ChryslerConstruction Standards

AME-PT Plants

Revision Date: 11/29/07

SECTION 15070 – Vibration Isolation and Equipment Anchors



  1. This Section Comply with Contract Documents, including Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 General Requirements.
  1. Related Sections include the following:
  2. Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods."
  3. Division 15 Section "Pumps."
  4. Division 15 Section "Air Handling Units."
  5. Division 15 Section "Air Conditioning Equipment."
  6. Division 15 Section "Ductwork."
  7. Division 15 Section "Fans."
  1. Standards referenced in this Section:

1.American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Incorporated (ASHRAE) HVAC Applications Handbook, 1995.


  1. Product data
  2. Shop Drawings for:
  3. Equipment bases and rails.
  4. Vibration isolator mountings.
  5. Equipment anchors/leveling devices.
  6. Catalog cuts, brochures, and illustrations marked up to clearly identify the applicable text and details for vibration isolators, anchors and leveling devices indicating:
  7. Equipment requiring isolation.
  8. Spring outside diameters.
  9. Free, operating, and solid heights.
  10. Anchor points of equipment and devices required at each point.
  11. Required leveling range to meet required operating elevation of equipment.
  12. Actual leveling range of device.

3.Installation instructions.

B.Quality control

1.Design data for:

a.Weight of equipment.

b.Distribution of weight to support points.

c.Anchor torque requirements.

C.Contract closeout


Isolation materials manufacturer shall be responsible for proper selection of spring rates to accomplish scheduled minimum static deflections, for all spring and pad type isolators, based on weight distribution of equipment requiring isolation. Refer to Equipment Schedules.

Complete set of reviewed Shop Drawings of all equipment to receive vibration isolation devices and/or anchors or leveling devices shall be furnished to vibration isolation materials manufacturer, upon which selection of vibration isolators will be completed. Equipment supplier must provide all devices to isolate, support, level and/or anchor their equipment.


  1. Selection Criteria

1.Select vibration isolators for fans, boilers, pumps and refrigeration equipment based on actual load imposed, and in accordance with ASHRAE HVAC Applications Handbook.

2.Specified static deflection requirements relate to actual static

deflection of individual mounts under their particular loads.

3.Select machine tool equipment isolators and anchors based on loads at mounting locations and in accordance with anchor, isolator, leveling devices manufacturer. Equipment supplier must provide all imposed loads (static and dynamic) for proper selection of devices.

4.Unacceptable vibration isolator mounts include:

(a)Vibration isolator mounts selected on the basis of cataloged, nominal

static, deflection, while ignoring decrease in isolation efficiency

due to loadings to less than those of nominal rating.

(b) Isolator mounts loaded in excess of their rated load capacity.

(c)Isolators selected by equally dividing total weight of equipment by

proposed number of isolators (except where supported equipment is symmetrical about its vertical axis).

5.Isolator springs shall have ratio of horizontal to vertical spring

constants of not less than 0.8, be horizontally unrestrained, of diameter

not less than 80 percent of height at rated load and allow reserve travel

of 50 percent of rated deflection from height at rated load to shorted

turns condition.

6. Elastic limit of springs shall not be exceeded at shorted turns conditions.

7.Equip isolator mounts having steel springs with means for leveling

suspended equipment.

8.Furnish positioning type hanger isolators that allow installation of

equipment and piping at a fixed elevation independent of load changes and

subsequent transfer of suspension load to springs.

9.As an option, preloaded hanger isolators may be furnished with preloading

devices being backed off after installation.

10.Dip coat steel elements of outdoor isolators with weather resistant paint.

  1. Equipment bases and rails

1.Type A, concrete inertia block mountings

(a)Concrete inertia block base with steel springs mounted in series with

ribbed neoprene pads.

(b)Form concrete sub bases from prefabricated steel pouring form frames,

with 1 inch by 1 inch by 1/8 inch angle stiffeners crossed in both

directions on 9 inch centers and welded to sides of steel frames,

templates to fit equipment anchor bolts, outboard height saver

brackets, and spring isolators.

(c)Depth of steel frame shall be not less than 1/12 of its longest span,

but not less than 8 inches.

(d) Furnish 2500 pound concrete.

(e)Acceptable manufacturers:

Korfund Dynamics, Type RCPF with WS mounts

Mason Industries, Type KSL with SLFH mounts

Kinetics, Model CIB-H with FDS bolt down mounts

Vibration Eliminator, Type SN with OST or OSK mounts

Vibration Mountings and Controls, Type WPF with AWH mounts

  1. Vibration isolator mountings
  1. Type E mountings

(a)Double, side-by-side spring mounts with lift restraints, and supported

on elastomer pads.

(b)Acceptable manufacturers:

Korfund Dynamics, Type WSCL

Mason Industries, Type SLR

Kinetics, Model FLS

Vibration Eliminator, Type KW

Vibration Mountings and Controls, Type AWR

2.Type H mountings

(a)Hanger isolators with steel springs mounted in series with elastomer


(b)Acceptable manufacturers:

Korfund Dynamics, Type VSPL

Mason Industries, Type PC30N

Kinetics, Model SRHPL

Vibration Eliminator, Type PCSR

Vibration Mountings and Controls, Series RSHP

3.Type K mountings

(a)Thrust restraint, having spring with elastomer element mounted in

series, housing, rods, brackets, and means for presetting thrust force.

(b)Acceptable manufacturers:

Korfund Dynamics, Thrust Restraints

Mason Industries, Type WB

Kinetics, Thrust Restrainer

Vibration Eliminator, Thrust Restraints

Vibration Mountings and Controls, SH-27

4.Type M mountings (Machine tool equipment and automation)

(a)Vibration damper isolation via non skid elastomeric pads mounted in series with metal pad and precision leveling bolts which can accommodate floor angles of +/- 4 degrees.

(b)Acceptable manufacturers:



5.Type D mountings (Machine tool equipment)

(a) Vibration damper isolation via non skid elastomeric pads mounted in series with wedge style leveling device. Devices shall include bolt on attachment to machines where mounting hole exists on equipment. Provide external cantilever type anchoring attachments where anchoring is required. Provide bolt through type anchors where cantilever anchors interfere with flumes or otherwise cannot be installed.

(b)Acceptable manufacturers:




A. General

1.Install vibration isolation materials anchors and leveling devices in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions.

  1. Remove debris trapped between equipment bases and floor.
  1. Level mountings so each mount carries assigned load.

(a) Mounts showing evidence of insufficient or excessive loading,

buckling, squirming, totally collapsed springs, making permanent

contact with lift or sag restraints, or shorted springs and elastomer

elements will not be accepted.

4.Install hanger type isolators so no shorting will occur via contact

between upper and lower hanger rods or via contact between lower hanger

rods and isolator boxes.

5.Level vibration isolator mounts and bases and anchors, to attain fully floating

equipment suspension under loading conditions of actual operation and

adjust restraints.

  1. Adjust or replace defective elements as required.

7.After installation of isolation materials anchors and leveling devices and before start up of equipment, clear debris from areas surrounding and beneath isolated equipment. Mark leveling nuts with a paint stick to identify an “as installed” position following final leveling of equipment and automation.

8.No rigid connections between equipment and building structure shall be

made that degrades noise and vibration isolation system.

9.Electrical conduit connections to isolated equipment shall be installed

with slack to allow free motion of isolated equipment.

B. Application of mounting types

1.Mountings shall be types scheduled on Drawings.

2.Where not indicated, static deflection requirements shall be as defined

in ASHRAE HVAC Systems and Applications Handbook.

3.Install Type K thrust restraints at flexible connections for fans and air

handling units, where developed aerodynamic thrust exceeds 10 percent of

weight, and where fan static pressure exceeds 5 inches water gauge.


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