St. Albert the Great Catholic School

1255 St. Albert Drive, Reno, NV 89503

Learning to Know and Love God

March 2016 Phone 747-3392 FAX 747-6296 E-mail:

From the Principal’s Pen

Dear St. Albert’s Families,

I must say February was a lot. Every day of every week was so full of so much, I feel like I just finished a mile run at top speed. Happily March is just a bit less intense, but of course, here at St. Albert’s, we never stop, we just go from a sprint to a run.

The first week of March is actually quite uneventful. The second week is also rather normal for our existing students. On the 9th we will be testing new students for next year. Registration packets will be sent out by the end of the month.

Week three, things start to happen. On Tuesday the 15th we have Spring Pictures in the Morning, and PTO in the evening. Parents and students are advised that on this spring picture day they do not have to wear their uniforms. So moms and dads, you can dress them up in whatever way you want to immortalize their precious selves. On Wednesday (16th) we have an all school Mass, because on Thursday (17th) we have our Chrism Mass starting at 12 noon at the Cathedral. Students do not attend this Mass.

Week four we have an all school Mass on Wednesday. Thursday is Holy Thursday, and our Citizen of the Month Breakfast. Friday is Good Friday. This is a half day (12:30 release) where all activities are in celebration of Christ. Friday is also the end of our 3rd grading period.

The final week of March is Easter Vacation with no school. Enjoy your families, and see you on April 4th.

The wine tasting fundraiser scheduled for April 23rd is still moving along. If you or someone you know might be interested in donating items to the auction, or you would like to help in this fantastic event, please contact

Liz Tenant at:

That’s it for March, and I’m sure you can agree, it’s a busy month. Remember to keep love in your hearts and in your deeds and, as always, we thank you for your precious gifts from God you’ve blessed us with here at St. Albert’s.

See you in the parking lot!

God’s Blessings Be Upon You,

Mr. Scoggin,


My Quote for the Month is:

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

--Benjamin Franklin

If you plan on volunteering or driving on field trips you must have Protecting God’s Children, turn in a Background Check Form and have current insurance information on file in the office!

If you still need to attend the “Protecting God’s Children” training, go to for course schedules. .

Citizens of the Month for February

1st Grade:Olivia Brown, Raphael Go, Preston Gummert, Lilya Ortoll; 2nd Grade: Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Josie Castillo, Shane Stimson; 3rd Grade:Jae Ann Ramiro, Bracciano Olsen, Aaron Giller; 4th Grade: Milana Caserto, Jack Perry, Rebecca Tennant; 5th Grade: Katie Fitzgerald, Hailey Riffel; 6th Grade: Aaron Ziolkowski, Gabby Neely, Sofia Trimble; 7th Grade: Sam Beilke, Floriana Eustaquio, Augusta Ward; 8th Grade: Luci McElroy, Julianna Osmetti, Michael Wiseman.