Creative Minds – developing creative approaches in our health services

Know anybody interested in…

art,dance, textiles, crafts,ceramics, music, reading, writing, theatre, poetry, exhibitions, football, cricket, pool,dartscycling,cooking, tai chi, hiking, gardening, allotmentsecotherapy, conservation, environmentalwork, bikemaintenance, day trips, cinema, socialising, radio, mindfulness, exhibitions and much more

The please take a look at our brand new Kirklees brochure from Creative Minds. It contains information about current activities, events, dates, other sources of projects activities in the community and essential contact details. Please bear in mind the partner organisations may have a range of other opportunities available.

Creative Minds is a Registered Charity - Charity Number 1055931-13

Index of Projects
Deliverer / Project Title / Activity:
Creative arts(e.g. art, dance
poetry,music, theatre)
Physical activity(e.g. sports,
walking, swimming)
Outdoor pursuits
(e.g. hiking, camping)
(e.g. allotment)
Leisure activities(e.g. day
trips, Cinema, games)
Other / Audience
Younger adults (e.g. 16-35) Y
Children & Young People C
Adults A
Olderpeople O
People with mental health problems MH
People with learningdisabilities PLD
People with long-term conditions LT
People with physicaldisabilities Pd
Inpatients I
Carers CR / P
S2R / The Great Outdoors / / Y, A, O, MH, PLD, LT, Pd, CR / 3
S2R / Textile crafts / / Y, A, O, MH, PLD, LT, Pd, CR / 3
S2R / Sculpture season / / Y, A, O, MH, PLD, LT, Pd, CR / 4
S2R / Creative choices / / Y, A, O, MH, PLD, LT, Pd, CR / 4-5
Growing works / Sprout / / MH, C, CR, Y, A, LT, Pd
Families, siblings, non-traditional families / 5
Xylosound Orchestra / Out and about / / A, O, PLD, Pd / 5-6
Pathways/Oakwell Hall / Nature in Mind / / A, O, MH, LT, Pd, I / 6-7
Active for life / Cycling sessions / / Y, A, O, MH, PLD, LT, Pd, I / 7
Huddersfield mission / Art group / / A, beginners and the more experience welcome / 8
Huddersfield mission / Cooking sessions / / Beginner level cooking ability. People on low incomes needing to improve cooking skills. People who want to learn about healthy eating. / 8
Huddersfield mission / Café (writers booklet) / / Anyone interested in creative writing and poetry. All welcome. / 8-9
Huddersfield mission / Music group (Mission Records) / / Anyone. No experience necessary. New musicians/creative people always welcome. / 9
Froglife Trust / Natural achievers / / MH, Men, A / 9-10
Yorkshire Children’s Centre / Men in sheds/Men Friday / / Men, A, MH, OP, PLD, LT, PD / 10-11
Annapurna dance / Indian Rhythm Trail / / A, MH, OP, PLD, I, CR / 11
Womens centre / Bridging the world / / Any women who is inspired to contribute to singing with a world perspective.
Women migrants and refugees. MH health needs.16+- Women with differing abilities . / 11-12
Hoot / Build up / / Men, Y, A, MH / 12
Creative Minds/
Shelly CFC / Get into football / / Adults with MH or a learning disability / 12-13
Creative Minds/Yorks Cricket Board / Get into Cricket / / Adults with MH or a learning disability / 13-14
Holme Valley Sharing Memories / Sporting memories, sporting futures / / Y, A, OP, MH, PLD / 14
Creative Minds / Creative Minds Radio / / Anyone, service, project with an interest in radio, online radio, podcasts, recording / 15
Creative Minds / LD Football funday / / PLD, Y, A, I, volunteers (coaches in particular) / 15-16
Creative Minds / Good mood Football League / / Adults who use SWYPFT services / 16
Creative Minds / Simply Art / / Anyone who uses SWYPFT services / 17
  • ThursdaysbeforeChristmas‘Making Mornings’ sessions for volunteers at Growing Works. “Join us to make crafts and propagate herbs for sale to helpGrowing worksnurture health lives. Get crafty withwillow for makingplatters, bird feeders and more. Bring along your ideas and have fun whilegetting busy”. At Hope Bank Works, Honley, HD6 9PF, 10-12.30pm during term-time.
  • Monday 14th Nov, Charitable Funds review. ). Help us to realise the full potential of our NHS internal charity. 3-5pm in room 49, Folly Hall Mills – please book via or telephoning 01924 327567 (open to staff, service users, carers, partners organisations
  • The Good Mood indoor cricketreturns at Al-Hikmah. For details please contact: Habib Dadihwala t: 07979 506 756 or e:
  • Creative Minds collectives – meets 4/5 times a year to make funding and other decisions and hear more about CM initiatives and news – please contact Creative Minds team (see p17)
  • Speed dating event: date and venue tbc to link our services and service users with potential project providers
Project Title: The Great Outdoors
Project outline
Supports people to volunteer and get involved with a wide range of environmental and ecotherapy activities and volunteering. Many learning opportunities within community settings across Kirklees.
Who is the project for?:
  • Adults
  • Older people
  • People with mental health problems
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with long-term conditions
  • People with physical disabilities

Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Various / Ongoing throughout the year / Various / A wide range including parks, gardens and allotments, woodlands etc
Indoor Workshops
How do people access this project? -
Through S2R: or Tel: 01484 539531
Some courses are also available through The Kirklees Recovery College 01924 326540 and Wise Minds: or tel01484 437156
Open access for professionals and volunteers, social media, community information outlets, SWYPFT services
Project Title: Textile Crafts
Project outline
We will run a series of workshops, one day courses and taster sessions tointroduce textiles, small loom weaving, natural dyeing and felting. The courses will offer participants a new skill, an insight into local textile history and links to local organisations with an interest in textiles (eg Huddersfield University, West Yorkshire Print Workshop, The Textile Society, Tolson Museum).
Who is the project for?:
  • AllAdults
  • Older people
  • People with mental health problems
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with long-term conditions
  • People with physical disabilities

Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Adriana Tavares Green / February 2016-January 2017 / Various / Create Space 5-7 Brook Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1EB - plus other venues in response to demand
How do people access this project?
Through S2R: or Tel: 01484 539531
Can access via website, Create Space, or through S2R. Social Media, Community Information Outlets, and SWYPFT services
Project Title: Sculpture Season
Project outline
People will learn new creative skills as they work together to produce a piece of work for exhibition. The project will include individual learning and cooperative group working, which will allow people to contribute according to their skills, each playing a full role in working towards the finished work. There will be options to use a range of materials and co-production will be central, as people learn how to work with a material, understand what can be produced and decide on the form of the work to be completed as the project exhibit. Some people may choose to volunteer support in subsequent courses.
Who is the project for?:
  • AllAdults
  • Older people
  • People with mental health problems
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with long-term conditions
  • People with physical disabilities

Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Audrey Erbany / February 2016 –
January 2017 / Various / 4 x 8 week sessions in Create Space, Huddersfield and 4 x 8 weeks sessions in outlying areas. Venues would be decided according to demand.
How do people access this project?
  • Contact Name - Support to Recovery
  • Email -
  • Social media - facebook - S2RCreateSpace.
  • Twitter - Packhorsegallery
  • Telephone 01484 539531
  • Or via Creative Minds

Project Title: Creative Choices
Project outline
“Visual arts” covers a wide range of activities and people joining the workshops will have chance to discover new art forms or engage in more familiar activities.
Options might include drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, jewellery making and a range of other crafts.
People will have the choice of including visits to galleries and exhibitions to widen their awareness of the visual arts as part of the workshops or as optional, user-led additions.
Some people may choose to engage in more than one workshop and some may volunteer to take on a support in subsequent courses.
Who is the project for? People with mental health problems
Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Various TBC / February 2016 –
January 2017 / Various / Create Space and others in response to demand
How do people access this project?
Through S2R: or Tel: 01484 539531
Can access via website, Create Space,or through S2R. Social Media, Community Information Outlets, and SWYPFT services
Project Title: Sprout
Project outline:
Fun, social, outdoor activities for families who have children with additional needs.
Weekly accessible and non-judgmental sessions to build skills and learn through play. Also providing a break and a support network for parents/carers to gain advice from other parent/carers.
Activities are created to be suitable and inclusive to all ages, abilities and disabilities, including calming activities, sensory elements for stimulation, learning around nature and physical activities. Activities are in the outdoor environment and include growing, cooking, bush-craft and nature crafts. Sprout also includes young mentor project running alongside which focuses on building independence and life skills for older children.
Who is this project for?
Any family who feels they need extra support, siblings are just as much part of Sprout as are extended or non-traditional families.
Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Rachel, Michelle and others / Saturdays / 11 – 1pm / Alternating between Northorpe Hall, Mirfield WF14 0QL and Hope Bank Works, Honley, HD6 9PF
How do I access this project? -
Contact Rachel at or check out our website or Facebook/Growingworks
What happens next?
Join in the sessions, have fun and gain support.
There is a £5 charge for first child, £2 additional children with £9 max charge. Charge will be waived if it causes a barrier.
Project Title: Out and About (Xylosound Outreach)
Xylosound are a group of adults with learning disabilities running accessible music making activity workshops improving health and well-being within the group and for others like themselves. We are based at Watershed Workshops in Slaithwaite, working with a professional community musician and care workers. ‘Out and About’ is a project which enables Xylosound to take their workshops out and meet other groups in Kirklees and Barnsley. We will deliver taster sessions in shared music making, using Xylosound’s large Xylophones and accessible music making techniques. The taster workshops will culminate in a shared Hokey Cokey Café arts event at each venue.
Client group:
  • Adults
  • Older people
  • People with learning disabilities
  • People with physical disabilities

Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Andy Burton
Eddie Armitage / Most Fridays Oct,Nov,2016 Jan,Feb,March 2017
Wed Sept 21st Wed Sept 28th
Other dates and times to be confirmed / 11 – 2.30pm
10.30am -12.30pm / Slaithwaite Civic Hall
Waverley Hall Huddersfield
Barnsley Civic, Holmfirth, Edgerton Huddersfield
How do people access this project?
  • Contact Name Andy Burton
  • Email
  • Social media
  • Telephone 01484 654525
  • Or Via Creative Minds itself

What happens next?
Once a person has made contact with us we will contact them via email or phone call and tell them when/where to go. We will respond within 10days.
Project Title: Nature In Mind - Pathways
Project Outline:
Depression is one of the most common complications of chronic and life limiting illness, for example, depression is two to three times more common in a range of cardiovascular diseases and Mental health problems are around three times more prevalent among people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than in the general population. Following on from the previous success of our “Nature in Mind” project aimed at individuals experiencing psychosis we decided to roll out our project to individuals experiencing life limiting illnesses and co-morbid mental health difficulties. Our project is based on the Norwegian concept of Friluftsliv, meaning “open air life”. This term characterises the Norwegian culture of embracing nature and enjoying the outdoors as a way of life. Ultimately, Friluftsliv offers the possibility of recreation, rejuvenation and restoring balance amongst living things. The project will comprise of a series of six workshops, based at Oakwell Hall and will be intensely therapeutic in nature.
The six workshops will comprise of the following sessions:
  • Mindfulness Outdoors.
  • Bibliotherapy.
  • Creative Writing.
  • Percussion.
  • Tai Chi.
  • Nature inspired art.

Who is this project for?
  • Adults
  • Older people
  • People with mental health problems
  • People with long-term conditions
  • People with physical disabilities
  • Inpatients

Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Danni Wild and Amanda Walker (countryside ranger) / TBC / TBC / Oakwell Hall
How do people access this project?
All group participants need to currently be under secondary mental health services. People can access the group by either contacting me directly or speaking to their care co-coordinator/ other staff involved in their care and asking if they can refer them into the group.
  • Contact Name: Danni Wild
  • Email:
  • 01924 326 540

What happens next?
  • Once a person has made contact, we will contact them by the most convenient means and provide additional information on the workshops and also ascertain whether any reasonable adjustments need to be made in order to enable that person to access the group.
  • The workshops will begin early In the New Year.

Project Title – Active for Life Cycling Session
Active for Life (AfL) is a well-established exercise referral scheme run by Kirklees Council. It is designed to enable individuals experiencing mental ill health to develop skills, knowledge and confidence to access local exercise and sports opportunities. AfL promotes regular cycling activity sessions using traffic-free greenways at two sites in Kirklees. Creative Minds has supplied new funding to replenish the bikes for Spenborough site.
Who is this project for?
  • Younger adults (eg 16-35) with mental health problems
  • Adults with mental health problems
  • Older people mental health problems
  • People with mental health problems
  • People with learning disabilities and mental health problems
  • People with long-term conditions and mental health problems
  • People with physical disabilities and mental health problems
  • Inpatients with mental health problems

Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Eric Delmont
Eric Delmont / Every Tuesday
Every Wednesday / 2-3.30pm
2-3.30pm / Leeds Rd Playing Fields Huddersfield
Spenborough Pool & Fitness Centre, Spenborough
How do people access this project?
  • Contact Name: Eric Delmont
  • Email:
  • Telephone 07528252211
  • Or Via Creative Minds itself

What happens next?
The sessions are open to anyone who is using mental health services. There is no referral process so they can access the sessions soon after making contact with Eric. It is important to contact Eric prior to attending the first session so he can ensure there is a suitable bicycle available for you. There is a cost of £1 to hire a bicycle and a helmet, alternatively you can simply bring your own to use.
Project Title: Huddersfield Mission Art Group
Project outline
The art group runs every Thursday, is free, and is open to all adults. The focus is on having fun and creating works of art independently and as a group. It’s a relaxed atmosphere and we have themes and projects to get people started if a blank canvas is a problem.
Who is this project for?
Open to all adults. Beginners and more skilled artists welcome.
Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Samuel Moss
Volunteers / Every Thursday / 2 - 4 / Huddersfield Mission: Theatre
How do I access this project?
You can just pop along and have a go. Huddersfield Mission, 3-13 Lord Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1QA
What happens next?
We have other projects such as Music and Healthy Cooking to get involved with.
Project Title: Huddersfield Mission cooking sessions
Project outline
Coming soon in early 2017. A series of cook and eat sessions. Learn new recipes and enjoy cooking and eating together. Learn about healthy eating and cooking healthily.
Who is this project for?
Beginner level cooking ability. People on low incomes needing to improve cooking skills. People who want to learn about healthy eating.
Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Samuel Moss
Volunteers / TBC / 2.30 – 4.30
Fridays / Huddersfield Mission Café
How do I access this project?
This activity has a short application form which needs completing. Request by email from

What happens next?
Dates for the cook and eat sessions will be decided by the beginning of October. There are limited places available so If you have completed an application you will be contacted one week before the activity to confirm you will be attending.
Project Title: Café Writers Booklet
Project outline
A creative writing project inspired by the wonderful Café Writers group at the Huddersfield Mission.
A series of writing exercises that really get you started off and the imagination flowing. Skillfully led by creative volunteers. Some works will go into the final booklet publication. Some works will be selected from readings of earlier works from the Café writers.
Who is this project for?
Anyone interested in creative writing and poetry. All welcome.
Facilitator(s) / Date(s) / Time(s) / Venue(s)
Samuel Moss
Volunteer / TBC / 1.00 -3.30
Wednesdays / Huddersfield Mission: Activity Room.
How do I access this project?
Pop along to the Huddersfield Mission to see what’s happening or contact ersfield Mission, 3-13 Lord Street, Huddersfield, HD1 1QA
What happens next?
This is a drop in group, so when the dates are set just pop along.
Project Title: Huddersfield Mission Music Group (Mission Records)
Project outline
After the success of previous Mission Records projects we will have ten more weeks of musical activity from December 2016. This will include drumming, recording, singing, writing and recording. The focus is on participation and performance and having fun.