President’s Boardroom - 220 N. Arch St. - The Saratoga Building - 14th Floor
March 19, 2014
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
In Attendance: Dr. Nina Trocky, President; Lisa Berlin; Charlotte Bright; Michael Bond; Karen Clark; Paul Fishman; Gary Fiskum; Marc Hochberg; Sarah Michel; Paula Raimondo; Isabel Rambob; Larry Weiss; David Williams and Richard Zhao.
Peter Gilbert, Bruce Jarrell; Dr. Perman; Marjorie Powell; Rodger Ward
In Attendance via conference call: Rich Manski; Julie Zito
1. February minutes electronically the week following the meeting. Approved with minor changes.
2. Updates- Dr. Nina Trocky
• Shared Governance Survey- Initial email and link to survey send to faculty on March 10. To date, 101 faculty responded. Reminder email will be sent to all faculty about a week before the survey closes- March 28.
• Academic Freedom Document- Posted on the Faculty Senate and Office of Academic Affairs web sites. Dr. Jarrell explained the Board of Regents are discussing how best to integrate this document or a similar document in to the current faculty handbook and/or faculty policies.
3. New Mission Statement- Peter Gilbert and Dr. Rodger Ward
• Purposed mission statement and visions statement discussed (see attached handout). Input received from faculty, deans, staff, the Chancellor. Final version submitted to the Chancellor on March 31.
4. MPower Updates (http://mpower.maryland.edu/category/initiatives/)- Dr. Jarrell
• Overview of faculty benefits from the MPower initiatives as follows:
o UM Ventures- The Offices of Technology Transfer and Commercialization at UMCP and UMB have joined together to form UM Ventures, which provides unified licensing and patenting services and joint marketing to the business community to increase efficiency and productivity (http://mpower.maryland.edu/initiatives/institute-for-technology-transfer-and-commercialization-ittc/).
o Maryland Innovation Initiative- The Maryland Innovation Initiative (MII) was created as a partnership between the State of Maryland and five Maryland academic research institutions (Johns Hopkins University, Morgan State University, University of Maryland College Park, University of Maryland Baltimore and University of Maryland Baltimore County.) The program is designed to promote commercialization of research conducted in the partnership universities and leverage each institution’s strengths http://tedco.md/program/the-maryland-innovation-initiative-mii/).
o Seed Grant Program- Building on the very successful Seed Grant Program in basic and early translational research, which has resulted in more than $4 million in joint research awards, the Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research, a component of the University of Maryland Initiatives, has launched a new seed grant program in complex therapeutics.
o Research Harbor- To meet the information access, knowledge management, and support needs of our diverse research community, the University of Maryland CTSI has established the Research HARBOR (Helping Advance Research By Organizing Resources). The Research HARBOR has been designed to be an interactive, web-based portal allowing scientists to identify and access research support resources (http://medschool.umaryland.edu/ctsi/harbor.asp).
o Collaborative School of Public Health- UMCP and UMB are working toward accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) of a Collaborative School of Public Health. Faculty and administrators from the UM School of Public Health in College Park and the UM Department of Epidemiology and Public Health in the School of Medicine in Baltimore are developing joint Masters of Public Health curricula to be offered to incoming students in the fall of 2014 (http://mpower.maryland.edu/initiatives/collaborative-school-of-public-health/).
o Legal Education in College Park- The University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law in Baltimore and the University of Maryland in College Park (UMCP) are developing a range of new educational programs focused on law and society—the first of their kind in the country (http://mpower.maryland.edu/initiatives/legal-education-in-college-park/).
o Information Technology Initiative- As part of MPowering the State, there exists a fundamental need to align information technology (IT) identity and access approaches between the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) and the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) (http://mpower.maryland.edu/initiatives/information-technology-initiative/). For external grants, internal co-investigators do not pay in-directs.
o Parking at UMCP/Shuttle- Twenty-five parking spaces are reserved for UMB faculty. Shuttle service is available between the 2 campuses.
5. Human Resource Updates- Marjorie Powell
· Five best HR practice initiatives were discussed.
New Business
· Dr. Perman attending the April 16th Faculty Senate meeting
1:15pm: Adjournment
Dr. Nina Trocky, President