Southeastern Pennsylvania
Resource Conservation and Development Council
Rose Tree Park – Hunt Club
1521 North Providence Road
Media, PA 19063
Term Employment Agreement
Southeastern Pennsylvania Resource Conservation and Development Area Council, Inc. (Hereafter SEPA RC&D)
Employee's Personal Details: (The employee shall be responsible for advising SEPA RC&D of any changes to his / her personal details)
First Name(s): Last name:
Identity / Social Security or Other (Specify) number:
(Hereinafter referred to as "the Term Employee")
- The time period of employment shall be fromSeptember 4, 2014toSeptember 30, 2015.
- This is NOT a permanent employment contract and under NO circumstances may it be construed as such.
- Should the labor requirement be reduced for any reason, it will be at the employer's discretion as to how the work will be allocated and to whom. These decisions will be based on performance and not necessarily the length of service.
- A daily time sheet will be kept and the Term Employee will only be remunerated for time worked.
- Should the Term Employee wish to terminate this contract, he/she will only be entitled to receive pay for the hours that he/she has worked.
- SEPA RC&D may terminate the contract with immediate effect and the Term Employee will be remunerated only for the hours that he/she has worked.
- Should the Term Employee withhold his/her services for whatever reason, a principle of "no work, no pay" shall apply.
- The Term Employee will receive 10 days of leave every six months, at the beginning of the six month period (Jan. 1 and July 1).
- Carry-over of accrued leave time will be permitted from one annual contract to another.
- The Term Employee will have the opportunity to request additional time off that has yet to be earned/accrued so long as the requested time is allocated from within the current contract/agreements time frame.
- In the event that this contract is terminated the Term Employee will have any leave time either deducted from their paycheckor be required to reimburse the council for the un-accrued time that has been used but not yet earned/accrued.
The Term Employee agrees to the job description in attachments:
See Attachment A
The Southeastern PA Resource Conservation & Development Council (SEPA RC&D) shall compensate the Term Employee for the services at the rate of $19.40 per hour for full-time employmentthroughout the remaining contract period. By signing below, the Term Employee certifies under the penalty of perjury that the name and address given is the Term Employee legal name and address.
Term Employee’s Legal Name:
Signed on this ______day of ______20____
(on behalf of SEPA RC&D)
(Term Employee)