Jeff Harteveldt - Commodore
Dear NRSC Member
It’s been a while since the last newsletter. Life seems to get busier and busier. It’s very hard being retired!
Having returned from an amazing holiday to China and then immediately into Club racing at Horsey, I’m still wondering what time of day it is. This was apparent in my sailing and position in the regatta! (That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it).
Racing results.
Back in May (6th and 7th), we held the Inaugural Salver at the Anchorage. This was the 1st event to be held at the Clubhouse this year. There were 9 entries; 4 races with 3 to count. In variable winds and tides, Strega, sailed by Pio and Sue Altarelli, came 1st overall followed by Zig Zag in 2nd place and My Weigh in 3rd place. A great weekend of sailing was had by all and making good use of the new walkways. Thanks to David and Trudi Kemble-Taylor for being OOD and Timekeeper for the weekend.
Last weekend saw the Summer Regatta take place on Horsey Mere. There were 6 entries and 4 races with 3 to count. The weekend saw some very competitive racing / tactics in sometimes blustery conditions. Finally with close finishing points, Tallulah sailed by Brian Gray and Bob Nicholls came 1st overall followed by Cho Cho San in 2nd place and Mirimar in 3rd place. Thanks to John Blackburn and Sue Wright for being OOD and timekeeper for the weekend. For the first time too, we went to the Lion pub in Somerton (Picked up by their driver and minibus) and a good evening was had by all, before being returned to our boats at Horsey Mere Dyke.
Handicap System.
The handicap committee will be looking at the results so far and the handicaps achieved, as suggested they would do after the first 3 regattas. Whatever changes, if any, that will be made, will be reported back to you before the next race in July.
Forthcoming events.
On Saturday 10th June to 16th June, the Southern Rivers Cruise will take place. Mike and Julia Morcher have now finalised the outline for the week, including the evening meal at Chedgrave. Let’s hope the weather is kind to us as it has been these past few weeks. If you need any information about the week, please contact Mike or Julia Morcher. Towards the end of the week a small group will travel out to sea and make for Southwold for a couple of nights before returning through Lowestoft to meet back up with the main group. If you might be interested in this, please contact Peter Coleman and Maggie Lomax for more details.
July 1st to July 14th sees the Annual East Coast Cruise organised by our President Nigel Wordingham. If you haven’t done this before and think you might like to venture further afield, please give Nigel a ring to discuss arrangements. I have been reminded that all participants (including crew) must sign an Indemnity Form and return it to either Nigel or myself before the trip. If you have not been given one yet, please contact me and I will send one via email.
Commodore’s Cup and Green Ranger Trophy.
22nd and 23rd July at the Anchorage.
The forms for these races are attached. If you have not entered a race so far, please consider this weekend as an ideal time to ‘have a go’.
As you may know, the Club has spent a lot on renewing and making safe, the walkways at the Anchorage. If you have been able to get there, I think you will have been impressed. The inside of the Clubhouse has also had a make-over and
seating changes hopefully make it easier to sit and eat in comfort. The new shed is now used for the racing buoys and fuel, together with the lawn mower, leaving the main store more manageable and safer. The gate to the property also now works and opens fully. The steps into the upper dyke still have to be installed but this will happen before the next regatta. Please remember to leave the Clubhouse as you find it. Please don’t leave items of food in the waste bin, take it home with you to dispose of.
The weekend of the Commodore’s Cup is generally when more members try to come and enjoy the racing and the BBQ organised for the Saturday evening. This is one of the weekends when we try to raise funds for the Club. I will be giving out more details soon BUT please put the date in your diary (22nd and 23rd July) and try to come along. If you need a lift to the Anchorage let me know and we will try to organise river transport.
I know many of you do use the Anchorage from time to time. A reminder that if you haven’t received your Green Book yet, it is now inside the Clubhouse with your name on it waiting to be collected. If you do go down and the grass needs cutting, would you run the lawn-mower over it please. Every little helps!
Some members have said that they have been asked for membership identification when asking for discount at marine stores. The Committee decided to have printed, business-card size membership cards. These can be obtained from me at every event including the SRC and ECC.
Finally, I have information about the progress of Nancy Bartlett, who has been quite poorly. You may know that she was admitted into the Norfolk and Norwich hospital not so long ago and is likely to be there a while longer. Alan was admitted to The Mead Nursing Home for respite care whilst Nancy is being cared for in hospital. His son Steve visits him every day and takes him out for a break. If you are able to pop in and see Alan, I am sure he would welcome a new face from time to time. Our thoughts and wishes are with them both and we hope Nancy has a speedy recovery.
I have just been reminded by Margaret that we must vote early tomorrow morning before travelling back up to Norfolk from Suffolk! Thank goodness I missed all the ‘hype’ whilst we were away. Whatever the outcome, I will be looking forward to seeing those of you coming on the SRC at the weekend. Until next time, good health and happiness and of course great sailing.
Jeff Harteveldt