Family Court and Federal Circuit Court

Family Court and Federal Circuit Court

Section 1: Entity overview and resources

1.1 Strategic direction statement

The strategic direction statement for the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court can be found in the 2015–16 Portfolio Budget Statements. There has been no change to the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court’s strategic direction as a result of Additional Estimates.

1.2 Entity resource statement

The entity resource statement details the resourcing for the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court at Additional Estimates. Table 1.1 outlines the total resourcing available from all sources for the 2015–16 budget year, including variations through Appropriation Bill No.3.

Table 1.1: Entity resource statement—additional estimates for 2015–16 as at Additional Estimates February 2016

/ Actual
available appropriation 2014–15
$’000 / Estimate
as at
Budget 2015–16 $’000 / Proposed Additional Estimates 2015–16 $’000 / Total estimate at Additional Estimates 2015–16 $’000 /
Departmental appropriation
Prior year departmental appropriation(b) / 22,014 / 15,038 / 3,385 / 18,423
Departmental appropriation(c) / 156,583 / 158,782 / 1,118 / 159,900
s 74 retained revenue receipts(d) / 3,305 / 1,475 / – / 1,475
Total / 181,902 / 175,295 / 4,503 / 179,798
Administered expenses
Outcome 1 / 884 / 892 / – / 892
Total / 884 / 892 / – / 892
Total ordinary annual services / 182,786 / 176,187 / 4,503 / 180,690
Total available annual appropriations / 182,786 / 176,187 / 4,503 / 180,690
Special appropriations limited by criteria/entitlement
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 s 77(e) / 300 / 300 / – / 300
Total special appropriations / 300 / 300 / – / 300
Total appropriations excluding special accounts / 183,086 / 176,487 / 4,503 / 180,990
Opening balance / – / – / – / –
Appropriation receipts / – / – / – / –
Total special accounts / – / – / – / –
Total net resourcing for entity / 183,086 / 176,487 / 4,503 / 180,990

All figures are GST exclusive. These figures may not match the figures in the cash flow statement.

(a) Appropriation Act (No. 1) 2015–16 and Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2015–16.

(b) Estimated adjusted balance carried forward from previous year for annual appropriations.

(c) Includes an amount of $7.398m in 2015–16 for the departmental capital budget (see Table 3.2.5 for further details). For accounting purposes this amount has been designated as ‘contributions by owners’.

(d) Estimated retained revenue receipts under section 74 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.

(e) Repayments not provided for under other appropriations.

(f) The estimated opening balance and budgeted appropriation receipts for special accounts exclude money held in trust for litigants. For further information on special accounts, see Table 3.1.1.

1.3 Entity measures

Table 1.2 summarises new government measures taken since the 2015–16 Budget.

Table 1.2: Entity 2015–16 measures since Budget

Programme / 2015–16 $’000 / 2016–17 $’000 / 2017–18 $’000 / 2018–19 $’000
Expense measures
Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan administration fees(a) / 1.1
Departmental expenses / (69) / (69) / (69) / (69)
Total expense measures / (69) / (69) / (69) / (69)

(a) This is a cross-portfolio measure that was published in the 2014–15 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook. The lead entity is the Department of Finance.

1.4 Additional estimates and variations

The following tables detail the changes to the resourcing for the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court at Additional Estimates, by outcome. Table 1.3 details the additional estimates and variations resulting from new measures since the 2015–16 Budget in Appropriation Bill No.3. Table 1.4 details additional estimates and variations through other factors, such as parameter adjustments.

Table 1.3: Additional estimates and variations to outcomes from measures since 2015–16 Budget

Programme impacted / 2015–16 $’000 / 2016–17 $’000 / 2017–18 $’000 / 2018–19 $’000
Decrease in estimates (departmental)
Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan administration fees / 1.1 / (69) / (69) / (69) / (69)
Net impact on estimates for Outcome1 (departmental) / (69) / (69) / (69) / (69)

Table 1.4: Additional estimates and variations to outcomes from other variations

/ Programme impacted / 2015–16 $’000 / 2016–17 $’000 / 2017–18 $’000 / 2018–19 $’000 /
Decrease in estimates (administered)
Reduction in administered court fees revenue / 1.1 / (14,738) / (15,785) / (16,100) / (17,244)
Net impact on estimates for Outcome1 (administered) / (14,738) / (15,785) / (16,100) / (17,244)
Increase in estimates (departmental)
Movement of capital from forward years to current year—departmental capital budget / 1.1 / 400 / – / – / –
Supplementation for judicial and related offices salary increases (Remuneration Tribunal Determination 2015/18) / 1.1 / 787 / 839 / 839 / 839
Decrease in estimates (departmental)
Changes in wage and price indices(a) / 1.1 / – / – / (114) / (230)
Net impact on estimates for Outcome1 (departmental) / 1,187 / 839 / 725 / 609

(a) Values shown comprise appropriation revenue adjustments of $0.320m and departmental capital budget adjustments of $0.024m across the forward years. These amounts have been consolidated into a single line item for internal consistency and to improve readability.

1.5 Breakdown of additional estimates by appropriation bill

Table 1.5 details the additional estimates sought for the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court through Appropriation Bill No.3. The Family Court and Federal Circuit Court has no additional estimates through Appropriation Bill No.4.

Table 1.5: Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2015–16

/ 2014–15 Available(a) $’000 / 2015–16 Budget $’000 / 2015–16 Revised $’000 / Additional estimates $’000 / Reduced estimates $’000 /
Outcome 1
Provide access to justice for litigants in family and federal law matters within the jurisdiction of the courts through the provision of judicial and support services / 884 / 892 / 892 / – / –
Total administered / 884 / 892 / 892 / – / –
Outcome 1
Provide access to justice for litigants in family and federal law matters within the jurisdiction of the courts through the provision of judicial and support services / 156,583 / 158,782 / 159,900 / 1,187 / (69)
Total departmental / 156,583 / 158,782 / 159,900 / 1,187 / (69)
Total administered and departmental / 157,467 / 159,674 / 160,792 / 1,187 / (69)

(a) 2014–15 available appropriation is included to allow a comparison of this year’s appropriation with what was made available for use in the previous year.

Section 2: Revisions to outcomes and planned performance

2.1 Outcome and performance information

There are no changes to the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court’s outcome and performance information as reported in the 2015–16 Portfolio Budget Statements.

Outcome 1
Outcome 1 strategy

There are no changes to the strategy for Outcome 1 as reported in the 2015–16 Portfolio Budget Statements.

Table 2.1: Budgeted expenses for Outcome 1

Outcome 1: Provide access to justice for litigants in family and federal law matters within the jurisdiction of the courts through the provision of judicial and support services / 2014–15 Actual expenses $’000 / 2015–16 Revised estimated expenses $’000 /
Programme 1.1: Family Court and Federal Circuit Court
Administered expenses
Ordinary annual services (Appropriation Act No. 1 and Bill No. 3)(a) / 291 / 892
Special appropriations(b) / 270 / 300
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(c) / 382 / –
Departmental expenses
Departmental appropriation(d) / 155,386 / 156,477
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(e) / 50,370 / 50,126
Total expenses for Outcome 1 / 206,699 / 207,795
2014–15 / 2015–16
Average staffing level (number) / 775 / 780

(a) Ordinary annual services include appropriation for primary dispute resolution.

(b) Special appropriations consist of refunds of fees paid under section 77 of the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013.

(c) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of bad and doubtful debts.

(d) Departmental appropriation combines ‘Ordinary annual services (Appropriation Act No. 1 and Bill No. 3)’ and ‘Revenue from independent sources (s74)’.

(e) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of depreciation and amortisation expenses of $9.963m, liabilities assumed by related entities of $11.101m, and resources received free of charge of $29.062m.

Programme 1.1 expenses

/ 2014–15 Actual $’000 / 2015–16 Revised budget $’000 / 2016–17 Forward year 1 $’000 / 2017–18 Forward year 2 $’000 / 2018–19 Forward year 3 $’000 /
Annual administered expenses
Administered item / 291 / 892 / 896 / 901 / 907
Special appropriations
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 s 77 / 270 / 300 / 300 / 300 / 300
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(a) / 382 / – / – / – / –
Annual departmental expenses
Family Court of Australia / 14,659 / 15,185 / 15,336 / 15,336 / 15,336
Federal Circuit Court of Australia / 23,054 / 27,048 / 27,316 / 27,316 / 27,316
Family Court and Federal Circuit Court Administration / 117,673 / 114,244 / 113,089 / 111,877 / 110,960
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(b) / 50,370 / 50,126 / 50,240 / 50,240 / 50,240
Total programme expenses / 206,699 / 207,795 / 207,177 / 205,970 / 205,059

(a) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of bad and doubtful debts.

(b) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of depreciation and amortisation expenses, liabilities assumed by related entities, and resources received free of charge.

Programme 1.1 component expenses

/ 2014–15 Actual $’000 / 2015–16 Revised budget $’000 / 2016–17 Forward year 1 $’000 / 2017–18 Forward year 2 $’000 / 2018–19 Forward year 3 $’000 /
Component 1.1.1: Family Court of Australia
Annual administered expenses
Special appropriations
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 s 77 / 90 / 100 / 100 / 100 / 100
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(a) / 126 / – / – / – / –
Annual departmental expenses
Family Court of Australia / 14,659 / 15,185 / 15,336 / 15,336 / 15,336
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(b) / 10,310 / 10,505 / 10,609 / 10,609 / 10,609
Total component expenses / 25,185 / 25,790 / 26,045 / 26,045 / 26,045
Component 1.1.2: Federal Circuit Court of Australia
Annual administered expenses
Administered item / 291 / 892 / 896 / 901 / 907
Special appropriations
Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 s 77 / 180 / 200 / 200 / 200 / 200
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(a) / 256 / – / – / – / –
Annual departmental expenses
Federal Circuit Court of Australia / 23,054 / 27,048 / 27,316 / 27,316 / 27,316
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(b) / 608 / 596 / 602 / 602 / 602
Total component expenses / 24,389 / 28,736 / 29,014 / 29,019 / 29,025
Component 1.1.3: Family Court and Federal Circuit Court Administration
Annual departmental expenses
Family Court and Federal Circuit Court Administration / 117,673 / 114,244 / 113,089 / 111,877 / 110,960
Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year(c) / 39,452 / 39,025 / 39,029 / 39,029 / 39,029
Total component expenses / 157,125 / 153,269 / 152,118 / 150,906 / 149,989
Total programme expenses / 206,699 / 207,795 / 207,177 / 205,970 / 205,059

(a) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of bad and doubtful debts.

(b) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of liabilities assumed by related entities.

(c) Expenses not requiring appropriation in the budget year are made up of depreciation and amortisation expenses and resources received free of charge.

Section 3: Explanatory tables and budgeted financial statements

3.1 Explanatory tables

Estimates of special account flows

Special accounts provide a means to set aside and record amounts used for specified purposes. Table 3.1.1 shows the expected additions (receipts) and reductions (payments) for each account used by the Family Court and Federal Circuit Court. The corresponding table in the 2015–16 Portfolio Budget Statements is Table 3.1.2.

Table 3.1.1: Estimates of special account flows and balances

/ Outcome / Opening balance $’000 / Receipts $’000 / Payments $’000 / Closing balance $’000 /
Litigants’ Fund Special Account—Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 s 78 (A)(a) / 1
2015–16 / 486 / 600 / 600 / 486
2014–15 / 548 / 1,421 / 1,483 / 486
Total special accounts
2015–16 Budget estimate / 486 / 600 / 600 / 486
Total special accounts
2014–15 actual / 548 / 1,421 / 1,483 / 486

(A) = Administered.

(a) The purpose of this account is to be a holding account for client money paid as a surety following the issuance of court orders.

3.2 Budgeted financial statements

3.2.1 Analysis of budgeted financial statements

The Family Court and Federal Circuit Court’s budgeted departmental income statement has been updated:

•  to reflect the 2014–15 actual operating result (a total comprehensive loss of $15.338m)

•  to reflect the savings from the changes to the fee arrangements for the Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan ($0.069m in 2015–16 and $0.207m over the forward years)

•  for the impact of judicial salary increases of $0.787m in 2015–16 and $2.517m over the forward years (per Remuneration Tribunal Determination 2015/18)

•  for indexation changes across the forward years.

The Family Court and Federal Circuit Court’s budgeted departmental balance sheet has been updated:

•  to reflect the impact of closing balances from 2014–15

•  for adjustments to the departmental capital budget (impacting asset purchases) moving $0.400m from the forward years into 2015–16.


The Family Court and Federal Circuit Court’s schedule of budgeted income and expenses administered on behalf of government and schedule of budgeted assets and liabilities administered on behalf of government have been updated for the results and closing balances from 2014–15 and revisions to administered fee collection estimates (following the disallowance of administered fee changes proposed by government). These adjustments have had a flow-through impact on the schedule of budgeted assets and liabilities administered on behalf of government across the forward estimates.