Holbrook School Council Meeting Minutes - Amended

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Attending: Mike Palma, Cathie Lemmond, Tina Tin, Emilie Michaluk, Navjit Singh, Monica Almas,

Susan (Sue) Clarke, Carla MacDonald, Katherine Burch

Call to Order:6:15 p.m.

Approval of June 2016 meeting minutes – approved

Items of Business

  1. Elections
  2. Review of by-law re: election process
  3. Election conducted with the following outcomes:
  4. Mike Palma – Chair
  5. Carla MacDonald – Vice Chair and Secretary
  6. Susan Clarke – Treasurer
  7. Tina Tin – council member
  8. Emilie Michalik – council member
  9. Monica Almas – council member
  10. Katherine Burch – council member
  11. Annual meeting schedule
  12. Council will meet once per month on Thursday evening on the following dates: November 10, January 12, February 9, March 9, April 13, May 11, June 8
  13. Principal’s Report – as written
  14. Navjit noted that they are in need of volunteers for Track and Field on Tuesday October 18. Emilie and Sue are going to try to help out.
  15. The new fundraising policy requires fundraising campaigns to align with school goals. A form must be filled out which included expected fundraising amounts and what those funds are going towards.
  16. Treasurer’s Report – as written
  17. There is approximately $2000 available to use
  18. Mike and Sue to meet with Lori and confirm exact funds available.
  19. Cathie will use the October 20 staff meeting to canvas for ideas to allocate fundraising toward.
  20. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report – Mike
  21. Seconded by Sue
  22. Carried

Pending Business

  1. Parent Reaching Out PRO Grant Approved for The Jump to Math
  2. Mike to confirm availability of the company for dates to hold the event
  3. Council preference is a November date. January 19th as an alternate date.
  4. 2 tables approved to purchase at June meeting
  5. Mike to buy 2 tables

New Business

  1. Spirit Wear
  2. Last year said we weren’t ordering more for 3 years, but there have been many inquiries.
  3. Would need a minimum order. Mike to confirm what the minimum quantity is for items.
  4. Council will top up the order to ensure minimum order is met.
  5. Motion to do Spirit Wear – Mike
  6. Seconded by Sue
  7. Carried
  8. Notices about Spirit Wear to be send out next week
  9. Chocolate bar fundraising launch date Friday November 18th
  10. Chocolate bars arrive on Wednesday November 16th
  11. Assembly kick-off will take place on Monday November 14th in the afternoon
  12. Tupperware fundraising campaign
  13. Motion to bring in Tupperware rep to next meeting to provide more information – Mike
  14. Seconded by Tina
  15. Carried
  16. A letter will be send to Terry Whitehead for the Peace Breakfast being held on Thursday December 15th.
  17. Jump 2 Math event – discussed as pending business item #1
  18. Read a Thon
  19. Raised almost $1400 last year and are looking to make bigger this year
  20. Need more clarity/communication on not having to do the fundraising portion of the Read a Thon
  21. Read a Thon will kick off with Snuggle & Read then end on February 21 2017
  22. The school is registered with the Samko and Miko Toy Warehouse sale and 10% of the purchases will come back to the school.
  23. Dates for the following events confirmed:

Peace Breakfast Thursday December 15th

Movie NightFriday January 20th

Snuggle Up & ReadMonday January 30th

Family Dance NightFriday February 10th

Games NightThursday April 6th

Family MealThursday May 4th

  1. Council meeting dates - discussed as item of business #2

Addition to the agenda

  1. Can elementary and high school students volunteer at events to gain volunteer hours?
  2. Sue to look up the 3-year window guidelines
  3. How can we engage more volunteers at the school?
  4. Provide an alternate day/time for volunteer orientation sessions
  5. Set up a booth at school events
  6. Have specific roles and times (if applicable) listed for volunteer positions
  7. Can we put on a year-end carnival?
  8. To be discussed at the next meeting

Adjournment: 7:50 p.m.

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