Weekly Updates: Companies we have invited to respond to concerns

Section 5: Companies beginning with P-S

(10 Feb 2005 – 8 Aug 2012)

The following chart lists companies we invited to respond to concerns raised by civil society and highlighted in our Weekly Updates – indicating the country, issue, and whether or not the company has sent us a response – with a link to the allegations and any response. Any company that has not yet responded is welcome to do so at any time.

This section of the chart covers companies with names beginning P-S; the other five alphabetical sections are here:


Our free Weekly Updates include the latest news and reports on companies’ human rights impacts: positive steps they are taking, and alleged abuses. Over 7500 opinion leaders worldwide have registered for the Updates. You can sign up to receive the Updates at: www.business-humanrights.org/Updates

When we plan to include allegations of misconduct in a Weekly Update, we invite the named company to respond, and any response appears in the Update. This helps ensure balance and encourages companies to address concerns raised by civil society. Since we launched the Updates in February 2005, over 75% of companies have responded. In some cases this has led to further comments, and then a further response by the company. In this way the Updates can help to keep issues alive until they have been addressed on the ground.

A list of the positive steps by companies that have been featured in our Weekly Updates is available here: www.business-humanrights.org/Documents/Update-Charts

(P-S) / Country / Date of our
Update / Issue / Resp-
Pacific Rim Mining
(Canada) / El Salvador / 26 Aug 2009 / Video report on recent killing of an anti-mining activist, death threats & violence against others. Click here / Yes
Pacific Rim Mining
(Canada) / El Salvador / 17 Nov 2010 / "Late night sunrise" - documentary film on social impacts, alleged involvement in death of activist, of the El Dorado mine, owned by Pacific Rim. Click here / Yes
Pacific Rubiales
(Canada) / Colombia / 21 Dec 2011 / Alleged negative impacts in Guajira, Colombia. Click here (Spanish only) / Yes
(Australia) / Malawi, Namibia, Niger, South Africa / 30 Mar 2011 / "Radioactive Revenues" report examines role of companies in lack of benefit for population from uranium mining revenues, says Paladin is the least transparent. Click here / No
(Australia) / Africa / 20 Jul 2011 / SOMO/WISE "Uranium in Africa" report says mines threaten human health, environment. Click here / No
(Australia) / Malawi / 21 Sep 2011 / Community seeks information from govt. to enable them to monitor mining activities by Paladin Energy, Eland Coal for compliance with human rights & labour standards. Click here / No
Pana Harrison
(Singapore) / Burma / 20 Aug 2008 / Burma Campaign UK says firms providing insurance to companies operating in Burma "support dictators". Click here / No
(Japan) / Sudan / 12 Dec 2007 / Olympic Dream for Darfur calls on Olympic corporate sponsors, including Panasonic, to raise Sudan concerns with Chinese Govt. Click here / Yes
Panasonic (Japan) / USA / 11 July 2012 / Global Witness, Enough Project & others call on electronics & automotive firms to make public statements against US Chamber of Commerce position on conflict minerals. Click here / Yes
Paul Smith
(UK) / UK / 19 Oct 2011 / Labour Behind the Label report examines to what extent workers in supply chains of UK high street brands are being paid a living wage. Click here / No
PDVSA (Venezuela) / Venezuela / 15 Feb 2012 / Venezuelan organisation publishes report condemning human rights impacts of company operations. Click here (Spanish only) / No
(UK) / UK / 19 Oct 2011 / Labour Behind the Label report examines to what extent workers in supply chains of UK high street brands are being paid a living wage. Click here / No
Peek & Cloppenburg/Van Graaf
(Germany) / Bangladesh / 20 Jun 2012 / Institute for Global Labour & Human Rights calls on major fashion brands to stop beatings & imprisonment of workers in supply chain. Click here / Yes
Pelican Resources
(Australia) / Philippines / 1 Apr 2009 / NGO report says mining causes "large-scale ruin, particularly undermining food production". Click here / Yes
Pelican Resources
(Australia) / Philippines / 28 Oct 2009 / Working Group on Mining comments on company responses to "Mining or Food?" report – Pelican Resources declined to comment further. Click here / No
(Mexico) / Mexico / 25 Oct 2006 / Veracruz regional health official says Pemex is wrong to deny that its pollution has contributed to illnesses among local population. Click here / Yes
Penguin/Perry Ellis (USA) / El Salvador / 23 Feb 2011 / Penguin/Perry Ellis supplier Ocean Sky accused of forced overtime, filthy drinking water, poverty wages.
Click here / Yes
(USA) / Poland / 20 Jul 2005 / International food workers’ union (IUF) alleges sexual harassment at PepsiCo plant. Click here / Yes
(USA) / Poland / 5 Apr 2006 / Labour groups protest allege anti-union activities & sexual harassment at Frito-Lay food plant (part of PepsiCo).
Click here / Yes
(USA) / India / 14 Dec 2011 / NGOs allegePepsiCo's claim of a "positive water balance" does not match reality. Click here / Yes
(France) / Ecuador / 19 Jul 2006 / Thousands protest environmental damage. Click here / Yes
(France) / Peru / 20 Aug 2008 / Survival Intl. names "unholy trinity - the three worst companies abusing tribal peoples' rights". Click here / Yes
(France) / Peru / 14 Sep 2011 / Concerns about the potential impacts of Perenco, Repsol operations on indigenous communities. Click here / Yes
(Finland) / India / 24 Nov 2010 / Cividep raises concerns about working conditions in mobile phone manufacturing plants in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai. Click here / Yes
(Perú) / Perú / 13 May 2009 / Survival says Perupetro denies existence of uncontacted indigenous peoples to justify exploration. Click here (Spanish only) / No
Petroecuador (Ecuador) / Ecuador / 7 June 2006 / 40 indigenous communities call on Petroecuador to make certain social & environmental measures in “Bloque 15“ (formerly operated by Occidental). Click here / Yes
(Brazil) / Peru / 14 Sep 2011 / Defender of rights of fishermen affected byPetrobraspipeline works at Guanabara Bay attacked, receives death threats; pipeline reportedly directly responsible for loss of livelihoods. Click here (in Portuguese) / Yes
Petroleum Services Consultancy
(Burma) / Burma / 26 Oct 2011 / Shwe Gas Movement report claims displacement, forced labour, violence, deaths in the construction of the gas pipeline. Click here / No
(Burma) / Burma / 21 Dec 2011 / Shwe Gas Movement rejoinder to companies regarding report claiming displacement, forced labour, violence, deaths in construction of gas pipeline. Click here / No
(Malaysia) / Chad/
Cameroon / 7 Sep & 21 Sep 2005 / Chad-Cameroon pipeline: Amnesty International says governments, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Petronas are "contracting out" of their human rights obligations. Click here / Yes
(Malaysia) / Sudan / 23 Jun 2010 / NGOs report on alleged complicity by oil companies in human rights abuses during Sudan's civil war, 1997-2003. Click here. / Yes
(Malaysia) / Bahrain / 18 Apr 2012 / Concerns raised by NGOs about Formula One and its teams going ahead with the Bahrain Grand Prix, given the human rights situation in the country. Click here
/ Yes
(USA) / Global / 23 Aug, 13 Sep, 8 Nov 2006 / Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility rates 15 pharmaceutical firms on HIV/AIDS, including Pfizer - finds none has comprehensive approach. Click here / Yes
(USA) / Global / 29 Nov 2006 / Physicians for Social Justice (Nigeria) says companies’ responses to Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility report are a “cover” for their insufficient action to ensure access to essential medicines. Click here / Yes
(USA) / Global / 12 Dec 2007, 20 Feb 2008 / Oxfam report "Investing for Life" says drug companies not doing enough to provide access to medicines for the poor - makes recommendations for "responsible business practices". Click here / Yes
(Netherlands) / Global / 8 Feb 2012 / SOMO reports on Dutch financial institutions and their role in food speculation. Click here / Yes
Phan Imex (Cambodia) / Cambodia / 25 Jan 2012 / Report and video on forced evictions at Borei Keila, Phnom Penh by company. Click here / No
(Philippines) / Philippines / 1 Apr 2009 / NGO report says mining causes "large-scale ruin, particularly undermining food production". Click here / Yes
(Philippines) / Philippines / 28 Oct 2009 / Working Group on Mining comments on company responses to "Mining or Food?" report – Philex declined to comment further. Click here / No
Philip Morris Intl.
(USA) / Uruguay / 19 Jan 2011 / Philip Morros Intl. nominated for “Public Eye on Davos" award in “worst corporate offenses against human rights and the environment” category. Click here / Yes
Philip Morris Intl.
(USA) / Bahrain / 18 Apr 2012 / Concerns raised by NGOs about Formula One and its teams going ahead with the Bahrain Grand Prix, given the human rights situation in the country. Click here
/ No
(Netherlands) / Global / 15 Jul 2009 / SOMO "Overviews of controversial business practices in 2008" on companies including Philips. Click here / Yes
(Netherlands) / China / 14 Jul 2010 / Coalition of Chinese NGOs issues report alleging IT brands are using suppliers who pollute China's water bodies with heavy metals; update criticises companies for non-responsiveness. Click here / Yes
Pierre Cardin
(France) / Indonesia / 18 Feb 2009 / Alleged labour abuses at factory supplying Pierre Cardin underwear. Click here (also in French) / Yes
Piraeus Container Terminal (part of COSCO)
(Greece) / Greece / 22 Jun 2011 / Alleged labour abuses at port - unions, collective bargaining not allowed, long stretches of work with no break. Click here / Yes
(Italy) / Bahrain / 18 Apr 2012 / Concerns raised by NGOs about Formula One and its teams going ahead with the Bahrain Grand Prix, given the human rights situation in the country. Click here
/ No
Placer Dome (Canada) / Philippines / 23 Mar 2005 / Villagers not compensated for environmental harms, clean-up not completed, according to Oxfam Australia report. Click here / Yes
(Russia) / Russia / 21 Sep 2011 / Environmentalists say that Plastkard plastics firm under-rated classification of its hazardous waste – the assessment was carried out by Ecology Control Centre. Click here / No
(South Korea) / India / 7 Sep 2011 / Large-scale protests againstPOSCO'splanned steel plant in Jagatsingpur, Orissa – concerns include displacement, loss of livelihoods. Click here / Yes
Pöyry Group (Finland) / Laos / 8 August 2012 / Siemenpuu Foundation says Pöyry Group helping build Xayaburi Dam in Laos, with "devastating environmental & social impacts", in submission to OECD National Contact Point in Finland. Click here / Yes
(Canada) / Morocco / Western Sahara / 21 Dec 2011 / PotashCorpexcluded from Norwegian Govt. Pension Fund Global's "investment universe" over purchases of phosphates from Western Sahara. Click here / Yes
PPG Industries (USA) / USA / 15 Aug 2007 / Mossville, Louisiana residents have high levels of toxic chemicals in their blood & environment, according to US Govt. data - NGO report says nearby factories, including a PPG Industries facility, are responsible. Click here / Yes
Procter & Gamble
(USA) / China / 17 Jan 2007 / Labor groups raise concerns about positions of multinational & their business organizations regarding China’s proposed labour law reform. Click here / Yes
(Colombia) / Colombia / 7 Mar 2012 / NGOs contact company over failure to respond to community concerns over resettlement and access to water. Click here / Yes
Propper Intl. (USA) / Global / 9 Jul 2008 / "Subsidizing Sweatshops" report says companies supplying US state uniforms source from firms "engaged in serious human rights & labor violations". Companies mentioned include Propper Intl. Click here / No
PSA Peugeot
(France) / China / 17 & 24 Jan 2007 / Labor groups raise concerns about positions of multinational & their business organizations regarding China’s proposed labour law reform. Click here / Yes
PSA Peugeot
(France) / Global / 24 Mar 2010 / SOMO report says top 10 auto-makers allegedly failing to address supply chain conflict minerals. Click here / Yes
(Thailand) / Burma / 26 May 2010 / Mary Robinson and 167 other individuals & organizations call on Chevron, PTTEP, Total to practice revenue transparency in Burma. Click here. / No
(Thailand) / Burma / 21 Jul 2010 / EarthRights Intl. report alleges Total, Chevron, PTTEP complicit in killings and forced labour in Burma. Click here / Yes