St. Fagans Community Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 3rd March 2014

at 7.00pm in the St. Fagans Village Hall

Present:CouncillorsM. Parry (Chairman)

S. Chedzoy, B. Critcher, J. Hughes,

F. Lewis, T. Pallier & C. Price.

In Attendance:ClerkD. Barnard

County CouncillorG. Thomas

PolicePC R. Roberts, PC M. Houghton

& PCSO L. Jones

Apologies:CouncillorsJ. Griffiths & J. Pugh

PolicePC H. Thomas

270.03.01 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 3rd February 2014

Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.

270.03.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes

Minute No. 269.02.02 – (re: Network Rail fencing) The Clerk reported that he had received advice from a Cardiff Planning Officer on the matter of planning permission for the fence. Although the permitted rights for such fencing are removed in a Conservation Area, as a statutory undertaker, Network Rail have further permitted development rights which allow them to undertake any development on their operational land required in connection with the movement of traffic by rail. The Conservation Area does not remove the specific permitted development rights for Statutory Undertakers and, therefore, it is the Officer's opinion that no breach of planning control has occurred. Noted.

270.03.03 – Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch

The Clerk had circulated PC Thomas' report on incidents, etc. in the area over the past month, together with the crime statistics. Cllr. Lewis reported that there had been a theft of lead from the old school property on Cardiff Road that wasn't mentioned in the statistics.

Members noted with disappointment that no-one had attended the police surgery on 26th February and hoped that the next surgery planned for 26th March would be better attended. PC Thomas had highlighted the issue of car parking on Crofft-Y-Genau Road and sought the Council's views on extending the double yellow lines. A discussion ensued. There was general agreement that it was becoming more of a problem and cars are now parking there regularly. The Chairman proposed, and it was agreed, to defer the matter to Agenda Item 6 a) Highways, to give Members an opportunity to think about it.

PCSO Lewis commented that the Michaelston police surgery was also poorly attended and may be discontinued. He gave details of a new 'Community Pride' initiative being launched on 6th March, to encourage residents to take care of the local streets and parks by organising litter picking exercises, etc. He added that the initiative is being supported by local businesses. Members welcomed the idea and agreed to help publicise it.

PCSO Lewis advised that he was trying to resurrect the Neighbourhood Watch scheme and hoped to set one up in the Ramson's Way / Marguerite's Way area.

PC Roberts reported that a motorcycle annoyance exercise had taken place at the weekend. No seizures had been made on this occasion but he thought the presence of the officers would act as a deterrent. Further exercises are being planned as often as possible with the aim of doing at least 10 during the year. The police are also building links with landlords about giving tenancy warnings, and people are being encouraged to report sightings. He added that the next PACT meeting for that area is on 17th March at 7.00pm.

The Chairman thanked the police officers for attending and they left the meeting.

Members discussed the lack of attendance at the 'Cuppa with a Copper' events. It was agreed to consider tying it in with another event at the Village Hall.

270.03.04 – Planning

The Chairman declared an interest in the planning application in respect of The Cottage, Crofft-Y-Genau Road (13/02697/DCO). That application has actually been withdrawn, but a new one will be submitted soon. The Chairman explained that the new owner of The Cottage is an old friend and although he has no direct interest in the property or the application, in the interests of openness, he wanted to make the situation clear.

a) Cardiff LDP

Cllr. Lewis said that this matter has reached an interesting stage. Another meeting of the North West Group (NWG) is being held on Friday, and things are coming to a head. She referred to a new document – 'The Case for a New Town' in North West Cardiff. She expressed the view that more and more people are getting a bigger and bigger voice in the Group. (Llandaff Society, Danescourt Residents, Cardiff Civic Society, etc.) Another new plan suggests a ribbon of developments along the proposed Metro.

County Cllr. Thomas said that the motive for supporting the Metro is that transport should come before development, so that building can take place in a modular way around the stations for the Metro. Cllr. Lewis made the point that timing would be critical as the Metro won't be in place for at least 10 years. She added that going along with the proposals for a New Town and Development Agency effectively implies that we are supporting it.

Cllr. Lewis advised that open meetings have been arranged for both Wednesday 6th March and Wednesday 13th March from 4.00 to 8.00pm in order to sound out residents on the various proposals and to encourage representations to be made.

Cllr. Lewis then referred to the draft response from the NWG about which she had a number of reservations. She expressed the view that the Group has been hijacked by the Llandaff Society and the draft didn't properly reflect the views of the Group as a whole. Similarly, Cardiff Civic Society appears to have some influence even though it has no specific allegiance to the North West of Cardiff. She made the point that infrastructure is not just about transport and the Metro. Cllr. Hughes agreed, pointing out that East Cardiff has the necessary infrastructure and could cope with new homes.

Cllr. Hughes referred specifically to AS(N)10 which proposes that land off Snowden Road should be developed for housing. This area backs onto Westfield Park and is currently well used as a recreational and sports facility. He added his concerns about the lack of a sewerage system. There is no support from local Councillors and felt that SFCC should oppose it.

County Cllr. Thomas referred to the formal Representations Form, which under Part 4 states: 'If you are objecting to the inclusion of an alternative site you will be considered to be a supporter of the Plan and you will not be entitled to speak at a hearing.' He expressed the view that, taken literally, this had important implications. It was agreed that the Clerk should clarify this matter with James Clemence.

The Clerk pointed out that the deadline for making representations (26th March) is before the next Council Meeting and arrangements need to be made to prepare and agree the Council's response.

Cllr. Lewis referred to Maes Y Llech Farm, which forms part of Strategic Site C, and said that she understood the owners had effectively been told to get out. One of the Alternative Site proposals sought to exclude the farm from Strategic Site C.

The Chairman referred to an Advanced Aerial Survey of this area that suggests there is a lot more history under those fields than previously expected. Cllr. Lewis agreed to follow this up.

b) Museum Development Plans

There was no news of any progress on this development.

c) Planning Application at Clos-Y-Cwarra

No further information about this matter had been received.

d) Other Planning Applications

The Clerk reported that there had been four new planning applications notified in the four weeks ending 28th February:

14/ 00251/DCO & 14/00252/DCO – National History Museum. Both of these applications referred to the Discharge of Conditions in respect of the Development Plans.

14/0181/DCH – 37, Denison Way: addition of second storey to extend master bedroom. (This replaces a previous application that had been withdrawn.) No comments.

14/00391/DCO – Land off Heol St Y Nyll: convert a Dutch barn to a residential dwelling. No comments.

Cllr. Hughes reported that a new dedicated slip road was being constructed for traffic leaving the M4 at Junction 33 and joining the A4232 link road. He understood that it is due to be completed in March 2015.

The Clerk had circulated a reply from the Planning Officer in relation to Clive House. An Enforcement Notice had been served on 28th January requiring the unauthorised extension to be removed. Cllr. Lewis commented that the Notice comes into effect on 7th March and the owners have 3 months to comply.

270.03.05 – Community Review

The Clerk advised that there was still no news about the outcome of this review.

270.03.06 – Environmental Matters

a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns

The Chairman asked for Members' views on the question of supporting double yellow lines on Crofft Y Genau Road. After a brief discussion it was agreed not to express a view either way, but to suggest that PC Thomas contact the Museum, as it was events at the Museum that were believed to be the main cause of the parking problem. The issue of the 'No Parking' cones that used to be deployed through the Village was mentioned. The Clerk reported that Bethan Davies was waiting for Members to suggest dates for a meeting. After a brief discussion the Clerk was asked to suggest 18th, 19th or 20th March.

Following the recent heavy rain, it was reported that a drain was blocked on Cardiff Road at the lay-by; a lot of water had accumulated in several places along Crofft-Y-Genau Road; and a stream of water was coming off the fields to the east of Michaelston Road. The Clerk was asked to report these matters to Cardiff Council. It was reported that Michaelston Road was to be closed at the weekend (7/8/9 March) but the purpose of the closure wasn't clear.

b) Street Cleansing / Litter

Cllr. Lewis commented that there was a lot of litter about, referring particularly to Cardiff Road and Crofft-Y-Genau Road. She said that she would try and arrange a litter pick around the Village but suggested that the Clerk contact Cardiff Council to ask if they would arrange litter picking on the roads leading to the Village. Agreed.

c) Village Walkabout

Cllr. Price had circulated a report of his walkabout on 19th January. He commented that the path down Castle Hill was much better, but the wall outside The Mount had still not been rebuilt. The Clerk was asked to contact Cooke & Arkwright about that. Cllr. Price also reported that, according to the solicitor, the ownership of the land at the bottom of Cardiff Road was unclear. The Clerk was asked to contact Chris Hyde about it.

Cllr. Critcher referred to the trees on the land next to No. 12, St Fagans Drive. Chris Hyde had said he intended looking through the archives to establish whether this was the responsibility of the Estate, but no subsequent communication has yet been received. The Clerk was asked to raise this again with Chris Hyde.

d) Other environmental issues

The Clerk had received a reply from Chris Hyde about the former Tennis Club premises. He gave no details of any new tenant but said he was hopeful that issues surrounding the Land Registry, which had delayed matters, would be resolved imminently.

270.03.07 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle

Cllr. Lewis reported that the talk in the Village Hall by Dr Alice Forward had been well attended.

270.03.08 – One Voice Wales

Cllr. Hughes advised that Lyn Cadwallader, (Chief Executive) has prepared a report on behalf of OVW on the new Planning Bill, and referred to other issues on which they are actively involved.

Cllr. Hughes referred to a meeting of the Clerks with Marie Rosenthal on 10th March that he planned to attend in his capacity as the Community Council representative on the Standards & Ethics Committee. The Clerk advised that he had a hospital appointment that morning and would probably be unable to attend. The Clerk had circulated a press release from Pentyrch CC that had included criticism of the Charter. Cllr. Hughes expressed the view that there are a number of issues that need to be discussed.

The Clerk advised that OVW was inviting motions for the 2014 Annual Conference and AGM. They need to be submitted by 17th April.

The Clerk had circulated a letter from the Chief Executive inviting the Council to renew its Membership for 2014/15. He commented on the value that he puts on having the organisation for reference and advice, for a small annual fee (£246) and recommended that membership should continue. Members agreed.

270.03.09 – St Fagans Family Fun Day / Festival

Cllr. Lewis reported that a meeting of the Festival Committee was being held on Tuesday 4th March to discuss the plans for an event this year.

270.03.10 – The Sol Horometer

Cllr. Hughes reported that everything was ready for the instrument to be taken to the School and installed; there is just the matter of what kind of agreement should be drawn up between the Council and the School to confirm the arrangement. The Clerk agreed to draft an outline agreement.

270.03.11 – Correspondence and other communications

The Clerk reported on the following:

Email – Welsh Government: Local Government (Wales) Byelaws Act 2012. Advising on a consultation document in relation to new guidance to support authorities in exercising functions under the Act. No comments.

Email – Welsh Government: Disposal of Local Authority Playing Fields. Advising on a consultation document about proposed regulations under the Playing Fields (Community Involvement in Disposal Decisions) (Wales) Measure 2010. No comments.

Email – Wales Audit Office: Audit and Inspection fee scales 2014/15. Consulting on the scales of fees in respect of audits, etc. The closing date for comments was 28th February and the Clerk had submitted comments in relation to the proposed fees for community council audits that, in his view, disadvantaged smaller councils. The Clerk's action was approved.

Cllr. Lewis drew attention to the Village Hall constitution. There is reference to it in the lease of the land between the Council and the Plymouth Estate, but she was not aware of any previous constitution or formal Charity Governing document. Information was being sought from the Charity Commission. The Association has drafted and circulated a new Constitution and kept it consistent with the lease and as simple as possible. The Community Council, as Custodian Trustee of the charity, needs to sign off the Constitution. Members agreed that the draft Constitution be accepted.

270.03.12 – Finance

a) Requests for Financial Assistance

The Clerk reported that new requests had been received from the NSPCC, the Teenage Cancer Trust and the Kidney Wales Foundation. Members agreed that, in accordance with agreed policy, no response to these requests would be made.

b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals

The Clerk had circulated the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council.

The Clerk reported that he had, in consultation with the Chairman and Cllr. Hughes, obtained agreement from TPA to reduce the invoice for its work on the original LDP, from £2,038.26 to £1,318.26. Payment of this sum was now due. Payment of income tax on his salary for the January to March period in the sum of £227.75 was due to HMR&C. Cllr. Hughes submitted a claim for travel and stationery expenses during February in the sum of £55.31. Cllr. Lewis asked to be reimbursed the cost of printing the latest newsletter in the sum of £144.00.

Members approved these payments and cheques were accordingly drawn as follows:

Town Planning AssociatesLDP representations1,318.26

HMR&CIncome tax 227.75

J. HughesExpenses 55.31

F. LewisNewsletter 144.00

The Clerk also advised that a quarterly payment of ground rent (£125) was due on 25th March.

The Clerk advised that one of the original signatories to the Council's investment had been Cllr. Davison-Sebry, who has now retired. Legal & General required two authorised signatories to release the sum now held on deposit. The Clerk circulated a document showing the five current authorised signatories that he required to be signed and returned to him.

The Clerk reported that he had contacted Swansea Building Society but they are not accepting deposits from institutions at present. Cllr. Hughes advised that he had found details of a flexible fund investment that provided capital protection, but he was concerned about the 6 year term of the investment. It was agreed to continue looking for options.

The Clerk advised that arrangements for the internal audit of the Council's accounts needed to be confirmed. It was agreed that a Member would speak to Laura Jones, who it was thought would be suitable.

c) Statistics

The schedule of attendance for the period March 2013 to February 2014 was noted. The Clerk had circulated the statistics relating to the web site and also showed the recent history.

270.03.13 – Other Business