registration, coffee and donuts were the order of the morning. Six cars were registered for flight judging. Joe Verillo entered a ’72 and a ’67, Ken Raimondi entered a ’67, Michael Celuch a ’79, Mike Miozzi a ’67 and John Ebeling brought a ’54. Every car entered received a top flight award! As a special thanks to the volunteer judges, Joe Verillo of Prestige Motor Car Company ( along with your executive board, presented every judge with a chapter T-shirt specially imprinted for the event along with the Prestige logo. A light lunch gave a deserved intermission to the judging day. I hope that all our events go so well. For those that were there, again I thank you for your support of OUR chapter. For those that couldn’t make it, we missed your company and hope to see you at future events.

That’s all for now.

Brian Cantele, Judging Chairman

On Nov. 5th the Chapter we will have a General Meeting and Election of Officers.
Local events:
The remaining Car Shows areat: A new site a site for "one stop shopping for your auto restoration needs". Capital area shops will be providing pictures to photo albums on the site that feature carsundergoing restoration (one of which is a Corvette).
The albums will be updated as the cars are being restored so you see the car and learn about products and services offered by shops in our area. This new site is a ideal spot to sell your Corvette parts as it's free and "local" so you can see the part as opposed to Ebay whereby the part could be in Texas and you have to pay selling fees.
Rumor afloat department:

Prestige Motor Car is moving to a new location in CliftonPark and a First Class Corvette Show would be appropriate......
A Corvette caravan consisting of several local Corvette Clubs and the chapter is in the initial stages for a visit to Jim Taylor's Collection of cars in 2009 (he has over 100 in his 30,000 square foot "garage" in Gloversville).

Upcoming Activities:


November 5 / General Meeting / Election of Officiers / Carney’s Restaurant, BallstonLake
2009 / Check Chapter web-site and e-mails for upcoming 2009 events /

On July 26 our annual picnic was held at Mike Wilson’s parents’ camp on SacandagaLake as it was last year. Several members cruised to the camp together. Everyone got together and had a great time. The picnic concluded a little early because of rain.

Several members attended Corvettes at Carlislewhich was held on August 22 to 24. This is the world’s largest Corvette extravaganza and provides Corvette enthusiasts from all generations with a weekend of entertainment, education and the ability to drive in the famous parade.

Board Meeting 7/7/08:

The Board Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm at Carney’s Restaurant by John Dergosits, Chairman.

Members present were John Dergosits, Brian Cantele, Bill Schroeder, Wayne Hammill, Mike Wilson, Tom Flowers and Anne Flowers.

The chapter picnic was discussed and will be held on 7/26/08 at Mike Wilson’s family camp on SacandagaLake.

Corvettes at Carlisle was discussed. The chapter tent location will be available for members to congregate and drop off purchases during the day.

The Chapter Judging School (9/19/08) and the Chapter Meet (9/20/08) were discussed, which will be held at George’s Collision in Cohoes. Brian mentioned that updated judging manuals are being produced and received for a variety of car years. The manuals will be taken apart and photocopied so that the judges will have the most current version available at the Meet. The manuals and photocopies are paid for by the chapter and will be an increased expense this year.

A possible Tech Session on trailing arms and wheel bearings was discussed for the winter of 08/09.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Board Meeting 8/25/08:

The Board Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm at Carney’s Restaurant by John Dergosits, Chairman.

Members present were John Dergosits, Jim Whalen, Mark Hipp, Bill Schroeder,Wayne Hammill, Mike Wilson, Tom Flowers and Anne Flowers.

The Chapter Judging Meet was discussed. We expect to have six cars to judge. Both the JudgingSchool (Friday 9/19/08) and the Chapter Judging Meet (Saturday 9/20/08) will be held at George’s Collision in Cohoes.

There have been some changes to the Board due to resignations. Dick Kindl has resigned as Membership Chair and Bill Hans has agreed to assume the membership duties. Steve Wittek has resigned as Secretary and Tom and Anne Flowers have agreed to assume the secretary duties.

Jim Whalen and Mike Wilson have agreed to be the Nominating Committee for the upcoming elections.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Board Meeting10/6/08

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm at Carney’s Restaurant by John Dergosits, Chairman.

Members present were John Dergosits, Jim Whalen, Bill Schroeder, Bill Hans, Tom Flowers and Anne Flowers.

The Chapter Judging Meet was held on 9/20/08 at George’s Collision in Cohoes and six cars were judged.

There was a discussion about elections and the position responsibilities of the Board Members. Information will be published in the newsletter to solicit member interest in serving on the Board and providing contact information for the Nomination Committee (Jim Whalen and Mike Wilson). The election will be held at the General Meeting on November 5, 2008.

There was a discussion of activities for the rest of this year and for 2009. A calendar of activities for 2009 will be developed and posted on the Chapter web-site plus in future newsletters as the dates are confirmed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

President Vito Cimilluca thanked Joan Burnett and the St. Louis and Kansas City Chapters for all of their hard work in putting on a very successful meet. He also thanked Bill Sangrey for the success of the Road Tour.

Vice President Mark Lincoln echoed Vito’s sentiments and commented on the success of the National Convention and Road Tour. Mark also reported the 2009 National Convention planning committee is on target with their timeline. . Mark also stated that next month he will send out invitations for the 2012 National Convention proposals to those chapters in the western area of the U.S.

Secretary Cece Nelson announced elections are coming up for Regions VII, VIII and IX. Nominations must be in by Aug. 10, 2008. Voting runs from Sept. 1st – Oct. 31st.

Membership Chairman Gary Mortimer reported we now stand at 15,400 members.

National Judging Chairman Roy Sinor suggested an international award be developed for our international chapters (except Canada). Vito asked Murray Forman, Chairman of the Australia Chapter to form a committee from the international chapters, consisting of chapter chairs and judging chairs and Tom Barr to investigate this suggestion.

NationalCorvetteMuseum Representative John Pirkle reported the Museum has dedicated an 8’x10’ space dedicated to the NCRS. They will also erect a plaque dedicating the library and archives in honor of the NCRS.

Public Relations Officer Carlton Colclough reported that 45 to 55% of the chapters currently participate in the NCRS Matching Funds Program. He also reminded everyone that the donations must be in the form of a chapter check to the charity in order to be eligible for matching funds.

New Business

The board agreed that the Restorer and Driveline mailings will use the USPS “sack” system for 2 mailings to monitor delivery time and cost.

Roy Sinor reported Authentication Library Vol. 1 is well received and Vol. 2 should be ready in 2 months. It will deal with mid-year protecto plates.

Keith Biggers has stepped down as Team Leader, the board extended their appreciation for Keith’s long standing service as the 1967 National Team Leader. Keith will be succeeded by Nick Culkowski. Roy also thanked Keith for his many years of service.

If some of Roy’s Judging Chairman messages look familiar, it’s because he will be recycling some of his earliest wisdom which is as worthwhile today as it was in the past.

The board agreed regional registrations for regional meets will close no sooner then 4 weeks before the event date to allow car owners ample time to register.

British Columbia and New Zealand Chapters were awarded full chapter status.

NCRS Foundation

The NCRS Foundation has received about $77,000 in contributions from members and raised approximately $10,000 at the St. Charles National Convention. It was agreed that a more defined mission statement was needed for the foundation. The target date for the revised mission statement is October 1, 2008.

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